What are the new LIP - Language Instruction Codes? 

What should the start date be for the LIP Instruction Codes?  

Why is CALPADS not reflecting our program data for students when we have added a program record for each student?  

If a district doesn't use an "F" or "R" code for Free/Reduced Meals eligibility, will issues occur in CALPADS Reporting?

What date should be used in the Special Education Entry Date field (CSE.ED)? 

Does a district need to enter an end date each year on Participation records? 

How do I close previous Program records when they didn't get closed the year before and submitted to CALPADS for SPRG extract 

Which 504 Accommodation Plan record is extracted if a district has used the 504 (FOF) table and has records in the PGM (PGM.CD = 101)? 

What is the definition of an "armed forces family member"? 

Why are LEAs asked to collect whether a student has an "armed forces family member"? 

Does a district need to enter an End Date on Participation records each year? 

If an SPRG record has been added to Aeries, uploaded to CALPADS, then deleted from Aeries, will the reconciliation process delete it? 

What are the new LIP - Language Instruction Codes? 

Effective 2019/2020, the CDE has developed a list of Language Instruction Programs (LIPs) for English Learners. Previously, districts reported English Learner participation in English language acquisition programs by “course” and not by student. Districts will now report this data by student in the SPRG file.  

Students will be required to have a Program Eligibility Start Date (PGM.ESD) and Program Eligibility End Date (PGM.EED). Since the LIP codes became effective this year, the Program Eligibility Start Date (PGM.ESD) needs to be after 7/1/2019. Going forward, the date can be earlier than the enrollment record as districts are not required to close out LIP program records. LIP program records remain open until the student is exited from the LIP program.

Displayed below are the new LIP Program Codes (PGM) and the Retired Instructional Strategy Codes.


New Education Program CodeName of New Education Program CodeRetired Instructional Strategy CodeName of Retired
Instructional Strategy Code
LIP – Developmental Bilingual Program
English Learner Bilingual Program
LIP – Dual-Language Immersion Program
Dual Language Immersion Program
LIP – Heritage or Indigenous Language
LIP – Newcomer Program (various models)
304LIP - One-Way Immersion Programnonen/a
LIP – Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models
Structured English Immersion/Other English Model
LIP – Transitional Bilingual Program
English Learner Bilingual Program
307LIP - Parent Opted Out of EL Servicesnonen/a

For more information, see CALPADS Flash #163 

Mass Creating Student Program Records 

Using the Mass Add Student Related Data process may assist in adding the LIP Program records to students.  In the Mass Add Student Related Data process, students can be selected by Name, Grade, Teacher or a KEEP/SKIP query statement. 

If presented with a spreadsheet of specific students and the student Student ID (STU.ID) is included.  Highlight the column of Student IDs (STU.ID) and right click to copy the Student ID numbers.

Navigate to the Mass Add Student Related Data page.  Click the Create New button and select the PGM table as the Target Table.  Populate the Program Code and the Eligibility Start Date.

NOTE: The Mass Add Student Related Data page displays the tables in the Target Table dropdown based on the user's permissions.  More information is available Mass Add Student Related Data Overview

Scroll down the page to Students to Update.  Paste the Student IDs in the Student Search window. Click the Load Students button. On the Search Results window, select the All button to select all the students and click the center arrow to copy the students to the Selected Students window. Click the Mass Add Records to create the program records. 

What should the start date be for the LIP Instruction Codes?  

For the new LIP Instruction Codes, the eligibility start dates needs to be 7/1/2019 or after.  

Districts will receive the GERR0007 - "Code submitted outside the effective date range" error if the start date is before 7/1/2019.


Students will be required to have a Program Eligibility Start Date (PGM.ESD) and Program Eligibility End Date (PGM.EED). Since the LIP codes became effective this year, the Program Eligibility Start Date (PGM.ESD) needs to be after 7/1/2019. Going forward, the date can be earlier than the enrollment record as districts not required to close out LIP program records. LIP program records remain open until the student is exited from the LIP program.

Why is CALPADS not reflecting our program data for students when we have added a program record for each student?  

If your program data is not uploading correctly to CALPADS, check for the following possible causes:

  1. Confirm the correct school number (PGM.SCL) has been entered for the program.  
    • Using a school code of zero (0) in the program record, especially for open ended program records, ensures that the school code, program start date and end date will be properly updated in the SPRG extract from a student's enrollment record.  When a student is transferring or matriculating to other schools within the district, the SPRG extract will submit the new school information. 
    • If populating the school number in the program record instead of using zero (0), the school must be listed in Course History Institutions (CHI).  The record ID number in CHI must be below 1000 and match the Aeries school code (STU.SC).
  2. Confirm that the dates entered in the start and end dates reflect dates within the current school calendar.  
  3. Confirm the program start date is populated in the correct field.  
    • There are programs which require a Participation Date and programs which require an Eligibility Date.  See: CALPADS Special Programs Chart  
    • If the wrong field has been populated, use a change query to fix the issue by copying the date to the correct field. 
Afterwards, resubmit an SPRG extract to CALPADS to resolve the issue.

If a district doesn't use an "F" or "R" code for Free/Reduced Meals eligibility, will issues occur in CALPADS Reporting?  

CALPADS only recognizes the "F" (Free) or "R" (Reduced) program codes for Free/Reduced Meals eligibility.  If a district uses different identifying codes, update the information in Code Translations so that the program information is correctly extracted and reported to CALPADS.

What date should be used in the Special Education Entry Date field (CSE.ED)?

The Special Education Entry Date (CSE.ED) is always the initial date that a student qualified for Special Education Services (IEP) - regardless if that date occurred prior to the student's enrollment in a school/or district.

