



Discipline Restraint of Special Education Students

Special Education Reports


Student participation in a special education program is primarily maintained from tabs on the Aeries Special Education page, including disabilities, services, language acquisition, residential facility, and more.

Although fields are provided in Aeries for storing Individualized Education Program (IEP) information, most Texas districts use a third-party vendor for maintaining and exporting the data, and the Aeries IEP fields can be left blank.

Participation in a 504 program is maintained separately on the 504 Plans page.

See also: 


The following should be done before proceeding:

  • On the Texas State Reporting page under Code Translations:
    • Map each Special Education Disability Code (CSE.D1, CSE.D2, CSE.D3) value to a valid TSDS DC142 value. This is necessary because the Primary Disability fields on the Special Education tabs list values from the C053 table.

  • On the Course History Institutions page, ensure the following exist: 
    • The district residential facility. The ID Type and Description field must be set to R (CHI.TY = R-Residential Facility).
    • Any outside districts or schools where a student may receive special education services through a Memo of Understanding (MOU) or contract
    • The Regional Day School for the Deaf

  • On the District Options page, ensure the Residential Facility ID(s) field (DPT.NM = Residential_Facility_IDs) lists all relevant institutions using the unique the unique residential facility ID number registered with the TEA. The list includes all institutions added to Course History Institutions where ID Type and Description is R.

  • On the Staff page, ensure staff records exist for the following special education staff members:
    • Special education teachers
    • Special education aides

  • (Optional) On the Update Code Table page, add the following as needed:
    • Any custom local codes used to track specific items (on Special Education > General tab under Other Information):

      • CSE.U1-CSE.U6 support one character.

      • CSE.U7-CSE.U12 support two characters.

    • Any other optional codes used locally:

      • School Type (CSE.TY)

      • Test Participation (CSE.PA2)
      • Service Type (CSV.TY)

NOTE: All state required codes are hard-coded in Aeries and should not be changed.


Special Education > GeneralSpecial Education Data (CSE)
Special Education > Disabilities HistorySpecial Education Disabilities History (DHS)
Special Education > Instructional SettingsSpecial Education Instructional Setting History (CSH)
Special Education > Student ServicesSpecial Education Student Services (CSV)
Special Education > Residential FacilityResidential Facility History (RFH)
Residential Facility Details (RFD)
Special Education > Language AcquisitionLanguage Acquisition Services (LAV)
Hearing Amplification fields (HAM)
Language Acquisition Assessment (LAA)
Test Scores > Test Settings > Active Test SettingsTexas Assessment Precode Accommodations (PRE)
Test Scores > Testing Exclusions Test Exclusions (TEX)


Navigate to Student Data > Programs > Special Education

Disabilities History Tab

The tab allows you to maintain longitudinal information about a student's disabilities. 

At least one (primary) disability should be entered on the Disabilities History tab before adding further data.

  1. Click Add New Record, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
    • Primary Disability - (Required) (DHS.DI) (source for CSE.DI) The type of primary disability recorded in the student's IEP, used by the TEA for federal reporting of discipline and restraint data. (PEIMS element E0041, code table C053)
    • Secondary Disability - (DHS.DI2) (source for CSE.DI2) The secondary type of primary disability recorded in the student's IEP. (PEIMS element E0834, code table C053) 
    • Tertiary Disability - (DHS.DI3) (source for CSE.DI3) The third type of primary disability recorded in the student's IEP. (PEIMS element E0835, code table C053)
    • Start Date - (Required) (DHS.SD) The date on which the disability was added or changed. (PEIMS element E1632)
    • Ending Date - (DHS.ED) The last date on which the student was associated with the disability.

      Per TWEDS Requirement GR2, when a value changes in any of the specified related disabilities data elements, report a new instance of the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension complex type with the effective date set to the date of the data value change. In other words, an Ending Date and new Start Date are needed any time a disability is added or changed.

  2. Click the Save icon.

General Tab

The most recent disabilities entered on the Disabilities History tab are displayed on the General tab. Add additional information as required.

  1. Add at least one disability on the Disabilities History tab before adding data on the General tab.

  2. On the General tab, click Add New Record, or click Change to update an existing record.

  3. Under Basic Information:

    • Primary Disability / Secondary Disability / Tertiary Disability - These fields are maintained on the Disabilities History tab and populated once added on that tab; however the disabilities are extracted from the General tab fields (CSE.DI, CSE.D2, CSE.D3) for PEIMS reporting. 

