

Configurations & Prerequisites



There are several situations in which students are enrolled:

Aeries Online Enrollment should only be used for students who have never attended the district. Returning students should be reactivated from the Inactive School or copied from a prior year. For returning students, demographic information can be updated during the annual Parent Data Confirmation process in the Parent Portal.

IMPORTANT: Before adding a new student record, be sure the student is not already enrolled at a campus or district, and be sure to link the student to any existing sibling records. 

Although it is important to add all necessary information for each student, it is essential that certain fields required for state reporting are entered accurately at the time of enrollment. 

Some fields on the Demographics page are not typically entered at the time of enrollment, but they are listed here for informational purposes.


Program Area/Table
Student Demographics (STU)Read
View page and data and specific fields
Add new record
Update records
Delete records
Field-levelView specific fields, including fields in search results. See Field-Level Security.
District Student Lookup (DTS_STUDENT)ReadUse district-wide student lookup
Legal Student Information (LSI)Read
View the student's legal name and gender.
Add the student's legal name and gender.
Add the student's legal name and gender.

Export TREx Data 

AdministratorCreate TREx-compatible XML file for export

Import TREx Data

Electronically receive a student's record via Aeries
Portal Options

View documents
Add documents
Edit documents

Configurations & Prerequisites

  • See Texas - Secure Access to Student SSNs.
  • School calendars and terms must be set up before enrolling students. See Create a Calendar and Build Terms.
  • On District Settings, verify the following settings:
    • Default State Reporting Field Highlighting to ON
    • Do not display the STU.SN field in the system
    • Warn when students do not have an SSN or State Alternate ID
    • Use STU.TG to determine if a student is inactive at last school when transferring records

  • To make certain fields required, on the Define Required Fields page, select the Student Demographic (STU) table and set fields as needed.
  • On Update Code Table, ensure the following codes are set up correctly:
    • Enrollment Status (STU.TG) (e.g., Pre-Enrolled, Inactive, etc.)
    • Gender (STU.GN)
    • Suffix (STU.SF)
    • Wellbeing Attention Value (STU.WA)
    • Records Release (STU.DNR)
    • Online Enrollment/Parent Data Confirmation Text (e.g., "I have read the required document") (DCV.CT)
    • Online Enrollment/Parent Data Confirmation Document Groups (DCV.FG)
    • Online Enrollment/Parent Data Confirmation Supplemental Questions (STU.U# or SUP.U#)
    • Contact Code (CON.CD)
    • Contact Relationship Codes (CON.RL)

  • On Texas State Reporting (Code Translations tab) map any local codes to state codes as needed for TREx. See Texas - TREx - XRF Data Updates Required for TREx.


Otherwise, proceed with the following steps.

1. Determine if the student was ever previously enrolled in the campus.

  • In the Search students field (top-left), type all or part of the student's first, middle, or last name.
  • Select Include Inactive Students
  • Click Search.
  • If a matching student record is found, ensure that the record is an exact match. 
    • Check the full name, birth date, student ID, and other information.
    • Confirm whether the student's Status (STU.TG) is Inactive or No Show.

2. Reactivate a student who was previously enrolled in the current campus.

  • In the Student Search results, click the row of the student to be reactivated. The Demographics page opens.
  • Click the Change button at the bottom of the page.

  • Change the Status field to blank, which indicates Active status.
  • Update any other fields with data that has changed, including:
    • Grade (STU.GR)
    • Parent/Guardian - Name (STU.PG)
    • Track (STU.TR) 
    • ADA Elig (STU.SP)
  • Click Save.

    An attendance error is displayed in red indicating that the student needs to be enrolled in attendance.

    • Before proceeding, confirm that all data in the fields is correct.
    • Click Update Attendance at the bottom of the page. The Attendance Enrollment Form section is displayed.
    • In the Attendance Enrollment Form section, set the Effective Date to the first day of the student's attendance.
    • Click OK. The student is now active at the campus.

3. If the student was never enrolled at the campus, determine if the student was ever enrolled at a different campus in the district.

  • On the Demographics page, click Add.

    You are prompted to search all schools in the district.
    NOTE: Users with district/admin access can search all schools in the district. Otherwise, users can only search within schools they have permission to.

  • Under Search Criteria, type all or part of the student's name, birthdate, and/or student ID and click Search.
    • If a matching student record is found, transfer the student. See below.
    • If no existing student record is found, click Student Not Found
      • You are prompted to search for a sibling.
      • Click Yes to continue.

4. If the student was never enrolled in the district, determine if the student has any siblings enrolled in the district.

  • Under Sibling Search Criteria, type all or part of the sibling's name and/or other demographic data and click Search.
    • If a matching sibling record is found, click the row of the sibling and click Use Sibling.

