This listing identifies available Student Data Reports by:

Medical Reports

Student Data Reports

Report Title DescriptionDistrictSecondaryElementary

Student Data Reports

Active Students by School and Grade

Prints a matrix by school and grade level with the number of active students.


Asset Letter to Parents

Creates letters to parents that list the assets checked out to their student, including a WYSIWYG editor for entering and editing the letters.

Avery 5160 Labels

Prints Avery 5160 labels in a variety of orders with several options.

Behavioral Emergency

Lists all or selected students who had to be restrained, with an option to print one student per page.

Birthday Listing

Prints a Birthday List for the selected month.

CALPADS Programs Reference by Student

Prints student demographic information and program information for selected programs. 

Data Confirmation Status

Prints Parent Data Confirmation Status for each section and the Final Confirmation.

Discipline Distribution Report

Prints a grid for the selected ADS or DIS codes with sort options available.

Emergency Student Listing

Lists students with demographic info, health problems, and contact information including red flag comments from CON with other sort options available.

English Learner Class Percentage

Lists the percentage of English Learners in each class.

Extracurricular Activities Listing

Lists students in extracurricular activities and several eligibility items with a variety of sort and inclusion options.

Fee Letter to Parents

Creates customizable letters to notify parents of fees due.

Fees by Student

Prints students with selected fees and a variety of options available.

Graduation Requirements

See Grade Reporting Listing - Transcripts section.

Interventions by Student

Prints intervention information from various tables. 

Language Assessment Data

Prints data from the Language Assessment form for all or selected students.

Locker Assignment Errors

Lists locker assignment errors that must be cleared before running the assignment process.

Locker Assignments

Lists student locker assignments, or only unassigned lockers. 

Retentions by Student

Lists students who have been retained for a specified date range.

Special Education Class List

Prints a Class List with student special education information.

Student Activities & Awards

Prints activity information, dates, and Career Pathway information for all students, with an option to print one student per page.

Student and Parent Email Addresses

Lists students with contacts, email addresses, and the source of the email addresses.

Student Assertive Discipline Report

Lists all or specified discipline records with a variety of options.

Student Authorizations

Lists student authorizations and prohibitions with status and comments.

Student Contacts

Lists students with their contacts and contact information.

Student Counseling Report

Lists students with counseling records for a specified date range, with an option to print one student per page.

Student Counts (Census Day)

Prints enrollment breakdowns for a specified date, based on CALPADS Enrollment reports. Five Student Count (Census Day) reports can be printed.

Student Data Audit

Prints two reports to assist in finding data inconsistencies and avoiding common CALPADS errors.

Student Data Printout

Prints Demographics, Enrollment Information and Student Photo, with an option to print the schedule.

Student Demographic Update Information

Prints a form used for updating demographic information for all or selected students.

Student Directory

Lists students by grade, name, counselor, or address.

Student Disability Graph

Prints a bar graph of student counts by special education disability with a corresponding numeric matrix.

Student Discipline Report/DIS

Lists all students with "X" or more demerits.  This report can be used in conjunction with query statements to develop ongoing monitoring for certain students.

Student Distribution Report

Prints a bar graph of student counts by grade level, with options for including special programs, and a corresponding numeric matrix.

Student Document ListPrints a document list for all or selected students.YesYesYes
Student Emergency Card

Prints a variety of contact and medical information.

Student Envelope

Prints an envelope addressed to parent or student for all or selected students. Envelopes can also be printed from the Demographics page.

Student Ethnic Distribution

Prints a bar graph of the number of students by ethnicity, with a corresponding numeric matrix that shows percentage.

Student GroupsLists students and staff in all groups.YesYesYes

Student ID Cards

Prints ID cards in a basic format, Avery 5371 business card format, or for ID card printers in CR80 format. 


Student Picture Status

Lists students who have a current photograph in Aeries.

Student Program Screenings (PGR)

List record details and status of students who are evaluated for various programs. 

Student Programs

Lists students with eligible programs, dates, and years in program. For more information, view "Special Programs."

Student Quick Contacts

Lists students with contacts and their phone numbers.

Student Summons Call SlipCreates call slips and summons text messages for students, including the message, time, and period. Call Slips can also be printed from the Demographics page.
Student Visitation Record

Lists students with visitation information by date, typically used to document confidential information.  

Student Withdrawal Form

Used during the check-out process when students leave a school, to record leaving grades and department sign offs.

Students Actively Enrolled in Two SchoolsLists students with Enrollment records at two or more schools during the school year within a district and start/end dates that overlap each other.Yes

Students Enrolled More Than N DaysLists students who have more than the specified number of days of enrollment in one or multiple schools in a school year within a district.Yes

Students Who Changed Schools or Are in Multiple Schools

Lists students who have changed schools within the same district during the school year.


Students With Duplicate Enrollment

Lists students with duplicate enrollments or overlapping enrollment dates.


Students With Duplicate ID Numbers

Prints error messages for students with duplicate ID numbers.  


Students With Free or Reduced Meals

Prints Free and Reduced Meal information for all or selected students, with an option to print one student per page.

Students With N or More Discipline Demerits

Lists all students with "X" or more demerits. This report can be used in conjunction with query statements to develop ongoing monitoring for certain students.

Students With Same Name

Identifies students who may have two different ID numbers or duplicate enrollment records.

Students With Siblings

Lists siblings by family key or student name with demographic information and teacher/counselor.

Students Without Portal Account

Lists students without a Parent or Student Portal account, with an option to include the verification passcode.

Students Without Student or Parent Email Address

Lists students without a parent email, Parent Portal email, and contact email.

Summary of Students

Provides student totals for a variety of demographic parameters.  Pre-enrolled and feeder school students can be included.

Suspension Attendance Listing by Student

Cross references suspension discipline data with attendance data, including several options.


Medical Reports 

Medical Profile

Prints selected medical information with a variety of options for selected students.

Student Dental Record

Prints dental information for all or selected students.

Student Hearing RecordPrints hearing screening information for all or selected students.YesYesYes
Student Immunization Cards

Prints the student immunization record on plain paper (all states) or Blue Card (California districts that print the CDPH-286 Blue Card form).

Student Immunization Status

Lists students who have met all immunization requirements or are missing immunizations, based on the student's age and grade level on the report date.

Student Medical History

Lists students with their medical history information, with an option to print one page per student.

Student Medical NotesPrints confidential medical notes for all or selected students.YesYesYes
Student Medical Records

Lists student current medical records, with an option to print one page per student.


Student Medications

Lists student medications, with an option to include Dose History.

Student Physical Information

Lists students with their physical information, with an option to print one page per student.
NOTE: This is not information from the physical fitness form.

Student Scoliosis Record

Prints scoliosis screening information for all or selected students.


Student Vision Record

Prints vision screening information for all or selected students.YesYesYes

For information on Flex Reports available, see Flex Scheduling Reports.