Absence Verification Letter Text Editor  

Report Options  

Print Letters  

Print Labels  

Print List  


Navigate to Reports > Attendance > Absence Verification Letter.

The Print Absence Verification Letters is an option that generates letters to be sent to parents informing them of their Students' excessive absences. This report has been adjusted to work in a Flex School. The school must first create an Absence Verification letter to the parents regarding excessive absences. The Absence Letter Text Editor form is used to prepare these letters and can be reviewed using the Check Abs Verif Letter Text Editor button which opens to a new page. Prior to using this form, ensure the text of the letter is accurate. 

Absence Verification Letter Text Editor  

Two letter IDs are used for printing this letter, the Abs Verif Footer and Absence Verification. The Absence Verification will print in the upper portion of the letter. The Abs Verif Footer will print in the bottom portion of the letter.

The standard code to use is [TE] in order to display the student's teacher into the letter and utilize the handout date. This will pull the teacher according to the class schedule and master schedule. Brackets must be used outside the code.

Extended fields can be used instead or additionally, such as the Primary Teacher ame from the Student Demographics page. There is no special logic in this code. It simply displays the Primary Teacher name directly from the Student Demographics page. Adding this code to the letter is not necessary, but can be an option.

All Absence Codes marked 'Unverified' in the ATT.AL (All Day) field will be used to generate the letters.

Report Options  

The Print Address Information option when selected will expand to include additional options. Options for printing the parent/student address, District or School address and the date of the letter will be included. Other options include adding the school name when printed with the District's return address or adding the District name when printing with the school's return address. The address can be printed in all uppercase. The letters can also be printed using Double Window envelopes. 

Select the option for how these letters are to be sorted:

  • Sort by Student Name
  • Sort by Counselor
  • Sort by Teacher/Period - Select sort by teacher, then select the Period Letters are to be sort on.  For Flex or section staff schools, the teacher name will be based on the Section Staff table (SSE.ID) of the primary teacher. Periods in this drop-down will come from the Flex Periods (FTF.STI) field.

Date Letters are to be handed out - Select the date for letters to be distributed.

Count ATT between - Select a date range for counting absences. A count is then generated for Absence Codes marked 'Unverified' and will be evaluated based on the All Day (ATT.AL) field.

Update Letter Log - If a letter is created for a student, the Letter Log is updated when this option is checked. This prevents the student from receiving another letter when the same option is selected to run again.

Print Letters  

After all options are selected, click the Print Letters button to print the Absence Verification Letters.

Selecting the Sort by Teacher/Period option will print the report with the student's Primary teacher or past primary teacher based on the Section Staff Members Start Date and End Date and will be determined by the hand-out date in the options. 

For example, if the report will be handed out in a class on 9/12, this report will be addressed to Herrera since this is the student's teacher on 9/12.

However, if the report is to be handed out on 5/01/2024, then the report will be addressed to Abbott, since Abbott was the teacher on the hand-out date.

When the report is sorted by Counselor, the report will print based on either the Counselor (STU.CU) or (STU.CNS) field if the Staff ID Based Counselor option has been enabled. For Flex Daily schools where primary class tracking is enabled, the STU.CNS field is used.

After the letters have been printed, the Print Labels and Print List buttons become available. These buttons will only be available if the Letter Log was updated.

Select Print Labels button to Print mailing labels for the letters just generated.

Select Print List button to print a list of all letters generated.