      When a sibling is found, the common data such can be copied to the new student, such as address, telephone, parent/guardians, and contacts. Siblings can be automatically linked together via a Family Key. See Sibling Management (Family Keys).

    • If no sibling record is found, click Student Not Found.

  • The Demographics page opens with a new record. If a sibling was found, the page is populated with data from the sibling. Otherwise the record is blank.

5. Transfer a student who was previously enrolled in another campus in the district.

  • If a matching student record was found in the district-wide search results, click the row of the student to be transferred.
    NOTE: This step is affected by the Use STU.TG to determine if a student is inactive at last school when transferring records option on District Settings.

  • Click Transfer Student.
  • Ensure the Status field is blank, which indicates Active status.
  • Update any other fields with data that has changed, including:
    • Grade (STU.GR)
    • Parent/Guardian - Name (STU.PG)
    • Track (STU.TR) 
    • ADA Elig (STU.SP)
  • Click Save.

    An Attendance Error is displayed in red indicating that the student needs to be enrolled in Attendance.
    • Before proceeding, confirm that all data in the fields is correct.
    • Click Update Attendance. The Attendance Enrollment Form section is displayed.
    • In the Attendance Enrollment Form section, set the Effective Date to the first day of the student's attendance.
    • Click OK.

6. Enter all required data (shaded blue), including state reporting fields (shaded green), any any other available information:

  • Stu# (STU.SN) - The student's local ID, specific to the school (display only) and automatically assigned.
  • Last Name, First Name, Middle Name (STU.LN, STU.LN, STU.LN) - The student’s preferred name.
  • Legal Last Name, Legal First Name, Legal Middle Name (STU.LLN, STU.LLN, STU.LLN) - Entered when legal name is different than preferred name; allows student to go by preferred name everywhere and only by legal name when necessary (e.g., state reporting, transcripts). The legal name is shielded by default and a user must have appropriate permission to view or edit the data. Characters with an accent are allowed. Periods are not allowed.

    For users with permission to view legal name and gender, the Show/Hide Legal Name button is displayed at the bottom of the page when in Change mode.

  • Suffix (STU.SF) - The district-defined addition to the student's name if applicable (e.g., Junior, III, Etc.).
  • Gender (STU.GN) - The student’s preferred gender, from a district-defined list.
  • Legal Gender (STU.LGN) - Entered if the student's legal gender is different than the preferred gender, allowing the student to be identified by preferred gender everywhere and only use legal gender when necessary (e.g., state reporting, transcripts). The legal gender is shielded by default and a user must have appropriate permission to view or edit the data.

    For users with permission to view legal name and gender, the Show/Hide Legal Name button is displayed at the bottom of the page when in Change mode.

