(Teacher) Aeries Home > Class Summary Widget

The Class Summary widget displays summary information about your classes in order by period, including course ID, course title, and student count. You can also maintain and access links to your gradebooks, class websites, and meeting sites as needed.

The widget is only available to teachers. 


  • The Class Summary widget must be added to your Aeries homepage. The widget is added by default. See Aeries Home.


  View class information

Your classes are listed, including enrollment totals and links.

  1. By default only classes in the current term are listed. From the Options menu, select Show All Terms to view all terms for the school year.

    Unselect Show All Terms to view only classes for the current term.

    The following are listed for each class:

PerThe period in which the class meets
TermWhether the class spans a full year, one semester, or one trimester
CourseThe course ID and course title

Click the link to open the Courses page for the course.
RoomThe room where the class meets
GradebookThe gradebook for the class

The link is available once a gradebook has been added for the class.
Total StudentsThe count of students in the class as of today, based on the students added to your gradebook
WebsiteThe website for the class, and access code if needed
MeetingThe meeting website for the class and details

  • Information for the first five periods is displayed. If you have more than five periods, click View More to view information for the remaining classes.

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You can maintain the link and access code to the class website for each class. The process is slightly different for schools that are integrated with Google Classroom.

Non-Google Integrated

Use the following steps if the class is not integrated with Google Classroom.

  1. Click Add Site to add the URL for the class website and an access code for the website if required. The Add Website window opens.

    Enter the necessary information and click Save.

  2. Click View Site to open the URL according to your browser settings.

  3. Click the Edit icon to view, edit, or delete the URL or access code for the class website. The Update Website window opens.

    Update the necessary information and click Save, or click Delete to remove the website.

Google Integrated

Use the following steps if the class is integrated with Google Classroom.

  1. Click Add Site to create a class website in Google Classroom, or link to an existing class website. The Add Website window opens.

  2. Click Create to open Google Classroom where you can create a new Google class website. 

  3. Click Link to add a link to an existing class website. You are prompted to confirm that you wish to continue. Click OK.
  4. Click Unlink to remove an existing link. 
  5. Click Delete to clear the fields and unlink the class. The Classroom is not deleted.

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You can maintain the links and further information for the meeting space for each class.

  1. Click Add Link to add the meeting URL for the class and any further details. The Add Meeting window opens.

    Enter the necessary information and click Save.

  2. Click Join to open the URL and join the meeting space.

  3. Click the Edit icon to view, edit, or delete the URL or details for the meeting space. The Edit Meeting window opens.

    You can expand the Meeting Details text area using the Resize Handle icon in the bottom-right corner, or use the scroll bar to view all content.

  4. Update the necessary information and click Save, or click Delete to remove the website.

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