This listing identifies available Student Data Reports by:
Report Title | Description | District | Secondary | Elementary |
Student Data Reports | ||||
Active Students by School and Grade | Prints a matrix by school and grade level with the number of active students. | Yes | ||
Asset Letter to Parents | Creates letters to parents that list the assets checked out to their student, including a WYSIWYG editor for entering and editing the letters. | Yes | Yes | |
Avery 5160 Labels | Prints Avery 5160 labels in a variety of orders with several options. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Behavioral Emergency | Lists all or selected students who had to be restrained, with an option to print one student per page. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Birthday Listing | Prints a Birthday List for the selected month. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
CALPADS Programs Reference by Student | Prints student demographic information and program information for selected programs. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Data Confirmation Status | Prints Parent Data Confirmation Status for each section and the Final Confirmation. | Yes | Yes | |
Discipline Distribution Report | Prints a grid for the selected ADS or DIS codes with sort options available. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Emergency Student Listing | Lists students with demographic info, health problems, and contact information including red flag comments from CON with other sort options available. | No | Yes | Yes |
English Learner Class Percentage | Lists the percentage of English Learners in each class. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Extracurricular Activities Listing | Lists students in extracurricular activities and several eligibility items with a variety of sort and inclusion options. | Yes | Yes | |
Fee Letter to Parents | Creates customizable letters to notify parents of fees due. | Yes | Yes | |
Fees by Student | Prints students with selected fees and a variety of options available. | Yes | Yes | |
Graduation Requirements | Yes | Yes | ||
Interventions by Student | Prints intervention information from various tables. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Language Assessment Data | Prints data from the Language Assessment form for all or selected students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Locker Assignment Errors | Lists locker assignment errors that must be cleared before running the assignment process. | Yes | ||
Locker Assignments | Lists student locker assignments, or only unassigned lockers. | Yes | ||
Retentions by Student | Lists students who have been retained for a specified date range. | Yes | Yes | |
Special Education Class List | Prints a Class List with student special education information. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Activities & Awards | Prints activity information, dates, and Career Pathway information for all students, with an option to print one student per page. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student and Parent Email Addresses | Lists students with contacts, email addresses, and the source of the email addresses. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Assertive Discipline Report | Lists all or specified discipline records with a variety of options. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Authorizations | Lists student authorizations and prohibitions with status and comments. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Contacts | Lists students with their contacts and contact information. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Counseling Report | Lists students with counseling records for a specified date range, with an option to print one student per page. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Counts (Census Day) | Prints enrollment breakdowns for a specified date, based on CALPADS Enrollment reports. Five Student Count (Census Day) reports can be printed. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Data Audit | Prints two reports to assist in finding data inconsistencies and avoiding common CALPADS errors. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Data Printout | Prints Demographics, Enrollment Information and Student Photo, with an option to print the schedule. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Demographic Update Information | Prints a form used for updating demographic information for all or selected students. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Directory | Lists students by grade, name, counselor, or address. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Disability Graph | Prints a bar graph of student counts by special education disability with a corresponding numeric matrix. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Discipline Report/DIS | Lists all students with "X" or more demerits. This report can be used in conjunction with query statements to develop ongoing monitoring for certain students. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Distribution Report | Prints a bar graph of student counts by grade level, with options for including special programs, and a corresponding numeric matrix. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Document List | Prints a document list for all or selected students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Emergency Card | Prints a variety of contact and medical information. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Envelope | Prints an envelope addressed to parent or student for all or selected students. Envelopes can also be printed from the Demographics page. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Ethnic Distribution | Prints a bar graph of the number of students by ethnicity, with a corresponding numeric matrix that shows percentage. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Groups | Lists students and staff in all groups. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Prints ID cards in a basic format, Avery 5371 business card format, or for ID card printers in CR80 format. | Yes | Yes | ||
Lists students who have a current photograph in Aeries. | Yes | Yes | ||
Student Program Screenings (PGR) | List record details and status of students who are evaluated for various programs. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Programs | Lists students with eligible programs, dates, and years in program. For more information, view "Special Programs." | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Quick Contacts | Lists students with contacts and their phone numbers. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Summons Call Slip | Creates call slips and summons text messages for students, including the message, time, and period. Call Slips can also be printed from the Demographics page. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Visitation Record | Lists students with visitation information by date, typically used to document confidential information. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Withdrawal Form | Used during the check-out process when students leave a school, to record leaving grades and department sign offs. | Yes | Yes | |
Students Actively Enrolled in Two Schools | Lists students with Enrollment records at two or more schools during the school year within a district and start/end dates that overlap each other. | Yes | ||
Students Enrolled More Than N Days | Lists students who have more than the specified number of days of enrollment in one or multiple schools in a school year within a district. | Yes | ||
Students Who Changed Schools or Are in Multiple Schools | Lists students who have changed schools within the same district during the school year. | Yes | ||
Students With Duplicate Enrollment | Lists students with duplicate enrollments or overlapping enrollment dates. | Yes | ||
Students With Duplicate ID Numbers | Prints error messages for students with duplicate ID numbers. | Yes | ||
Students With Free or Reduced Meals | Prints Free and Reduced Meal information for all or selected students, with an option to print one student per page. | Yes | Yes | |
Students With N or More Discipline Demerits | Lists all students with "X" or more demerits. This report can be used in conjunction with query statements to develop ongoing monitoring for certain students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Students With Same Name | Identifies students who may have two different ID numbers or duplicate enrollment records. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Students With Siblings | Lists siblings by family key or student name with demographic information and teacher/counselor. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Students Without Portal Account | Lists students without a Parent or Student Portal account, with an option to include the verification passcode. | Yes | Yes | |
Students Without Student or Parent Email Address | Lists students without a parent email, Parent Portal email, and contact email. | Yes | Yes | |
Summary of Students | Provides student totals for a variety of demographic parameters. Pre-enrolled and feeder school students can be included. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Suspension Attendance Listing by Student | Cross references suspension discipline data with attendance data, including several options. | Yes | Yes | |
Medical Reports ↑ | ||||
Medical Profile | Prints selected medical information with a variety of options for selected students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Dental Record | Prints dental information for all or selected students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Hearing Record | Prints hearing screening information for all or selected students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Immunization Cards | Prints the student immunization record on plain paper (all states) or Blue Card (California districts that print the CDPH-286 Blue Card form). | Yes | Yes | |
Student Immunization Status | Lists students who have met all immunization requirements or are missing immunizations, based on the student's age and grade level on the report date. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Medical History | Lists students with their medical history information, with an option to print one page per student. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Medical Notes | Prints confidential medical notes for all or selected students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Medical Records | Lists student current medical records, with an option to print one page per student. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Medications | Lists student medications, with an option to include Dose History. | Yes | Yes | |
Student Physical Information | Lists students with their physical information, with an option to print one page per student. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Scoliosis Record | Prints scoliosis screening information for all or selected students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Student Vision Record | Prints vision screening information for all or selected students. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
For information on Flex Reports available, see Flex Scheduling Reports.