  • Grd (STU.GR) - The student's current grade level.
  • Age (AGE (STU.BD.YEARS)) - The student's calculated age based on birthdate, which cannot be manually updated.
  • Birthdate (STU.BD) - Date on which the student was born. 
  • Stu ID# (STU.ID) - The student's district ID, specific to the district (display only) and automatically assigned. If Assign ID Number from district database only, not from school is selected on District Options, the ID is automatically assigned accordingly. Parents/students need this ID to access the Aeries Parent/Student Portal.
  • Last Name Alias, First Name Alias, Middle Name Alias (STU.LNA, STU.FNA, STU.MNA) - The student's day-to-day nickname, like Bob instead of Robert, usually displayed alongside the regular name.
  • Birth Verif (STU.VBD) - Whether the student's birthdate has been verified by external documentation, such as a birth certificate.
  • Status (STU.TG) - Whether the student's status is active, inactive, pre-enrolled, etc. Blank is active.
  • Residence Address, City, State, Zip, Extn, County, Country (STU.RAD, STU.RCY, STU.RST, STU.RZC, STU.RZX, STU.RCT, STU.RCN) - The address where the student lives.
  • Residence Address Status - Addr. Verif - Whether the student’s residence address has been verified by external documentation, such as a utility bill.
  • Mailing (same) - Whether the residence address and mailing address are the same.
  • Mailing Address, City, State, Zip, Extn, County, Country - (STU.AD, STU.CY, STU.ST, STU.ZC, STU.ZX, STU.CT, STU.CN) - Only needed if mail is received at a different address than residence.
  • Grid Code (STU.GC) - Corresponds to a grid code in the Streets table (STR.GC) if used.
  • ResSchl (STU.RS) - The campus corresponding to the attendance area in which the student currently resides (Texas PEIMS E0903).
  • Attr Code (STU.IT) - (Texas only) Indicates characteristics about the student's enrollment that must be reported to the state (Texas PEIMS E1000) (C161).
  • ResDist (STU.ITD) - The district responsible for the student. 
  • Attr Exp Dt (STU.ITE) - The expiration date used if tracking expiration data for attribution codes.
  • Name Addr Ver (STU.VDT) - The date on which the student’s address was verified. 
  • Parent/Guardian 
    • Name (STU.PG) - The full name of the student's primary parent/guardian.
    • Email (STU.PEM) - The email address of the student's primary parent/guardian.
    • Telephone - Primary (STU.TL) - The phone number for the student's primary parent/guardian. This number is needed for parents/students to access the Aeries Parent/Student Portal.
    • Telephone/Extn - Primary Contact 1 (STU.FW, STU.FX) - The telephone and extension of the student's primary parent/guardian.
    • Telephone/Extn - Primary Contact 2 (STU.MW, STU.MX) - The telephone and extension of any other student's secondary parent/guardian. 
  • Student Contact Info
    • Student's Email (STU.SEM) - The student's email address.
    • Student's Mobile (STU.MPH) - The student's phone number.
    • Notification Pref (STU.NP) - Whether the student prefers to be contacted by email or phone.
  • Track (STU.TR) - The attendance track in which the student is enrolled.
  • ADA Elig (STU.SP) - (Texas only) The student's Average Daily Attendance (ADA) eligibility status as reflected in the district's attendance accounting records (TSDS PEIMS E0787) (C059).
  • US School Age 3 & Up (LAC.US3) - The date of the student's first entry into a US school for Title III Immigrant students and students receiving special education services who are at least 3 years old. 
  • US School K-12 (LAC.USS) - The date the student first enrolled in a K-12 public or private school in the United States and Puerto Rico, including any home schooling in grades K-12.
  • Dist Enter Date (STU.DD) - The date on which the student entered the district.
  • Schl Leave Date (STU.LD) - The date on which the student exited the campus (Texas PEIMS E1069).
  • Leaver Reason (STU.LVR) - The reason the student exited the campus. (Texas PEIMS E1001) (C162)
  • 9th Grade Entry Year (STU.INE) - The year the student started 9th grade in the district, which is calculated based on the (Enrollment) Enter Grade but can be changed for retained students.
    • Students will follow the high school graduation plan that was in place when they began 9th grade.
    • Cohort is determined by the year the student entered 9th grade. See below.
    • Districts are required to develop and review a personal graduation plan for a middle school/junior high student who did not perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument administered under Subchapter B, Chapter 39; or who is not likely to receive a high school diploma before the fifth school year following the student’s enrollment in 9th grade (TEC §28.0212)). This is tracked in TREx via the PERSONAL-GRADUATION-PLAN element.
  • Cohort (STU.CHT) - The student’s expected graduation year, as determined by the year the student entered 9th grade. The field is calculated, read-only, and based on 9th Grade Entry Year.
  • Teacher (STU.CU) - (Elementary only) The primary teacher assigned to the student.
  • Counselor (STU.CNS) - The counselor assigned to the student.
  • Locker (STU.LK) - The locker number assigned to the student. See Locker Management.
  • Records Release (STU.DNR) - Whether the student's records are authorized for release (district-defined list).
  • Family Key (STU.FK) - Students with the same Family Key (unless zero) are considered “siblings” in Aeries. See Sibling Management (Family Keys).
  • Ethnicity (STU.ETH) - Whether or not the student is of Hispanic ethnicity.
  • Race (STU.RC1, STU.RC2, STU.RC3, STU.RC4, STU.RC5) - All of the student’s races.
  • Home Language (STU.CL) - The language spoken in the student's home most of the time, as determined by the Home Language Survey (E0895) (C092).
  • Student Language (STU.HL) - The language spoken by the student most of the time, as determined by the student's Home Language Survey (E1590) (C092).
  • Emergent Bilingual (STU.LF) - Whether the student has been identified as an emergent bilingual (EB) student by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient (E0790) (C061).
  • Birth City, State, Country (STU.BCY, STU.BST, STU.BCU) - The city, state, and country in which the student was born.
  • US Schl < 3 yrs (SSD.SUS) - (Texas only) Whether the number of school years in which an English Learner has been enrolled in a US school is fewer than 3 years, as determined by the LPAC and reported to the TEA through TELPAS. Required for students born outside the US, and only displayed if Birth Country is not US or PR. Also maintained on Language Assessment (E0797) (C088).
  • User1-User13 (STU.U1-STU.U13) - Thirteen customized field names that are defined on the Define Custom Captions page for district-level use. The default names are User1 - User13.
  • Message (STU.MC) - A report card message code designated for the student. Codes are set up on Student Report Card Message Codes. See Grade Reporting - Report Card Messages.
  • Next Year - Several fields that indicate how certain data will be handled during the end-of-year rollover. See Texas - End-of-Year Processes.

