A variety of reports are available for District Assets.

Navigate to Reports > District Assets.

The following reports can be printed from the District.

Assets Checked Out to Staff  

The Assets Checked out to Staff Report can be printed to identify all staff members that have an asset checked out. An option is available to limit the report to only print assets checked out. The report can be printed to include a page break between staff members and can be printed for inactive staff as well.

Asset Details  

The Asset Details report will provide a listing of Assets sorted by Asset Name or Asset Number. The information on the report comes from the DRT and VND tables and displays information such as the asset number, asset name, author, # of Items, # of items available, the first and last copy number, the price or replacement cost of the asset and vendor information.

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Asset Release Form by Teacher  

An Asset Release Form by Teacher report can be printed which can be used as a tool for the teacher to document asset checkout information on a form to keep track of assets given out to students in the class. This is useful for keeping track of checking books in and out on a temporary basis where books may be issued to students throughout the day and returned.