
Importing Students

Sort and Filter

Export data to Excel

Import/Find Matches

View Enrollment

Student Details





Other District Enrollment

Supplemental Questions


Documents Confirmation Log


Import Student Data


Navigate to Student Data > Demographics - Import button

The Aeries Online Enrollment import process allows schools to view newly enrolled students from the Aeries Online Enrollment website in Aeries Web Version. The data entered by the parent can then be reviewed and selected to be imported into the Aeries database.

Note: The Aeries Online Enrollment system should be used for Students who have never attended your District. Returning Students should be reactivated from the inactive School or copied over from a previous year.  Information can be updated at the time of registration and through the Data Confirmation Process in the Parent Portal.



Student Data (STU)Read, InsertAdd Student Records
AIR ImportRead, InsertUse the Import button
School Options (LOC)Read, UpdateView Edit Online Enrollment Settings

Importing Students

The Import button displays on the bottom of the Demographics form.

Import button

Click the Import button and the Aeries Online Enrollment Student List is shown. The student list will load by filtering out older registration years. The registration years displayed will start with the prior year and going forward. 

The page includes pagination for the user to skip through pages and a record count will display at the bottom right corner of the page.

NOTE:  The Status of an enrollment -'Incomplete', 'Imported', etc. - is kept in the Registration database and updated when an action is performed on that record from any school. If you are Testing the Import process, be sure to use a 'Test' student and not an actual student as the Record is be marked as 'Imported' even in a Sandbox environment.

NOTE: If the Import Button should not show because a district not using Online Enrollment, the Synchronization Key and Base AIR URL should be removed from the District Level School Options page.

Filter By Name or Birthdate can be used to search for enrollment records. Searches will instantly filter as the user types. Birthdates will accept 2 and 4 digit years. 

Clear Filters button will clear any filters that are applied on the student list grid.

Refresh button will reload the page and reset all of the filters and sorting with the exception of the Residence School option. Residence School will always load by default.

 Filter By Status options:  

  • Pending Import – Completed enrollment that has been submitted by the Parent and is pending import. Selected by default when the page loads.
  • Partial (Incomplete) – Enrollment that is incomplete.
  • Imported – Enrollment that has been imported.
  • Deleted – Enrollment that has been deleted and not imported.

 Limit to Current School options:

  • Show All – Enrollments with Residence School and preferred schools.
  • Residence School – Enrollments by Residence School value only. The filter value will change based on logged in school. Selected by default when the page loads or by clicking on the Refresh button. 
  • Preferred School – Enrollments by Preferred School value only.


  • The settings section contains the link to edit online enrollment settings. Clicking on this link will load the School Options page. 
  • Users with permissions to edit School Options will see this section


  • This URL will be visible to all users with access to the Student List page. It displays the Online Enrollment site for the district.

Import - Used to search the database for a prior or existing enrollment for this student. If no matches exist, the user can continue through the import process.

View - Clicking the mouse on the View displays the Enrollment Confirmation page that the Parent completed online. This form cannot be edited from this view.

NOTE:  When the View button is clicked, Aeries sends an authorized request to Online Enrollment. That request is only valid for a one-time use.  While the confirmation page loads on a separate browser tab, the student list will auto-refresh so that if the View button is clicked a second time, the Confirmation page will display successfully using a new request. 


Update Status 

  • Deleted Enrollments can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete) 
  • Pending Import Enrollments can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete. This can be used to 'return' the enrollment to the Parent for them to change/add information and resubmit the enrollment. 
  • Partial (Incomplete) Enrollments can be set to Delete.

Registration User - The name of the parent that submitted the enrollment and an email link.  This can be used to email the parent with any questions about the information before importing the student.

Student Name / Enroll ID - The name of the student and their enrollment id number given by the Online Enrollment system. This ID is not their Student ID that will be assigned after the import process.

Grade - The grade level set during the registration process based on birthdate or the selected grade by the parent.

Residence School - The residence school assigned based on the address if the school has enabled the option to use the Street table validation.

Preferred School - The school of choice that the parent selection as a second option. District must enable this as an option for lottery schools as an example.

Residence Address - Address entered by the parent.

Phone - Phone entered by the parent.

Year  - School Year for which the student was registered.

Registration Date - Date and time when the enrollment was submitted in Online Enrollment.  

Sort and Filter  

The Results section of the student list contains filters on each column. Comparison indicators exists to select depending on the type of filter needed. Multiple columns can be sorted and filter at the same time.

To filter by a specific value, for example Registration Date, click on the filter icon on the corner of the column and two comparison indicators are available to select, 'Is greater than' and 'Is less than'. Use the comparison indicator of choice and add a value to the field below it. 

Click on the Filter button to enable the filter and the student list will filter based on the value.

The Registration Date column includes time and is in the format MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt. Example 08/14/2023 04:53 PM

The filter in this column has both a calendar icon and a time icon that can be used to a specific date and time. This can help when filtering for records that were completed by the parent within a specific time and date range.

The clear the filter on a single column, open the desired column filter and click the Clear button or click on the Clear Filters button at the top of the page to clear all filters from all columns. 