    • Entry Date - (CSE.ED) The date the student started participating in a special education program or receiving services. (PEIMS element E1632)
    • Exit Date - (CSE.XD) The last date which the student participated in a special education program or services. 
    • Exit Reason - The reason the student left the special education program at the school or district. (PEIMS element E1431, code table DC102)
    • Dist of Residence - (CSE.XR) The district accountable for reporting the student's special education participation. The district must exist on the Course History Institutions page. The ID corresponds to the ID Number field on Course History Institutions.
    • School Code - (CSE.SS) The school providing special education. If used, the school must exist on the Course History Institutions page. The ID corresponds to the ID Number field on Course History Institutions.
    • School Type - (Optional) (CSE.TY) Not required for Texas. The type of school providing special education. Codes can be added on Update Code Table as needed (CSE.TY).
    • Evaluating - (Optional) (CSE.EV) Not required for Texas. Indicates if the student is being evaluated for special education services, but not yet participating (Entry Date is blank and Evaluating = Y).
    • Post-Secondary Program Status - (Optional) (CSE.PSP) Not required for Texas. The special education student's program status after completing 12th grade. 
    • Post-Secondary Employment - (Optional) (CSE.PSE) Not required for Texas. Whether the special education student was employed after completing 12th grade.
    • Adult Age Students w/ Transition Status Indicator  - (Optional) (CSE.PSI) Not used in Texas.
    • Adult Age Students with Disabilities in Transition Status - (Optional) Not used in Texas. Whether the special education student completed 12th grade and is continuing in school to receive services for their IEP.

  4. The Plan Information fields are intended for recording IEP details. These field are typically not used by schools that use a third-party special education vendor for maintaining IEP data.

  5. Under Evaluation Information - Child Find:

    The fields are used for the TSDS Child Find submission which help ensure timely evaluation and referral of students, ages 3-21, for special education services.

    NOTE: The Infant fields are not included in state reporting and not required unless used by the district. Infants are children age 0-3.

    See Texas - TSDS - Child Find and PEIMS/TSDS Field Mapping by Page - Special Education.

    • Referral Date - (CSE.RD) The date on which the student was referred for Child Find.
    • Refer By - (CSE.RB) The type of person who referred the student for Child Find.
    • Consent to Evaluation Received Date - (CSE.PC) The date on which the district received written consent from the parent for the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE). (TSDS Element E1738)
    • Infant Referral Date - (CSE.IRD) For infants (age 0-3), the date on which the infant was referred for Child Find.
    • Infant Refer By - (CSE.IRB) For infants, the type of person who referred the student for Child Find. 
    • Infant Parental Consent Date - (CSE.IPC) For infants, the date on which the district received written consent from the parent for evaluation (FIIE).
    • School of Evaluation - (CSE.SEV) The ID of the campus where the student was initially evaluated for special education services. (TSDS Element E1710)
    • ECI Notification Date - (CSE.END) The date on which the LEA Notification of Potentially Eligible for Special Education Services was sent by the early childhood intervention (ECI) contractor to the LEA to notify them that a child enrolled in ECI will shortly reach the age of eligibility for Part B services and is potentially eligible for early childhood special education (ECSE) services. (TSDS Element E1712)
    • ECI Transition Confirmation Date - (CSE.ETC) The date on which the transition conference was held for a child receiving ECI services to discuss the child’s potential eligibility for ECSE services under Part B. (TSDS Element E1713)
    • Original ECI Services Date - (CSE.OED) The date on which an infant or toddler (birth through age 2) became eligible to participate in the ECI program. (TSDS Element E1737)
    • Elig Determination Date (CSE.EDD) - The date on which the LEA held the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting regarding the child’s initial eligibility determination for special education and related services. An IEP would be developed and implemented for a child admitted into special education on this same date. (TSDS Element E1716)
    • Elig Determination - (CSE.EDC) The code indicating whether the student was determined eligible and enrolled in special education and related services as a result of the FIIE report and ARD committee meeting decision. (TSDS Element E1717)
    • Elig Delay Reason - (CSE.EDR) The reason the eligibility determination was completed beyond the required timeframe.  (TSDS Element E1731) 
      • SPPI-11 - Required timeframe is 30-calendar days from date of completed FIIE.  
      • SPPI-12 - Required timeframe is by 3rd birthday for a child receiving ECI services.
    • Initial Evaluation Date - (CSE.IE) The date on which the eligibility determination was completed.
    • Initial Eval Delay Reason - (CSE.EDL) The reason why the eligibility determination was completed beyond the required timeframe.  
      • SPPI-11 - Required timeframe is 30-calendar days from date of the completed FIIE.  
      • SPPI-12 - Required timeframe is by 3rd birthday for a child receiving ECI services.
    • Initial Evaluation Date (Infant) - (CSE.IIE) For infants, the date on which the eligibility determination was completed. 
    • Reason IEP after 3rd birthday - (CSE.BDL) The reason why the IEP was completed beyond the required timeframe.

