Navigate to Reports > Student Data > CALPADS Programs Reference by Student.
The CALPADS Programs Reference by Student report prints student demographic information plus active records from the Special Programs (PGM), 504 (FOF), GATE (GTE), Special Education (CSE), and Free and Reduced (FRE) tables. This report can also be found by typing CALPADS in the filter area for Reports.
Security ↑
To run this report, two permissions options are available. A user with the State Reporting area permission will be able to print the entire report:
Table | Permission | Description |
State Reporting | Administer | Print Report |
Free and Reduced (FRE) Special Programs (PGM) Special Ed (CSE) | Read | Alternatively, a user with Read to PGM will be able to print the report, excluding the CSE and FRE information. Respectively, Read permissions to CSE and FRE are also required to print the CSE and FRE information. |
NOTE: In order for students to be extracted in the report, they must have an Enrollment record in the ENR table. The report will generate an alert message "No Information is available to print on your report" if school has not started and Attendance has not been initialized.
Configurations ↑
In order for a student to be analyzed in the report, they must have an ENR Enrollment record.
On the report options, each program can be selected or un-selected. Only selected (checked) programs will print on the report. The All or None buttons are provided for more convenience in making the selections.
Additionally, there is an option to pick a date to specify the report to print only those programs active on the date indicated. This will be useful when trying to validate CALPADS reports to populate this date field with Information Day for the current year.
The form will optionally print two more programs from PGM. Select one or both from the dropdown menu.
Report Options and Examples ↑
Other options are available for this report:
- Include Inactive Students - Inactive students on the report will have an asterisk (*) after their name
- Print SSID instead of Student ID - Selected by default, due to space limitation only 1 ID field can be printed
- Only Print Totals / Summary - Individual students will not be listed, just the totals for the School/District
- PGM: Only Print & Count records with SCL = 0 - Only counts program (PGM) records with designation of school 0
Additionally, the report honors KEEP and SKIP queries. Once all necessary selections have been made, click Run Report.
The report provides demographic and program information for each student who is in at least one of the selected programs.
Only Print Totals / Summary:
NOTE: On the count totals at the bottom, for the English Learner column only EL students are counted; all other status codes are displayed for reference only.