This listing identifies other available reports by:

Aeries Financial System Reports

Miscellaneous Reports

State Reporting Reports

Table Data Reports

Report TitleDescriptionDistrictSecondaryElementary

Miscellaneous Reports 

Aeries Software Revision NotesLists the current changes and additions to all Aeries software.

Effective Permissions

Lists security permissions for selected user types.

Lunch Count Data

Prints lunch totals by type and date.

Missing Lunch Count

Lists teachers who have not submitted a lunch count on a specific date.

Pre-Rollover Audit Listing

Used to locate student record errors that could have potential rollover issues.

Saved Queries

Lists all saved queries by author with query name and statement.

Users with Invalid Passwords

Prints invalid passwords with username and user type.


State Reporting Reports

CSIS Required Information Course List

Lists all courses with required CALPADS coding, or only courses missing the required coding.

SELA Conflict Report

After running the SELA ODS Reconciliation, this report will generate discrepancies between LAC.EAD vs IFEP, RFEP or EL (Program Dates), also between the LAC.EAC and the STU.LF (Language Fluency).


Aeries Financials System Reports

Financial Arrears

Lists scheduled payments that are past due by student.

Financial Payment Listing

Lists all payments made in the Aeries Financials system by student for a specified date range.

Financial Statement

Generates a statement of a student's transactions in the Aeries Financials system, as well as next scheduled payment due information, serving as a mailable remittance slip.

Financial Transaction History 

Lists all transactions in the Aeries Financials system by student.

Financial Transactions by Date 

Prints information for all transactions in the Aeries Financials system for a specified date range.


Table Data Reports

Code TablePrints all or specific tables and fields in a district's Code Table.

Database Table Information 

Prints information for selected tables, including record counts, relationships, table fields, and indexes.

Data Change AnomaliesPrints changes to addresses made by a parent, teacher, or student.

State Course Codes 

Prints all or active only CA State course codes by category.

Suspendable Offense Codes

Prints all codes and information for the SOC table.

Table Record Counts

Prints records, deleted records, and total records for each table.