Click Show/Hide Legal Name to view and edit Legal Name info. The button is only displayed for users with permission to the Legal Student Information (LSI) table when in Change mode.

Click Save

Otherwise, click Cancel to revert to previously saved data.

On Student Data 2:

  • Campus of Accountability (STU.HS) - (Texas only) The campus number to which a student’s attendance and/or leaver accountability data are attributed for campus accountability purposes (Texas PEIMS/TSDS E0782 and E1027).
  • Stu Email Address (STU.SEM) - The student's email address as entered on the Student Data 1 tab. The field is display only on the Student Data 2 tab.
  • Network Login ID (STU.NID) - The student's user ID for logging on to the district or school network.
  • Verif Pass Code (STU.VPC) - The code needed for access to the Aeries Student/Parent portals, which is displayed on this tab according to District Settings. If enabled, the field is masked and can only be viewed when you hover over the field. See Creating Individual Portal Accounts.
  • Unique ID (STU.CID) - The student's Texas Unique ID, as assigned by the state. If configured properly, the Unique ID Lookup feature is available on Student Data 2 (E1523). The unique ID is displayed if it exists. See Texas Unique ID.
  • End of Year - Status (STU.EOY) - The student's status at the end of the school year. Codes correspond to PEIMS code table C162.
  • End of Year - Next Schl (STU.ENS) - Applies to students who are active through the last day of school but will not be returning to the district next year. Enter the next school if applicable. The school must exist on Course History Institutions
  • Graduation Type - Code (STU.HSG) - The type of plan under which the student graduated or is expected to graduate (E0806) (C062).
  • Graduation Type - Date (STU.DG) - The date on which the student graduated or is expected to graduate (E0791).
  • Personal Stu Email (STU.SPE) - The student's personal email address if applicable.
  • Leave Date (STU.LD) - The date on which the student left the district if applicable.
  • Individual Graduation Committee - Review Code (STU.IGR) - Whether an IGC has been established for the student, regardless of graduation program type being pursued, collected for students in grades 11 and 12 (E1563) (C201).
  • Individual Graduation Committee - Grad Code (STU.IGG) - Whether the student for whom an IGC was established has graduated based on an IGC decision (E1562) (C201).
  • Certificate of Completion Date (STU.CDT) - For a special education student who failed to perform satisfactorily on the statewide exit-level assessment (TEC 28.025(d)) (TREx element TE01), but successfully completed all coursework requirements, indicate the date on which requirements were met.
  • MultiBirth Status (STU.MBS) - Whether the student is a twin, triplet, etc.
  • Record Added (STU.RDT) - The date-time at which the student record was added. The field is automatically populated and cannot be changed.
  • Record Source (STU.RSY) - The source or system by which the record was added. The field is automatically populated and cannot be changed. The following are examples of the RSY field Source:  Import from Online Enrollment = AIR. A Manually Added Student into Aeries = Aeries.Net. Copy Many Student Records (single student) = Aeries Web
  • Last Schl (STU.LS) - The campus the student last attended in the district.
  • Old Stu ID (STU.OID) - The student's prior district ID if it exists.
  • Old Unique ID (STU.OSI) - The student's prior Texas Unique ID if it exists.
  • Truant (STU.TRU) - Whether the student failed to attend school without excuse for 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period of a school year (E1657) (C088).
  • Notes (STU.CO3) - Any additional notes for the student.
  • Wellbeing
    • Wellbeing Date (STU.WD) - Date and time of last Wellbeing Score.
    • Wellbeing Score (STU.WS) - See Wellbeing Status.
    • Wellbeing Attention (STU.WA) - Indicates the level of attention that should be paid to the student's score, such as Normal, Critical, etc. as defined by the campus or district. See Wellbeing Status.
  • Competency Tests - Test 1-Test 5 (STU.T1-STU.T5) A list of tests is displayed according to the settings on Transcript Definitions under Optional Areas, if enabled on School Settings. Specify the one-character passing grade where applicable.

Click Save

Otherwise, click Cancel to revert to previously saved data.

Additional functions are available using buttons at the bottom of the page:

  • Click Import if importing students from Aeries Online Enrollment or the Texas Records Exchange (TREx) system. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students or Texas - TREx Import/Export.

  • Click Export to create the XML file containing the student's records for exporting via the TREx system. See Texas - TREx Import/Export.

  • Click Quick Print to print a screenshot of the student's Demographics page. If viewing the Student Data 2 tab, the screenshot contains data on that tab. Otherwise the screenshot displays Student Data 1 data.

The following buttons are displayed when not in Change mode: