The Quick Asset Information Lookup page will allow you to search the availability of a barcode stored in the District Asset system. This Quick Lookup can be found in the Navigation under District Assets.

On this page, searching a barcode can be done easily by hand-entering a barcode number into the Item Barcode search box or by using a hand-held scanner.  For more information on scanning, see the "Using Scanners" section at the bottom of the page. Once the barcode number is entered it will search the District Resource Item (DRI) table for a matching item/barcode. It will also search the District Resource Assignments (DRA) table to check if this item is currently available or if it is checked out to a Student or Teacher. 

The following information will display once an Item Barcode is entered.

An indicator of whether the Item Barcode is available or checked out
The Barcode number from DRI.BC
The asset number (DRI.RID) linked to the barcode
The item number (DRI.RIN) linked to the barcode
TitleThe title of the District Asset (DRT.TI)
The author from the Asset Resource table (DRT.AU)
Comment from the DRI.CO field from the item
ID number of Student if currently checked out to student
Student:Name of Student if currently checked out to student
Student Grade level if checked out to student
ID number of Staff if currently checked out to staff

A Quick Print button is available for printing the information displayed on the screen.


The Item History will show a list of students or staff members that have ever been issued this Item/Barcode and the date ranges of when they where issued or returned.  

A print Item History Report button is available from this screen and will print history for the barcode that was recently searched.  Go to View All Reports->District Assets for a full list of reports available.  


The Unpaid and Lost Fees will display any students who were given a fine for this barcode. If the barcode is available and no longer checked out, there will be an option to Delete the fee from the student record.


When using a hand-held scanner for scanning barcodes from devices, it is recommended to configure your scanner to trigger an Enter Key after the scanning process is complete. The Enter Key is required after entering the Barcode number in order to search a barcode from this screen. The steps to setup your scanner will vary and some scanners will already be configured for this type of process.  It is recommended to check the instructions that came with the barcode scanner, or the manufacturer's website for instructions on how to customize this setting.  Refer to your IT/Networking Team for further help on configuring your scanning device.