
Texas State Reporting requires all students to be reported with a social security number (SSN) if available. Student social security numbers can be entered in Aeries and used for Texas State Reporting. Because of the sensitivity of this information, several measures exist in the software to provide security and ensure that the information cannot be used inappropriately.

When an SSN is not available, a State Alternate ID Number (i.e., S-Number) must be assigned to the student. The state provides districts with a "bank" (or range) of State Alternate IDs which can be stored in Aeries and assigned to students as needed. 

Permissions and Settings

Security Permissions

Access to the encrypted data held in the ESD table is controlled by two new security areas: Student SSN and Staff SSN. User accounts given security permission to the these two areas are handled as follows: 

  • User accounts with Read permission will be able to view only the last 4 digits of the Social Security Number. 
  • User accounts with Update permission will be able to add or replace an existing Social Security Number, but still only view the last 4 digits.
  • User accounts with Mass Update permission will be able access the EncryptSSN.aspx page and run the Long Running Process to social security data that was uploaded to the ESD table. However, they still can only view the last 4 digit of a student's Social Security Number.
  • User accounts with Administer permission will be able to view the full Social Security number instead of just the last 4 digits, and be able to see the entire Social Security Number when editing. 


District Settings

Under Configurations select District Settings.

Under the District Settings heading, if Warn when students do not have an SSN or State Alternate ID is selected, a warning is displayed on the Demographics page if a student does not have an SSN or other state-issued ID populated on the Student Data 2 tab. The warning is only displayed for users with Update permissions to Encrypted Student Data (ESD). 

See District Settings for more information.


School Settings

Under Configurations select School Settings.

Under Encrypted Data Collection - Data source is OPT table, if Allow Collection of Social Security Numbers via Encrypted Student/Staff Data (ESD) is selected, the encrypted student SSN field is available on the Demographics page Student Data 2 tab.

See Encrypted Student Data for more information. 

Student Data

Under Student  Data select Demographics and click the Student Data 2 tab.

If the option to collect SSNs is selected and the user has sufficient permissions, the encrypted student SSN field is available on Student Data 2, but it is initially hidden behind the Unique ID field.

A Lock icon is displayed next to the Unique ID field. Clicking the Lock icon will display the Soc-Sec-Num/State Alternate ID field, which is hidden behind the Unique ID field. 

Note that these fields cannot be updated for a new student until the initial student record is saved.

If an SSN exists for the student, the last four digits will be displayed.

To enter the student's SSN, click the Pencil icon. An empty field appears allowing you to enter the SSN. Type the number and click the Save icon. A field is also available for the student's Prior SSN or State Alternate ID (if one exists):

If the Save button is pressed with no data in either or both fields, a warning will be provided:

If you wish to blank out the fields, press OK. To cancel the operation, press Cancel.

If an SSN has not been entered for the student, the Assign State Alternate ID button is displayed when you click the Lock icon. If the SSN is not available for the student, click Assign State Alternate ID.

You are prompted to confirm that you wish to assign the alternate ID. Click OK, and the newly assigned alternate ID appears in the field.

Click the Unlock icon to hide the encrypted information.

See Texas - State Alternate ID Number Management for more information.

Student Search

The Aeries Student Search feature allows using the SSN or S-Number (State Alternate ID) to find a student.