This document describes how to populate data in Aeries depending on the various circumstances that students withdraw from a school or district. Following the data population guidelines established in this document will help ensure accurate and comprehensive data is reported to CALPADS.  See Student Withdrawals for detailed information on the withdrawal process.

  • Verify that the CALPADS Code Translation form is configured correctly for Exit Reasons
  • The Next School fields pull from the Course History Institutions table (CHI table). The dropdown list displays CHI records with an ID type of 1 (CDS Number) and a school ID number (right 7 characters of the ID number is not “0000000”). CHI records with an ID type other than 1 will also be displayed.
  • Using the End of Year Status (STU.EOY), End of Year Next School Code (STU.ENS) and School Leave Date (STU.LD) does not prevent the student from rolling forward into the next year’s database. These fields are used for CALPADS reporting, not for the rollover process.
  • The Next School field (STU.NS) should be populated to determine which school the student will be added to in the New Year database. 
    1. If students are returning to the same school in the New Year database, the Next School (STU.NS) should be populated with the Current School code.
    2. If students are moving to a different school within the district, the Next School (STU.NS) should be populated with the School code that they will be attending.
    3. If students are leaving the district, the Next School (STU.NS) should be populated with the Inactive School code.

NOTE: The use of the End of Year Status (STU.EOY), End of Year Next School Code (STU.ENS) and School Leave Date (STU.LD) on the Student Data 2 tab on the Student Demographics page does not prevent the student from rolling forward into the next year’s database. These fields are used for CALPADS reporting, not for the rollover process.

Withdrawal Type
Resolution/Data Entry
School Year Withdrawals
  • All Schools:  Attendance Leave Records are required to have an Exit Reason (ATT.RS) populated.  The Ext Reason code is used to close enrollment records by populating the Enrollment Exit Reason (ENR.ER).
  • Regular Schools:  All records with an Exit Reason (ATT.RS) code of "165" (Involuntary Transfer for Discipline) must have an Attendance Next School (ATT.NS) populated.
  • Alternative Ed Schools:  All records with an Exit Reason (ATT.RS) code of “160” (Moved Verified in another CA public school) must have an Attendance Next School (ATT.NS) populated.
End of Year Withdrawals
(Before Rollover)
  • All Schools:  Attendance Leave Records are left open through the end of school.
  • The End of Year Status (STU.EOY) field on Demographics | Student Data 2 can be used to identify the correct Enrollment Exit Reason (ENR.ER) for students who are active through the last day of school but will not be returning to the school next year.  This commonly applies to students who move to another school or district.
  • Regular Schools:  All records with an End of Year Status (STU.EOY) code of "165" (Involuntary Transfer for Discipline) must have an End of Year Next School (STU.ENS) populated.
  • Alternative Ed Schools:  All records with an End of Year Status (STU.EOY) code of “160” (Moved Verified in another CA public school) must have an End of Year Next School (STU.ENS) populated.
Summer Withdrawals 
(After Rollover)
  • All Schools:  Summer Withdrawals applies to students who leave while school is out during the summer, but were enrolled in the previous school year. Since these students never actually had any enrollment information for the new school year, the Summer Withdrawal Reason (STU.SWR) field and Summer Leave Date (STU.SLD) on Demographics | Student Data 2 must be populated with an appropriate Exit Reason and date. The date should be the last day of the prior school year.
  • Regular Schools:  All records with a Summer Withdrawal Reason (STU.SWR) code of "165" (Involuntary Transfer for Discipline) must have a Summer Withdrawal Next School (STU.SNS) populated.
  • Alternative Ed Schools:  All records with a Summer Withdrawal Reason (STU.SWR) code of “160” (Moved Verified in another CA public school) must have a Summer Withdrawal Next School (STU.SNS) populated.
  • No Show Documentation.
  • No Show Guidelines.
CALPADS Exit E155 Code
(Year End Enrollment Exit Same School)

