A No Show is considered to be a student that leaves while school is out during the summer and does not return. However, there are different types of reportable No Shows. CALPADS Student Exit Category asks that you distinguish the No Shows that occurred during a school-to-school matriculation or during a standard school annual rollover.
In the new school year, after a student has rolled over to the new year database and has been identified as a no-show in the school where they registered and didn't show up, the student must be flagged appropiately. In Student Demographics, tag the student in the Status Tag field with the No Show code. The leave date must also be entered in the Leave Date field. After a student is inactived, the Summer Withdrawal Reason (SWR) field must be updated with a CALPADS Student Exit Reason code. This code should be updated to a proper exit code if the former school receives verification of entry from another school.
The values contained in the STU.SWR field will be extracted when sending enrollment data to CALPADS for reporting compliance.
NOTE: If the student returns to your school for enrollment, this information will remain in the SWR fields in order to report accurately to CALPADS; never delete this data upon a student’s return unless the SWR no longer applies.
Table from CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) Code Set: used for PRE-ENROLLED NO SHOWS
N470 | NoShow | The student’s enrollment was exited because the student, who has no prior enrollments in the school, was pre-enrolled but did not show up as expected to attend the school. This exit represents a nullification of the pre-enrollment and should only be used for a student’s: (1) first enrollment in CALPADS (e.g. kindergarten students or transfer students from a private school or a school outside of California; or (2) first time enrollment in a school as a result of matriculation from another school. |
NOTE: A valid exit reason should be used when the student's enrollment has been confirmed at a new institution.
No Show Setup ↑
The No Show Setup form should be utilized to assist in the process of data management for your No Show students. This form will create an automatic process for managing the student enrollment records. An option is available at the District school to enable the No Show setup districtwide for all schools. See No Show Setup.
Please refer to the following link for more information on No Show:
A pop up box will then automatically display with the district requirements when a student is tagged (STU.TG) as a No Show. A prompt can also be setup for the Summer Withdrawal Reason which will add the entry into the SWR field on the Students form.
Note: If the No Show setup is used school by school, Districts should verify that each school database has the No Show Setup form defined properly. This will assist your personnel with accurate data management of your No Show and student withdrawal reason information.
Summer Withdrawals ↑
Summer Withdrawals are a special type of withdrawal. They are students who leave while school is out during the summer but were enrolled in the previous school year. Because, by definition, these students never actually had any enrollment information for the new school year, the Summer Withdrawal Reason (STU.SWR) field and Summer Leave Date (STU.SLD) on Student Data 2 must be populated with an appropriate Exit Reason after the student was rolled over to the new year database. Be sure to populate the correct Student Exit Category code and follow the CALPADS data guide when assigning an exit date for a summer withdrawal student. The date should be the last day of the prior school year.
If the next school of attendance is unknown for a student who was enrolled in the prior year, this is no longer considered a No Show student. Do not use Student Data 2 to enter exit information. The student is considered Truant. The district needs to withdraw the student using the E140 - NoKnownEnrollTruant code after a minimum of three days of unexcused absences. Districts must make every attempt to locate the student, including checking CALPADS for enrollment. For more information see No Show Guidelines.