Aeries CS contained a module for managing textbooks at individual schools that served Users for many years. With the development of Aeries Web, the need was seen to have an Asset Management system that could be used for all District Assets, not just textbooks. This is now the standard system used and includes Textbook management. There are, however, significant differences in the Aeries Web District Assets compared to the Aeries CS Textbook management. This article may help recently converted districts to understand how to manage their Textbooks within District Assets.

The main difference between the two systems is textbooks are considered another asset, along with computers, laptops, tablets, desks, phones, etc., and all Assets are owned by the District, not the School.  Each textbook title is a District-owned Resource and there are multiple copies (Items) of that Resource, each with it's own Barcode assigned by the District.  The textbooks can then be assigned to Schools and then to Teachers/Students.  In Aeries CS, each School assigned their own Barcodes and there was the potential of having the same Barcode number at different schools. In District Assets, the Barcodes are unique across the District for ALL assets and can never be reused.  

These differences mean there are some functionalities of Aeries CS that are no longer used and are not available in Aeries Web.  The remaining Textbook-specific reports and functions of Aeries CS have migrated to more generic Asset Reports and functions.  The following chart shows which Textbook reports/functions are part of District Assets and the comparable name.


Aeries CS name

District Assets name

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Textbook Assignments by TextbookQuick Asset Information Lookup page
Textbook Assignments by StudentStudent Assets page
Textbook Assignments by TeacherStaff Assets page
Textbook Copy Info LookupQuick Asset Information Lookup page
Textbook Fines by StudentStudent Asset Fees page
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