Aeries Home > Intervention Caseload Widget

The Intervention Caseload widget displays summary and goal information for students who have records on the Interventions page, which allows schools to track actions taken for At Risk students in order to prevent retention. You can also add intervention progress comments from the widget.

The widget is only available at the school level to users with appropriate access. 


  • You must be logged on at the school level. The widget is not available at the district level.

  • You must have appropriate permission to view the information. See Tables & Security below.

  • The Intervention Caseload widget must be added to your Aeries homepage. The widget is added by default for users with appropriate permission. See Aeries Home.

  • School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table
    • Add any Intervention Progress Comment Codes needed (INC.CD).


  View interventions 

Students with active intervention records on the Interventions page are listed.

  1. Expand the section for each student, or click the Expand All icon to expand the view for all listed students.

    The following information from the Interventions page is displayed:

    DateThe date on which the intervention record was entered (INV.DT)

    Click the link to open the Interventions page for the student.
    InterventionThe intervention code entered in the Code field (INV.CD)

    Click the link to open the Interventions page for the student.
    GoalThe Goal entered on the Goals tab (ING.GL)
    DescriptionThe goal Description entered on the Goals tab (ING.DE)
    Target DateThe Target Date entered on the Goals tab (ING.TD)

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  Add an Intervention Progress comment

  1. Click Add Comment to add intervention progress comments. 

    The Add Comment window opens.

    DateThe date on which the comment was added, which can be modified if needed (INC.DT)
    CodeThe Intervention Progress Status Comment code (INC.CD)
    CommentAny comment (INC.CO)

  2. Click Save

    The comment is saved and the window closes.

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  View, update, or delete an Intervention Progress comment 

The comments are not displayed in the Interventions Caseload Widget; they are displayed on the Interventions page on the Progress Comments tab.

Comments can only be viewed, updated, or deleted from the Interventions page. See Intervention Progress Comments.

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Tables & Security

Intervention Details (INV)
ReadView records in the Interventions Caseload widget
Intervention Goals (ING)
View goal information in the Interventions Caseload widget
Intervention Progress Comments (INC)
ReadView intervention progress comments
InsertAdd intervention progress comments
UpdateChange intervention progress comments

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Further Training

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