  6. The Additional IEP/IFSP Information fields are intended for recording additional IEP and Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) details. These field are typically not used by schools that use a third-party vendor for maintaining IEP/IFSP data.

  7. (Optional) Under Other Information:

    The following fields are optional and used as needed.
    • Code 1-12 - (CSE.U1-CSE.U12) Up to 12 fields that can be used to track any specific items as needed. Add custom codes on Update Code Table.

      • Codes 1-6 (CSE.U1-CSE.U6) support one character.
      • Codes 7-12 (CSE.U7-CSE.U12) support two characters.

        Aeries Query can be used to obtain reports using this data.

    • Special Transportation - (CSE.ST) Whether the student is provided transportation. 
    • Residence Status - (CSE.RS) The people or institution with whom the student lives.
    • Solely Low Incidence - (CSE.SL) Whether the student has a low incidence disability (i.e., a disability that occurs in low numbers or is less common within the general population, such as intellectual, multiple, or severe disabilities). 
    • Other Date - (CSE.DT) Any other date that needs to be recorded.
    • Special Education System ID - (CSE.SEI) Any ID that needs to be recorded.
    • Test Participation - (CSE.PA2) Whether the special education is eligible for an alternate assessment (STAAR Alternate 2 or TELPAS Alternate). The student must have a Primary Disability (CSE.DI) and must be active in special education (i.e. future or no Exit Date (CSE.XD)).

      For TELPAS Alternate, a student must also be coded as LEP in the Emergent Bilingual field (STU.LF) on the Language Assessment page.

    • Comment - (CSE.CO) Any additional comments as needed.

  8. Click Save.

  9. To permanently delete a special education record and all associated tables, click Delete. You are prompted to confirm that you wish to continue. Click OK.

    Deleting a special education record is rare and is typically only done if a record was entered by mistake. Use caution.

Student Services Tab

The tab allows you to maintain information about the services received by the student. Each special education student should be receiving at least one service. The information is required for state reporting.

A special education record must exist before adding records on the Student Services tab.

  1. Click Add New Record, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
    • Service - (Required) (CSV.CD) The code indicating the service received. Every special education student should receive at least one service.
      See PEIMS/TSDS Field Mapping by Page - Special Education.
    • Dist of Service - (CSV.DS) The code of the district providing the service. The field is used if your district has an MOU or contract with another district to provide a particular service. The district must exist on the Course History Institutions page. The ID corresponds to the ID Number field on Course History Institutions.

      NOTE: The home district is responsible for reporting the service.

    • Provider - (Optional) (CSV.PR) Not used in Texas. The code indicating the service provider. The Department of Social Services provide is a valid Texas provider; all other options are used in California.
    • Location - (Optional) (CSV.LO) Not required for Texas. The code indicating the type of location where the service is provided.
    • Freq - (Optional) (CSV.FR) Not required for Texas. The code indicating the frequency of the service.
    • Duration - (Optional) (CSV.DU) Not required for Texas. Any number indicating the duration of the service; use as needed.
    • Start Date - (Required) (CSV.DT) The date on which the student started receiving the service. (PEIMS element E1632)
    • Ending Date - (CSV.ED) The last date on which the student received the service.

      Per TWEDS Requirement GR2, when a value changes in any of the specified related services data elements, report a new instance of the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type with the TX-EffectiveDateServices effective date set to the date of the data value change.

    • Meeting Date - (Optional) (CSV.MD) Not required for Texas.  The date on which a meeting occurred related to student service agreement.
    • Staff - (Optional) (CSV.SI) Not required for Texas. The staff member who attended the meeting or is associated with the service.
    • # Sessions - (Optional) (CSV.NS) Not required for Texas. The number of sessions the district agreed to provide related to the service. 
    • Session Type - (Optional) (CSV.TY) Not required for Texas. The type of session in which the service is provided. Codes can be added on Update Code Table as needed (CSE.TY).