To sort a column(s) click on the header and an arrow will display on the corner of the individual column. Clicking multiple times will sort the column in ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow) order. Clicking a third time will remove the column sort and the arrow will not be displayed.

NOTE: The Clear Filters button at the top of the page will not reset the Limit to Current School filter by default. To reset all of the page filters and column sorting and load the latest confirmed registration records, click on the Refresh button a at the top of the page.

Export data to Excel  

An Excel button is displayed on the blue Results header bar. Clicking on this button will export the data displayed on the page. The button will honor any filters that are set by the Filter by Status, Limit to Current School, and with any column that is sorted and filtered in the Results section.

Once open in Excel, the file contains all of the information from the student list in the order as shown below. 


The Preferred School column will contain a '-1' and indicates that there is no preferred school. The value of '-1' exists in the database but the page in Aeries hides it for users.

The Registration Date values will initially display as a date but when a field is clicked, the time is also displayed and available. 

To change the format of the column to display the date/time, perform the following in Excel:

  • Click on the Registration Date column to highlight
  • Right click on the highlighted column to view the menu and select Format Cells

  • On the Format Cells window
  • Select Date from the Category and select the Type in the format for date/time PM (3/14/12 1:30 PM)
  • Click OK

The Registration Date column will now display the date time format.

Import/Find Matches

The Import process begins with a matching process that attempts to find an existing active or inactive enrollment record for the student. If a match is found, the information the parent entered in the Aeries Online Enrollment system can be used to update the student's record.

NOTE: The Aeries Online Enrollment system should be used for Students who have never attended your District. Returning Students should be reactivated from the inactive School or copied over from a previous year.  Information can be updated at the time of registration and through the Data Confirmation Process in the Parent Portal.


To search for a potential match, click on the Import button next to the Registration User and Student name.

A Look For Existing Student form shows any potential existing Student matches in the district. 

Search for existing student list

If no potential match is located in the list, click on the Student Not Found button at the bottom of the potential student matches list.

After clicking on the Student Not Found | Continue Importing button the Student Details form displays with information to be reviewed and edited if necessary before importing the record.  

Student Import record details

If a potential match IS found after clicking on the Find Matches button, click on the Details button to the left of the potential match Student name.

Details button

If the Student matched is currently enrolled a warning message is shown.

Student match warning message

NOTE: If the Parent entered information regarding a previous enrollment in your district, the top of the locator box displays this information in a red message to assist in making a more accurate match.

Notification message that parent indicated student was previously enrolled


If a previous enrollment was noted but the Student Not Found button is selected, the following additional message displays. Click OK to continue the process without matching to an existing student.

warning message - Parent noted the student was previously enrolled at this school. Are you sure you want to continue without matching to an existing student

After clicking on the Details button the Student Detail form shows a red message “Matched to Existing Student in Aeries”

Matched to existing student message

When matching an existing Student record to an Online Enrollment record, The Online Enrollment Details form highlight fields in yellow that are different between that record and the matched Student record. The differences should be verified before the record is imported. 

Yellow highlight shows data differences between record to import and existing record

When matching an Online Enrollment record to an existing student record, certain fields remain locked and read only. The locked fields show the data entered on Enrollment and have a hover text stating the existing value for reference.

Some fields cannot be updated through this process


Fields on the Aeries Online Enrollment Import form that are locked when existing values exist on a matched record include State Student ID, Ethnicity, Race 1 – 5, Home Language Survey and School Entry dates.


NOTE: If one Race field has an existing value, all Race fields are locked.

If it is decided not to match the Enrollment record with the Aeries record, click on the Return To Student List button which brings you back to the Student list form. 

Return to Student list button

In the event that an existing record in the school is matched to an incoming record from Online Enrollment, and the school does not have the Home Language Survey information populated, the matching process will import the language selections from Online Enrollment under the following conditions.

Importing Languages:

In CA: When the 4 language fields, First (LAC.L1), at Home (LAC.L2), Primary (LAC.L3), by Adults (LAC.L4) are ALL blank in the student's existing school record, all populated langauges will be imported.

In TX: When the 3 language fields (Primary (LAC.L2), at Home (LAC.L3), Previous Home (LAC.L5) are ALL blank in the student's existing school record, all populated langauges will be imported.

NOTE: If any of the fields listed above have data populated, and the matching process is initiated, the home language data from the Online Enrollment record will not update any of the language fields in the student record at the school and an electronic signature will not be created.

Importing Dates:

If ANY of the following fields, US Entry (LAC.USE), US School Age 3 & Up (LAC.US3), US School K-12 (LAC.USS) and CA/TX School (LAC.STS) are blank, the data of the same field from the Online Enrollment record will be populated during the import process and ONLY if the language fields have also been imported. No existing data will be overwritten. 

After the language fields have been imported successfully, the electronic signature will be created as expected and the following fields will be populated: Survey Completed Date (LAC.HLD), Survey Completed By (LAC.HCB), Online Enrollment Signatory Name (LAC.SNM), Source (LAC.SRC) and Survey Signature Hash (LAC.HLH).

