Setup Absence Codes
Navigate to the Update Absence Codes page and confirm that the attendance codes that are being used for summer school are accurate. If necessary, add any needed codes. For detailed documentation and instructions, click the following link: Setup Absence Codes
Attendance Portal Options
Navigate to the Attendance tab on the Portal Options page. Confirm that Attendance Portal Options have been configured for summer school.
Initialize Attendance
Initializing attendance should be processed as close to the first day of school in order to capture as many of the enrolled students as possible during the process. If initializing attendance prior to the first day of school, each new student added after the initialization process will need to have attendance manually activated. For detailed documentation and instructions, click the following link: Initialize Attendance
Attendance Management
Use the Attendance Management page to monitor student attendance. For detailed documentation and instructions, click the following link: Attendance Management
Summer School Attendance Reports
If using Negative Attendance, apply the same attendance accounting procedures that are used during the school year. For detailed documentation and instructions, click the following links:
- What procedures should be performed to monitor attendance each day at the school level?
- What procedures should be performed to reconcile monthly attendance at the school level?
- What procedures should be performed to reconcile monthly attendance at the district level?
If using Positive Attendance, there are two hourly attendance reports:
- Print Hourly Attendance Report/Summer Report
- Print Attendance Summary/Summer
Navigate to the Reports Tab and search for "summer" to locate the hourly reports for summer school.