Home > Attendance Summary Widget

The Attendance Summary widget displays summarized enrollment and attendance information, depending on whether you are logged on to a district, school, or as a teacher.

Teachers can only view attendance information for their classes; enrollment and schoolwide attendance information are not displayed for teachers.


  • The Attendance Summary widget must be added to your Aeries homepage. The widget is added by default. See Aeries Home.


  View enrollment information

Student enrollment totals are displayed for the district or school, depending on your login. 

Enrollment information is not displayed for teachers.

Absences and Tardies are not displayed at the district level.

EnrolledThe count of total students currently enrolled in the district/school
dateThe count of students enrolled in the district/school each day for the past five school days, including today

  • For Flex Scheduling schools, the enrollment counts are based on the Enter Date and Leave Date on the Enrollment History page (ENR.ED and ENR.LD).

  • For traditional scheduling schools, the enrollment counts are based on the Ent/Lv field on Attendance Enrollment (ATT.CD = E (enter), L (leave), or B (enrolled for one day).

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  View period attendance information

If you are logged on to a school, today's period attendance counts are displayed. Counts are updated each time you log in to Aeries.


Teacher view:

AbsencesThe count of absences for each period. 

Whether the attendance code is counted as an absence is based on Type of Attendance settings on the Update Absence Codes page.

TardiesThe count of tardies for each period, based on the code entered.

Whether the attendance code is counted as a tardy is based on Type of Attendance settings on the Update Absence Codes page.

PercentageThe calculated percentage of time the student was absent or tardy, based on enrollment

  • For Flex Scheduling schools, attendance counts are based on the period attendance code entered on the Class Attendance page (CAT.AC).

  • For traditional scheduling schools, the attendance counts are based on daily attendance on the Attendance Enrollment page (ATT). 
    • Period Attendance schools- Counts for each period
    • Daily Attendance schools - Counts for the All Day code

  • Only students who generate ADA funding are included. Students who do not generate ADA funding (i.e., ADA Eligibility Code 0 or 9) are excluded.

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  Open the Attendance Dashboard

Click View Attendance Dashboard to open the Attendance Dashboard page, which provides a snapshot of student attendance information in graph format showing trends. See Attendance Dashboard.

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