
Teachers use the same login page as admin staff for Aeries Web Version. Teacher access is controlled by the Aeries Web Version Security System and Teacher accounts are linked to Staff IDs. 

After logging in, Teachers are presented with the left-side Aeries Web Version navigation tree. Their options are slightly different than Staff Users with Attendance, Gradebook, and Grades being at the top. Notice also that Aeries Analytics can be made available to teachers to view the Analytics Dashboard.

See also:

Student information can be accessed under the “Student Data” section and searching for a student is the same as Staff Users using Aeries Web Version – use the “Search” icon in the Aeries header.

Access to students is limited to:

  • Students the teacher has or has had in their classes
  • Ad-Hoc Student Groups linked to a teacher's Staff ID
  • Special Education Page records linked to a Staff ID via CSE.SI

Because the system is based on Staff ID, the system looks in the TCH.ID, TCH.ID2, & TCH.ID3 fields to determine which teacher records to let the current login have access to. It also uses MST.TN, MST.TN2, & MST.TN3 to determine which sections to display.

Teacher Home Page

The Teacher Home Page can display the following items:

Below is an example of the Teacher Home page for a secondary school.