Overview ↑
Aeries links multiple students together by a numeric field called Family Key (STU.FK). Students with the same Family Key will be displayed on the Siblings page, as well as linked in various reports such as Avery 5160 Labels (with the 1 Per Family option) and the Students with Siblings report.
Generally the family key is assigned when the student is added to Aeries and should not need to be changed; however, should you need to change the family key it's easy to do with one of the following features.
- The Sibling Lookup tool can match a student to an existing Family Key or create a new Family Key for the student. More information can be found in the Sibling Lookup article.
- The Mass Assign Family Keys page allows users with appropriate permissions to assign a Family Key to all students who do not have one assigned. More information can be found in the Mass Assign Family Keys article.
The Family Key is displayed on the Student Demographics page along with a button that links to the Siblings page.
The Family Key is also displayed at the top of the Contacts form.
Security ↑
Access to Sibling information is granted via a security area called Student Siblings Data.
Table | Permission | Description |
Student Siblings Data | Read | View the Family Key and the Siblings page |
Update | Use the Sibling Lookup tool | |
Mass Update | Use the Mass Assign Family Keys tool |
Siblings Page ↑
There is a page under Student Data | Other that displays the current student and a list of all of the student's siblings (based on having the same Family Key).
For Flex Daily schools using Primary Class Tracking, the Primary Teacher name will display in place of the Counselor name. The room will also display if it exists on the Staff page > Scheduling Info section (SSI.RM). More information about populating the room can be found in Staff Scheduling Information.
For schools where staff ID Based Counselor is enabled, the Counselor will display based on the STU.CNS field.
For traditional elementary schools using tracks, the Track code will display from the Demographics page (STU.TR).