The Mass Add Student Related Data feature in Aeries® SIS allows users with appropriate permissions to add a record into a table for many students. Below are a few examples of tables for which this feature may be useful:

  • Activities (ACT) records for all the members of a club or athletic team
  • Fees (FEE) records for all students in a certain PE or lab science course
  • Conference (CNF) or Visitation (VIS) records
  • Medical tests (e.g., Hearing (HRN), Vision (VSN), etc.) administered to a group of students on the same day

The utility of this feature is by no means limited to the above examples.

Students can be selected by typing or pasting a list of student ID numbers. They can also be selected by Grade, Counselor/Teacher, Class, or by utilizing a Keep or Skip in Query. This provides great flexibility in choosing which students should have the new record added to the selected table.

The Mass Add Student Related Data page is located under School Info | Functions in the navigation menu.


Accessing the Mass Add Student Related Data page requires Read permission to the page in Security.

To use this page to mass add records to a particular table, the user must also have both Insert and Mass Update permissions to that table.

The page also supports the special Administer permission. Users with Administer permission to the page are permitted to overwrite layouts saved by other users. This topic will be covered in more detail in another article.