View Enrollment

Clicking on the View button opens up the Enrollment Confirmation form that contains the information the Parent filled out during the enrollment process to see the data the Parent entered during the process. The Enrollment Completed by shows the name of the Parent who submitted the enrollment and an email link so they can be contacted for more information.

The Print button can be used to print a copy of the Confirmation.

Student Details

The Student Details form shows all data entered by the parent on several tabs:  Demographics, Contacts, Medical, Authorizations, Other District Enrollment, Supplemental Questions, Programs, Document Confirmation Log and Documents. The information in each tab can be edited before Importing the record.

Note: The tabs that appear are based on the pages that are shown to the Parent during the Online Enrollment process. Student Details form tabs


The Demographics tab displays the data entered by the Parent. This data is imported into the corresponding fields in the Student Data Demographics area. 

demographics tab information

Making changes to the Home Language Survey answers will result in invalidating the parent signature from Online Enrollment. See Home Language Survey in Aeries Online Enrollment for more information.

If the Student enrollment was completed for next school year, the Status defaults to * Pre-enrolled for next year. This value can be changed by clicking on the drop down arrow and choosing a different status. 

Choose an enrollment status

The name of the Parent submitting the enrollment and an email link are displayed next to the status.

Name of parent that completed the enrollment and email link


The Contacts tab displays all Contacts added which can include Parent/Guardian, and Emergency Contact information. This data is imported into the Contacts form. 


Contacts tab information 

In the left corner of each Contact record there is an Import? option. If this option is selected, the Contact record is imported. This is useful to avoid importing duplicate Contact records if the Parent entered themselves as a Parent and an Emergency Contact.

Import Contact selection box


The contact records also show a Source that is either AIR or Aeries. This relates to where the information generated from.


NOTE:  If the source is Aeries, that record’s Import ? box defaults to unchecked. If it is left unchecked, that information is not included on the new record.


The Medical tab displays any Immunization and Medical History data entered by the parent. All information defaults to be imported.


Medical tab information

To de-select records, click on the Import? option box and those records are not imported.


The Authorizations tab displays any Authorization information entered by the Parent. All records default to be imported. If this Import is matched to an existing Student, the current Authorization records show with a Source of AERIES.  These are not tagged for Import, but are DEL-tagged on Import. If you wish to keep the current records active, check them for Import.

Authorization tab information

To de-select records, click the mouse on the Import? option box and the check mark no longer displays. These records are not imported into Aeries Web. 

Other District Enrollment

The Other District Enrollment tab displays any prior district enrollment that was entered by the parent.  All AIR records default to be imported.  If this Import is matched to an existing Student, the current ODE records shows with a Source of AERIES.  These are not tagged for Import, but are DEL-tagged on Import. If you wish to keep the current records active, check them for Import.

Other district enrollment tab information

To de-select records, click on the Import? option box.

Supplemental Questions

The Supplemental Questions tab displays all Supplemental question responses entered by the parent and default to be imported.

Supplemental questions tab information

To de-select records, click the mouse on the Import? option box.


The Programs tab displays a Program record for the Residence/Military Survey if the Parent chose an answer other than 'None/No'

The Participation Start Date can be modified. If you do not want to import/approve the Program record, deselect the Import? checkbox.  After Import, the new record appears in Special Programs (PGM).

Documents Confirmation Log

The Document Confirmation Log tab displays any documents the Parent confirmed during the enrollment process. If the enrollment record is imported, a DCL record are created for the documents confirmed.

Document Confirmation log tab


The Documents tab displays any documents the Parent has uploaded for the Enrollment process.  On import the Documents import into the Student Documents page with the settings shown for Related to, Category and Subcategory.  The Document names are links that can be used to view the Document before importing.

Documents tab information

After importing, the Documents appear on the Student Documents page with the Categories assigned during the Online Enrollment Process and the User who imported the Student

Import Student Data

After all information has been reviewed and an appropriate Status has been selected, the Student enrollment can be imported. To import the student enrollment, click the Import Student Data button.

Import Student Data button

If matching to an existing student record with fields that do not match, the following message displays when clicking on the Import Student button.


Are you sure you want to import this Student? There are fields that do not match. Selecting the wrong Student can cause major problems in your data! Continue?

After clicking on OK, a second confirmation message displays. To continue with the import of the student record, click on the OK button.


Are you really sure?

If the enrollment information was entered with commas in the Residence Address, Mailing Address or Birth Country fields, the following message displays showing the Fields containing commas. It is recommended to remove them before importing the enrollment.

                           Please Note, Residence Address contains commas that could cause major problems when extracting data later, continue importing data with commas?

If a status other than active was selected for the student, the following message displays. Click on OK to continue the import process.

Please verify you want to admit this student with a status other than Active


When the Import process completes, an “Import Succeeded!” message displays on the form.

To view the imported student enrollment, click the mouse on the View Student link.


Import successful message

The Student Demographics form displays with the new student information. 

Student Demographics record for the new student