If a student is redesignated with a new disability code, the initial date that a student qualified for Special Education Services (IEP) remains the same and does not change.

If the student who was eligible for special education services, subsequently exits the program and then, after a period of time, is once again determined to be eligible for services, here are the procedures:

  1.  Ensure that the original Special Education Program record reflecting the Special Education Initial Entry Date (Education Program Start Date field) and the Special Education Program Exit Date (Education Program End Date field) are in CALPADS. If the record is not in CALPADS, then the record should be submitted.
  2. In order to reflect the subsequent determination that the student is eligible for services, a subsequent Special Education Program record should be submitted reflecting the new eligibility determination date (IEP meeting date) in the Education Program Start Date field. The Education Program End Date field should be null.  Enter the most current eligibility date  in the Special Education Entry Date (CSE.ED) in Aeries, the new disability codes and leave the End Date blank.

Does a district need to enter an end date each year on Participation records?  

The SPRG extract will auto-close all open Participation for Education Program Codes.  Students can have one open record from previous years and the SPRG extract will auto-close the record.  An end date on the Participation program record is not needed.  The extract will populate an end date in the SPRG extract for Education Program Codes of 108, 113, 122, 174 and 185 and also 101 (504 Accommodation Plans) when the last school day is within 30 calendar days (or less) from the current date.

Some districts, in order to document the review of the record in CALPADS will place an end date on the open record and create a new one each year. This is a district data managing decision, but not required.

How do I close previous Program records when they didn't get closed the year before and submitted to CALPADS for SPRG extract  

Certain Program records must be closed out every year in CALPADS. For guidance on which programs must be closed at the end of the year (eligibility and participation) see the CALPADS Data Guide. In order to clean up prior year data for program records and close them properly in CALPADS, the following is suggested:

  • In the prior year Aeries database, update the appropriate end date for the PGM records that need to be closed.
  • In the prior year Aeries database, create the SPRG extract in CALPADS Extracts > Enrollment Update > SPRG tab in the same manner as instructed on the following document. See CALPADS Enrollment Update.
  • Submit the prior year SPRG extract to CALPADS to close out the records in CALPADS.
  • Ensure that the data is reflected in the CALPADS ODS before proceeding with bringing in a new SPRG ODS Extract for the new school year.
  • For all records given an end date in the prior year, that same information will need to be populated in the current school year for the same student records.
Please note that an SPRG should be submitted during EOY

Which 504 Accommodation Plan record is extracted if a district has used the 504 (FOF) table and has records in the PGM (PGM.CD = 101)?  

Records in the 504 table (FOF) or Program (PGM.CD = 101) table should only be entered for students who qualify for a 504 Accommodation Plan. The CALPADS SPRG extract looks at the 504 Plans (FOF) table first for extracting 504 records. If no FOF records exist, then the Programs (PGM) record is used. The system will evaluate each student as it processes the SPRG extract.

  • The CALPADS SPRG file will extract open records even if the start date was in a prior year.  
  • Students, with open records from a prior year, will be extracted as eligible in the program using the current year enrollment dates.

Note:  It is recommended to populate either the 504 Plans (FOF) table or the Programs (PGM) record school/district wide for data consistency and not both.

What is the definition of an "armed forces family member"?  

A student is considered to be an Armed Forces Family Member if at least one parent is an Armed Forces member, on active duty or serves on full-time National Guard duty. The terms “armed forces,” “active duty,” and “full-time National Guard duty” as defined by Sections 101(a)(4), 101(d)(1), and 101(d)(5) of the United States Code are:

  • 101(a) (4) – The term “armed forces” means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
  • 101(d) (1) – The term “active duty” means full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. Such term includes full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance, while in the active military service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the Secretary of the military department concerned. Such term does not include full-time National Guard duty.
  •  101 (d) (5) – The term “full-time National Guard duty” means training or other duty, other than inactive duty, performed by a member of the Army National Guard of the United States or the Air National Guard of the United States in the member's status as a member of the National Guard of a State or territory, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia under Section 316, 502, 503, 504, or 505 of Title 32 of the United States Code, for which the member is entitled to pay from the United States or for which the member has waived pay from the United States.

Why are LEAs asked to collect whether a student has an "armed forces family member"?  

As part of the new accountability requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the U.S. Department of Education is requiring LEAs to identify students who are armed forces family members. These students will be part of a new accountability subgroup.

These data are being collected as an Education Program in CALPADS in the Student Program (SPRG) File with an Education Program Code of 192 – Armed Forces Family Member. The Education Program Membership Start Date can be before or during the student’s enrollment at a school, and the program record does not have to be closed out annually; however, LEAs should reaffirm a student’s membership status at the beginning of every school year.

Does a district need to enter an End Date on Participation records each year?  

As of the May 4, 2018 update, the SPRG extract will auto-close all open Participation for Education Program Codes. Students can have one open record from previous years and the SPRG extract will auto-close the record.  An end date on the Participation program record is not needed.  The extract will populate an end date in the SPRG extract for Education Program Codes of 108, 113, 122, 174 and 185 and also 101 (504 Accommodation Plans) when the last school day is within 30 calendar days (or less) from the current date.

Some districts, in order to document the review of the record in CALPADS will place an end date on the open record and create a new one each year. This is a district data managing decision, but not required.

If an SPRG record has been added to Aeries, uploaded to CALPADS, then deleted from Aeries, will the reconciliation process delete it?  

Only SPRG records that are participation records or any FRE record will be removed during the SPRG reconciliation process if the record exists in ODS and is no longer found in Aeries. The record must be an exact match based on Primary Keys and must have dates in the current academic year in order to be removed if no longer found.