  2. Click the Save icon.

Instructional Settings Tab

The tab allows you to maintain information about instructional settings where the special education student receives services. The information is required for state reporting. A special education record must exist before adding records on the Instructional Settings tab.

  1. Click Add New Record, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
    • Instructional Setting -  (Required) (CSH.INS) The setting used in providing instruction to the student. (PEIMS element E0173, code table C035)
    • Dist of Service - (CHS.DS) The code of the district providing the instructional setting. The field is used if your district has an MOU or contract with another district to provide a particular instructional setting. The district must exist on the Course History Institutions page. The ID corresponds to the ID Number field on Course History Institutions.

      NOTE: The home district is responsible for reporting the instructional setting.

    • ECSE Serv Location (PPCD) - (CSH.FP) Whether the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD) student receives special education services in a regular early childhood program. (PEIMS element E1077, code table C184)
    • Multiply Disabled - (CSH.MD) Whether the special education student is designated as multiply disabled by the ARD committee, having a combination of disabilities and meeting all conditions listed in 19 TAC §89.1040(c)(6). Not all students who have more than one disability are determined to be multiply disabled.  (PEIMS element E0882, code table C088 yes/no) 
    • Medically Fragile - (CSH.MF) Whether the special education student meets the conditions of being medically fragile. (PEIMS element E0999, code table C088 yes/no)
    • Child Funding Type - (CHS.CFT) The federal program under which the special education student is counted. (PEIMS element E0832, code table C066)
    • ESY Contact Hrs - (CSH.EH) Total contact hours in the instructional setting provided to the student through the extended school year (ESY) services component of special education. This should be in the instructional setting in which the student was served during the regular school year. (PEIMS element E1013)
    • Start Date - (Required) (CSH.SD) The date on which the student started receiving instruction in the instructional setting. (PEIMS element E1632)
    • End Date - (CSH.ED) The last date on which the student was instructed in the instructional setting.

      Per TWEDS Requirement GR1, when a value changes in any of the specified related special education data elements, report a new instance of the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type with the TX-EffectiveDateSpEd effective date set to the date of the data value change. 

  2. Click the Save icon.

Active Test Settings Tab (Not Used)

The tab on the Special Education page is not currently used by most Texas districts. Instead, use the equivalent Test Settings page, as well as the Test Exclusions page in the Test Scores menu.

Test Settings > Active Test Settings

The Active Test Settings tab allows schools or districts to maintain active test settings for students, including special education students, for STAAR Grades 3-8, STAAR End-of-Course (EOC), EOC Eligibility, Interim Tests, and TELPAS.  

There are no date fields on the tab. When a new setting is added, the date added is considered the start date. A settings is considered current (i.e., active) if the current date is on or after the start date.

The settings are used to identify students who will participate in these test administrations. The Texas Assessment Precode Extract uses these settings to populate the precode files.

Navigate to Student Data > Test Scores > Test Settings (Active Test Settings tab)

