CALPADS Error SPRG0550F1 - Invalid ELAS Code for Language Instruction Program. This error occurs when Non-English Learner (EL) students are assigned to a Language Instruction Program (LIP) that requires an ELAS Code of English Learner (EL)


Language Instruction Program (LIP) was being left active in order to track Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Students after the Reclassification


The error is triggered because the program is designed for English Learner (EL) students, but it has been assigned to Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students or other Non-EL students


  1. Verify ELAS Code:

    • Check the ELAS Code for students assigned to the Language Instruction Program (LIP) Codes
    • Ensure that only students with an ELAS Code of EL are included
    • Add end date to LIP Programs for Reclassified (RFEP) students as of the day before the Reclassification Date
  2. Update Reclassification Information:

    • Navigate to the Language Assessment page in Aeries
    • If necessary add the EL Program End date
    • Use the Reclassification Information bar to add Reclassification Fluency Date and track Reclassified students
    • Enter the appropriate dates and codes for Reclassification Follow-Up 

  3. Set Up Codes:

    • Go to the Update Code Table in Aeries
    • Configure the necessary codes for the Reclassification Information fields, these codes are set by the District according to their needs