CALPADS Exit E156 Code
(Grade 12 Continued Enrollment)
  • CALPADS requires that all students (except Grade 12), who do not exit during the school year and are expected to return next year, have their enrollment record ended as of the last day of school with an exit code of E155. Grade 12 Continued Enrollment students will have the exit code of E156.
  • The E155 and E156 exit codes will automatically be reported for all students without exit codes in the SENR extract, starting 14 days before the last day of school, as designated in the Calendar (DAY). Any new values added to STU.EOY or STU.HSG fields will be extracted and will overlay the previously reported E155 or E156 code.
  • The E155 or E156 codes will not be populated in the Attendance (ATT) or Enrollment (ENR) tables.  
  • The E155 and E156 codes will only be submitted in the CALPADS SENR extract. 
  • The E155 and E156 codes will not be available as an Attendance Leave Reason for manual population for students who leave within 14 days of the end of school, but will be returning to the same school in the following year. Our recommendation is to not drop the student but to mark the student absent for the remainder of the school year. Dropping the student will prevent the student from rolling over for the next year.
  • Students with Next Grade (STU.NG) = 13 (graduating seniors) will NOT have an E155 or E156 exit extracted. If the End of Year (STU.EOY) or the Completion Status (STU.HSG) fields are blank, the student's SENR record will NOT contain an exit code. This is by design, because every 12th grade student needs to have the correct end of year or completion code submitted. 
  • A Grade 12 Student with continued enrollment in the following school year (also known as a 5th year senior), will need to be exited with an E156 code in CALPADS. The Next Grade (STU.NGfield needs to be changed from 13 to 12. If the Student Grade (STU.GR = 12) and Next Grade (STU.NG) = 12, and the extract is within 14 calendar days from the end of school and the CALPADS extract option to Auto-close Enrollment... is enabled, the E156 Exit Code will be extracted and the student will be rolled into the new year database. 
CALPADS Exit E170 Code
(Secondary/Concurrent Enrollment Exit)
  • CALPADS requires that all students with a Secondary Enrollment (Enrollment Status = 20), have their enrollment record ended as of the last day of school with an exit code of E170.
  • The E170 exit code will be automatically be reported for all Secondary Enrollment students in the SENR Extract starting 14 days before the calendar last day of school, as designated in the Calendar (DAY). 
  • The E170 code can be populated in the Attendance (ATT) or Enrollment (ENR) table.   
  • If an exit reason other than the E170 code has been populated, the E170 code will not be displayed in the Attendance (ATT) or Enrollment (ENR) table, but will be extracted in the SENR Extract.
Pre- Enrolled No Show
  • No Show Documentation.
  • No Show Guidelines.
  • Regular Schools:  All records with a Summer Withdrawal Reason (STU.SWR) code of "165" (Involuntary Transfer for Discipline) must have a Summer Withdrawal Next School (STU.SNS) populated.
  • Alternative Ed Schools:  All records with a Summer Withdrawal Reason (STU.SWR) code of “160” (Moved Verified in another CA public school) must have a Summer Withdrawal Next School (STU.SNS) populated.
  • If a student returns after the start of the new school year, it is necessary to leave the Summer Withdrawal STU.SWR) values to account for the enrollment gap for CALPADS reporting.
Reporting Home School/ Virtual School Withdrawals
Students, who are enrolled in a Virtual School or reported Home School (STU.HS), need to be exited with an Exit Reason Code.
  • Involuntary Withdrawal:
    • NEW Program code 168:
      • The student was exited by an Alternative Education school or an Independent Study Program and referred back to their school and district of residence because the student failed to complete the requirements for remaining in the Alternative or Independent Study program.
      • A student is enrolled in a juvenile court school and finishes their mandatory placement. 
  • Voluntary Withdrawal:
    • Valid CALPADS Exit Reason Code, i.e. T160, T180, etc. - Student voluntarily exits one school to attend another school where they have different CDS codes. If a student chooses to return to their home school after placement in Alt Ed or Independent Study, a regular valid exit reason code is used. 
    • Program Change Code 440 - Can be used if the student is exiting from one school to another school where both share the same CDS code and where code T168 does not apply.
  • FAQ:  When should a Home Reporting School option be used?
Graduating and Matriculating