  1. Click Change.
    • For each test, select the following as applicable:
      • Test Format - (STAAR Grades 3-8 and STAAR EOC) The test administration mode (online or paper).
        (PRE.TFRE Reading, PRE.TFMA Math, PRE.TFSCI Science, PRE.TFSS Social Studies, PRE.TFWRI Writing, PRE.TFEOC)
      • Above Grade - (STAAR Grades 3-8 and STAAR EOC - Interim Tests) Whether the special education student will be tested above their grade level.
        (PRE.SAGRE Reading, PRE.SAGMA Math, PRE.SAGSC Science, PRE.SAGSS Social Studies)
      • Language - (STAAR Grades 3-8) Whether the test will be administered in a language other than English.
        (PRE.TLRE Reading, PRE.TLMA Math, PRE.TLSCI Science, PRE.TLWRI Writing)
      • Accommodation - (STAAR Grades 3-8 and STAAR EOC) Whether any portion of the test will be administered with one or more accommodations or supports.
      • Retest - (STAAR Grades 3-8 and STAAR EOC) Whether the student will be retested on any portion of the test.
        (PRE.RTRE Reading, PRE.RTMA Math)
      • EOC Eligibility - (STAAR EOC) - Which tests the student is eligible to take.
        (Spring: PRE.EOCAL Algebra I, PRE.EOCE1 English I, PRE.EOCE2 English II, PRE.EOCBI Biology, PRE.EOCUS US History; STAAR Alternate 2: PRE.EOC2AL Algebra I, PRE.EOC2E1 English I, PRE.EOC2E2 English II, PRE.EOC2BI Biology, PRE.EOC2US US History; December: PRE.EOCDAL Algebra I, PRE.EOCDE1 English I, PRE.EOCDE2 English II, PRE.EOCDBI Biology, PRE.EOCDUS US History; June: PRE.EOCJAL Algebra I, PRE.EOCJE1 English I, PRE.EOCJE2 English II, PRE.EOCJBI Biology, PRE.EOCJUS US History)
      • Interim Tests - (STAAR) Optional online assessments that align to the TEKS and allow monitoring of student progress and predict student performance on STAAR. Interim tests are not tied to accountability. 
        • Interim Test Grade - EOC - Select any Interim EOC tests to be taken by the student.
          (PRE.ITGAL Algebra I, PRE.ITGE1 English I, PRE.ITGE2 English II, PRE.ITGBI Biology, PRE.ITGUS US History, PRE.ITGM Math, PRE.ITGR Reading, PRE.ITGS Science, PRE.ITGSS Social Studies)
        • Interim Test Grade - Select the subject/grade level of any Interim test the student will take off-grade.
          (PRE.ITOGRE Reading, PRE.ITOGMA Math, PRE.ITOGSCI Science, PRE.ITOGSS Social Studies, PRE.ITOGAL Algebra I, PRE.ITOGBI Biology, PRE.ITOGUS US History, PRE.ITOGE1 English I, PRE.ITOGE2 English II)
      • TELPAS Code - (TELPAS) The code indicating the rating measure that will be used. (PRE.TP)

  2. Click Save.

Testing Exclusions

Information about why a special education student is excluded from taking a particular test is maintained on the Testing Exclusions page.

Navigate to Student Data > Test Scores > Testing Exclusions

  1. Click Add New Record, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
    • Test ID and Part - (TEX.ID, TEX.PT, CTL.ID, CTL.PT) The test and part for which the exclusion applies.
    • Grd Lvl - (TEX.GR) The student's grade level.
    • Testing Date - (TEX.TD) The test administration date for which the exclusion applies.
    • Test Description - (TEX.CTL.NM) The full name of the test, which is automatically populated when the record is saved.
    • Exclsn Reason - (TEX.ERS) The reason for the exclusion.
    • Prob/Accom - (TEX.PRB) Any accommodation provided to the student.
    • Comp Stat - (TEX.CMP) Whether the student participated.
    • Alt Asmt - (TEX.AA) Whether the student was administered an alternate assessment.
    • Incmplt - (TEX.INC) The reason a test was incomplete if applicable.
    • Special Conditions - (TEX.SPC) The conditions affecting the student's exemption.
    • Other Data - (TEX.OTH) Other information affecting the student's exemption.
    • Testing Admin - (TEX.TA) 
  2. Click the Save icon.

Residential Facility Tab

The tab allows you to maintain a record of the residential facility in which the special education student resides.

A special education record must exist before adding records on the Residential Facility tab.

The fields are used for the TSDS RF Tracker extract.

See Texas - TSDS - Residential Facility Tracker (RFT) and PEIMS/TSDS Field Mapping by Page - Special Education

  1. Click Add, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
    • Facility ID - (RFH.FID) The unique residential facility identification number registered with the TEA. (TSDS element E1627)

      The facility must already exist on the Course History Institutions page with ID Type and Description set to R (CHI.TY = R-Residential Facility).
    • Entry Date - (RFH.ED) The date the student enters the residential facility. (TSDS element E1630)
    • Leave Date - (RFH.LD) The date the student exited the residential facility. Leave blank if the student is still residing in the facility at the end of the school year. (TSDS element E1631)

