(Teacher) Aeries Home > Briefcase Widget

The Briefcase widget displays assignment information from your gradebooks and allows you to upload associated files.

The widget is only available to teachers.


  • The Briefcase widget must be added to your Aeries homepage. The widget is added by default. See Aeries Home.
  • School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Gradebook tab)
    • Enable Briefcase must be selected
    • In the Per file upload limit field, the maximum file size is set. The default is 1MB. The uploaded files cannot be larger than the maximum file size.


  View gradebook assignments

On the Assignments tab, all assignments from all of your gradebooks, with due dates within 7 days prior to today and 7 days after today, are listed by default.

  1. To limit the list to a particular gradebook or date range, click the Filter icon.

    GradebookSelect a gradebook to view only assignments from that gradebook.
    • Default - View assignments with a due date that is within 7 days prior to today and 7 days after today.
    • Last 30 Days - View only assignments with a due date that is within the last 30 days, including today.
    • Next 30 Days - View only assignments with a due date that is within the next 30 days, including today.

    Click Apply. The list is updated according to the filter settings.

  2. The following are displayed for each assignment:
    SNoThe assignment number, as set in Gradebook on the Manage > Assignments page
    Assignment NameThe name of the assignment, as set in Gradebook on the Manage > Assignments page

    Click the name to open the assignment in Gradebook. The Scores by Assignment page opens allowing you to enter student scores for the assignment. See Gradebook - Scores by Assignment.
    Due OnThe date on which the assignment is due, as set in Gradebook on the Manage > Assignments page

    If the Dropbox option is enabled, the Due Time is also displayed. 

    After the Due On date and time, students are prevented from turning in the assignment via their Student Portal Backpack.
    Assignment FilesA link to any files associated with the assignment, as uploaded in Gradebook on the Manage > Assignments page

    The icon indicates the file type, such as PDF. 
    • Hover over the icon to view the file name.
    • Click the icon to download the file according to your browser settings.
    ReceivedThe count of students who have uploaded the assignment via their Student Portal Backpack

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  Upload and attach an assignment file

Files must be uploaded, and then one or more files can be attached to an assignment.

Supported file types are .CSV, .DOC, .DOCX, .GIF, .HEIC, .JPEG, .JPG, .PNG, .PDF, .PPT, .RTF, .SVG, .TXT, and .XLS. The max file size is 15MB.

Assignments Tab

  1. Click the Upload icon to associate a file with an assignment. The Add File window opens.

    Any previously uploaded files are listed under Attach Files

  2. If the file is not listed, under Upload New, click Browse to locate the file on your local computer.

    Ensure that the file to be uploaded is one of the allowed file types and not larger than the Max File Size. If the file meets the requirements, the message "File Validated" is displayed.

    NOTE:  HEIC files (default iPhone photo format) are automatically converted to .jpg format.

  3. Click Upload.

    The file is uploaded and listed under Attach Files.

  4. Under Attach Files, select one or more files to attach to the assignment.

  5. Click Save.

    The attached file(s) are listed in the Briefcase under Assignment Files.

My Uploaded Files Tab

The My Uploaded Files tab allows users to upload any files that will be attached to any assignments.

  1. Open the My Uploaded Files tab.

    All existing files uploaded within the past 2 weeks are listed in alphabetical order by file name.
  2. To limit or expand the list to a particular date range, click the Filter icon.

  3. Use the Start Date and End Date fields to limit the list to files to those with an Upload Date within a specific date range.

  4. Click Apply. The list is updated according to the filter settings.
    SNoThe automatically assigned file number

    The files are automatically listed in alphabetical order and numbered in ascending order, so the SNo for a file will change as files are added and removed or filtered
    File NameThe name of the file
    FileAn icon indicating the file type

    Click the icon to download the file according to your browser settings. 
    File SizeThe size of the file in KB or MB
    Upload DateThe date on which the file was uploaded

  5. Click Add File to add a file. The Add File window opens.

  6. Click Browse to locate the file on your local computer.

    Ensure that the file to be uploaded is one of the allowed file types and not larger than the Max File Size. If the file meets the requirements, the message "File Validated" is displayed.

    NOTE:  HEIC files (default iPhone photo format) are automatically converted to .jpg format.

  7. Click Upload.

    The file is uploaded. Click Close.

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  Un-attach a file from an assignment

  1. From the Assignments tab, click the Upload icon. The Add File window opens.

    Any previously attached files are listed under Attach Files and selected. 

  2. Under Attach Files, unselect the files that should no longer be attached to the assignment.

  3. Click Save.

    The un-attached file(s) are no longer listed in the Briefcase under Assignment Files.

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  Delete an assignment file

  1. From the My Uploaded Files tab, click the More Options icon.
  2. Click Delete. The file is deleted.

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