  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Add Details to add additional required information.
    If the Add Details button is not visible, click More Info to expand the section.
    • Effective Start Date - (RFD.ESD) The date on which any of the following data elements was changed. See TWEDS Requirement GR1. (TSDS element E1632)
    • Grade - (RFD.GR) The grade or primary instructional level at which a student entered and receives services in a school or educational institution during the academic session. (TSDS element E1517, code table DC063)
    • School of Enrollment - (RFD.SE) The school where the student is enrolled (i.e., Campus ID of Enrollment). (TSDS element E0782)
    • School of Attendance Zone - (RFD.SAZ) The 9-digit TEA-assigned number indicating the school the student is expected to attend based on the address of the residential facility in which the student resides. This may or may not be the same as School of Enrollment. (TSDS element E1633)
    • Educated at Facility - (RFD.EF) Whether the student is educated at or in the general location of a residential facility. (TSDS element E1634)
    • Surrogate Parent - (RFD.SP) Whether the student has been assigned a surrogate parent. (TSDS element E1635)
    • Other Students w/ same Surrogate - (RFD.OSS ) The number of other students assigned to the same surrogate parent. (TSDS element 1636)
    • RF Day Length - (RFD.RDL ) The number of minutes per day the residential facility student receives instruction based on the IEP. (TSDS element E1637)
    • School Day Length - (RFD.SDL) The number of instructional minutes in a school day for a non-disabled peer at the campus ID of enrollment (i.e., School of Enrollment). (TSDS element E1638)
    • Prior Instructional Setting - (RFD.PIS) The student’s most recent instructional setting before entering the residential facility. (TSDS element E1638, code table C035)
  4. Click Save.

Language Acquisition Tab

The tab allows you to maintain a record of the language acquisition services provided to the special education student. A special education record must exist before adding records on the Language Acquisition tab.

The fields are used for the TSDS Special Education Language Acquisition (SELA) extract.
See Texas - TSDS - SELA and PEIMS/TSDS Field Mapping by Page - Special Education.

  1. Click Add, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
  2. Preferred Home Communication - (CSE.HC) The preferred communication method used by the child at home. (TSDS element E1661, code table DC155) 
    1. Click Edit to update the field.
    2. Click Save.
  3. Under Language Acquisition Services:
    • Click Add, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
    • Service - (LAV.SV) The specific language acquisition services provided to the student. (TSDS element E1662, code table DC156)
      • More than one service may be provided. 
      • If the LEA does not provide language acquisition services, select Services not Provided.
      • Frequency and Hrs Rcd are required for each service provided.
    • Frequency - (LAV.FR) The frequency with which a student receives services. (TSDS element E1663, code table DC157) 
    • Hrs Rcd -  (LAV.HR) The amount of time in which the student receives services. (TSDS element E1664, code table DC158) 
    • Start Date - (LAV.SD) The date on which the student started receiving the service. (TSDS element E1632)
    • End Date - (LAV.ED) The last date on which the student received the service. (TSDS element E1632)
    • Click the Save icon.
  4. Under Hearing Amplification:
    • Click Add, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
    • Type - (HAM.TY) The type of hearing amplification device used by the student. Multiple devices can be reported. For each Type reported, the Access field is required. (TSDS element E1665, code table DC159)
    • Access - (HAM.AC) Whether the student has access to the hearing amplification device for the full-day or partial day for each Type reported. (TSDS element E1666, code table DC160)
    • Avg Daily Use - (HAM.AD) The average amount of time the hearing amplification device is used in a day based on the Access reported. Multiple instances can be reported if Access = Partial Day. (TSDS element E1667, code table DC161) 
    • Start Date - (HAM.SD) The date on which the student started using the device. (TSDS element E1632)
    • End Date - (HAM.ED) The last date on which the student used the device.
    • Click the Save icon.
  5. Under Language Acquisition Assessment:
    • Click Add, or click the Edit icon to update an existing record.
    • Tool/Assessment - (LAA.TA) The tool or assessment used to assess the student’s language acquisition. Multiple tools/assessments can be reported.  A Result is required for each reported tool/assessment. (TSDS element E1668, code table DC166)
    • Result - (LAA.RE) The result of the assessment. A Result is required for each reported Tool/Assessment. (TSDS element E1669, code table DC163)
    • Date - (LAA.DT) The date on which the assessment occurred. (TSDS element E1632)
    • Click the Save icon.

Discipline Restraint of Special Education Students

All students who are restrained for disciplinary reasons are reported to the state. Reporting is no longer limited to special education students.

Navigate to Student Data > Guidance > Behavioral Emergency

See Behavioral Emergency

See StudentRestraintEvent Interchange - Field Mapping and Rules

Special Education Reports

  • Student Disability Graph (District) - Prints a bar graph of student counts by special education disability with a corresponding numeric matrix.

  • Special Ed Class List Report (School) - Prints a Class List with student special education information.

  • Behavioral Emergency - Lists all or selected students who had to be restrained, with an option to print one student per page.