The following entities are included in the Teaching and Learning domain:
Entity: StaffSectionAssociation
Entity: StudentSectionAssociation
Level 1 Errors - Teaching and Learning
Most TEA Ed-Fi codes are hard-coded in Aeries and do not need to be mapped.
* An asterisk in the Label & Aeries Table.Field column indicates a code set where local codes can be used. Any local codes used by the district must be mapped to TEA Ed-Fi codes on School Info > Imports and Exports > Ed-Fi Code Mappings.
Entity: Course
All State Course Codes are pre-loaded into your IODS by TEA. This entity only syncs local Services ID's. These Service ID's will load into your IODS as a Level 1.5 filter and will NOT promote unless you map them in your DMC to a State Course Codes. See TWEDS Course Code list for the most recent Service Id's pre-loaded by TEA.
NOTE: If you do not use any local Service ID's, when you sync the Course Entity the results box will indicate: There are no results
Element ID (Code Table) | Data Element Name | Aeries Page | Label & Aeries Table.Field |
Reference | EducationOrganization | See Education Organization domain > LocalEducationAgency entity (LocalEducationAgencyID element) | |
E3071 | CourseCode | Courses (Other tab) | Service ID CRS.SVC |
Only custom service IDs are sent | |||
E3073 | CourseTitle | Courses | Title CRS.CO |
.CourseIdentificationCode (multiple allowed) | |||
E3075 (C350) | CourseIdentificationSystem | Hard-coded as 02 - Local Course Code | |
E3076 | IdentificationCode | Courses (Other tab) | Service ID CRS.SVC |
Entity: Course Offering ↑
Element ID (Code Table) | Data Element Name | Aeries Page | Label & Aeries Table.Field |
Reference | School | See Education Organization domain > School entity (SchoolID element) | |
Reference | Course | See Teaching and Learning domain > Course entity | |
E1194 | LocalCourseCode | Courses | CrsID# CRS.CN |
Note: All courses with a Course Attendance (CAR) or Transcript (HIS) record in the current school year are sent in the Course Offering entity. If the course or sections are inactive and this course offering record should not be sent, CAR and HIS records for the current school year related to that course should be deleted.
Entity: Section ↑
(multiple allowed)
Element ID (Code Table) | Data Element Name | Aeries Page | Label & Aeries Table.Field |
Reference | CourseOffering | See Teaching and Learning domain > CourseOffering entity | |
E1056 | SectionIdentifier | Course Attendance | School CAR.SC |
Course Attendance | Crs ID CAR.CN | ||
Course Attendance | Section CAR.SE | ||
.SectionSet (multiple allowed) | |||
E0747 (C030) | PopulationServed | Master Schedule | Population Served MST.PSV |
Courses > Other | Population Served CRS.PSV * | ||
Ed-Fi Descriptor Code Set Mapping: Population Served Descriptor (CRS.PSV) * MST.PSV if populated; otherwise CRS.PSV if populated; otherwise blank | |||
E3059 (C342) | SPEDStudentAgeRange *This is a required data element | Master Schedule | Population Served MST.PSV |
Courses > Other | Population Served CRS.PSV | ||
Master Schedule | Grd Range MST.LO | ||
MST.PSV if populated; otherwise CRS.PSV if populated; otherwise blank If PSV is blank or <> 06 = 00 Not Providing Services to SPED Students If PSV = 06 AND MST.LO is EE or PK* = 01 Otherwise 02. *Based on grades mapped in the Grade Level Descriptor (STU.GR) | |||
E0948 (C135) | CourseSequence | Courses > Other | Crs Seq CRS.CSQ * |
Ed-Fi Descriptor Code Set Mapping: Tx Course Sequence Descriptor (CRS.CSQ) * | |||
E1072 (C182) | NonCampusBasedInstruction | Master Schedule | Non-Campus Inst MST.NCI |
Courses > Other | Non-Campus Inst CRS.NCI * | ||
Ed-Fi Descriptor Code Set Mapping: Tx Non Campus Based Instruction Descriptor (CRS.NCI) * MST.NCI if populated; otherwise CRS.NCI if populated; otherwise blank | |||
E1579 (C206) | PKCurricula | Master Schedule | PK Curricula MST.CT * |
Early Childhood Development | Curriculum EDC.CT | ||
Ed-Fi Descriptor Code Set Mapping: Tx Pk Curricula Descriptor (MST.CT) * MST.CT if populated; otherwise EDC.CT; otherwise blank | |||
E1580 (C311) | HighQualityPKProgram | Master Schedule | High Quality PK Program MST.HQP |
Master Schedule | Instruction Type MST.SIT * | ||
Early Childhood Development | Instruction TYpe EDC.SIT * | ||
Ed-Fi Descriptor Code Set Mapping: Tx Pk Student Instruction Descriptor (MST.SIT) * 1 if selected; otherwise 0 | |||
E1555 (C310) | PKSchoolType | Master Schedule | PK Schl Type MST.PKT * |
School Options | PK School Type LOC.PKT * | ||
Early Childhood Development | PK School Type ECD.PKT * | ||
In Development Ed-Fi Descriptor Code Set Mapping: Tx Pk School Type Descriptor (MST.PKT) * MST.PKT if populated; otherwise LOC.PKT if populated; otherwise ECD.PKT | |||
E1055 (C179) | ClassType | Master Schedule | Class Type MST.CTY * |
Courses > Other | Class Type CRS.CTY * | ||
Staff > Job Assignments | Instruction Type STJ.IT * | ||
Ed-Fi Descriptor Code Set Mapping: Tx Class Type Descriptor (CRS.CTY) * MST.CTY if populated; otherwise CRS.CTY; otherwise If no course section association exists then STJ.IT | |||
E3011 | CTEHours | Master Schedule | CTE V-Code MST.CH |
E3010 | BeginDate | Calendar | date (unlabeled) DAY.DT |
The minimum (i.e., earliest) date of the school year for the school | |||
E3020 | EndDate | Calendar | date (unlabeled) DAY.DT |
The first day after the last instructional day in the current school year the data elements in the SectionSet were associated to the section If the EndDate is the last day of school, the next date is extracted. | |||
E1726 | ChildCareOperationNumber | Master Schedule | Child Care Operation Number MST.CCO |
Course History Institutions | Partnering Childcare Facility CHI.PCF | ||
Course History Institutions | ID Number CHI.ID | ||
In Development when CHI.PCF = 1 (selected) for the corresponding CHI.ID |
Entity: StaffSectionAssociation ↑
Element ID (Code Table) | Data Element Name | Aeries Page | Label & Aeries Table.Field |
Reference | Staff | See Staff domain > Staff entity (StaffUniqueID element) Staff ID from SIS/Vendor must match. | |
Reference | Section | See Teaching and Learning domain > Section entity | |
E3010 | BeginDate | Master Schedule - Section Staff Members | Start Date SSE.SD |
Course Attendance | Start Date CAR.DS | ||
First record Note: NULL values in SSE.SD will default to the start of school date from the school calendar (DAY). | |||
E3020 | EndDate | Master Schedule - Section Staff Members | End Date SSD.ED |
Course Attendance | End Date CAR.DE | ||
Most recent record. Note: NULL values in SSE.ED will default to the End of school date from the school calendar (DAY).
| |||
E1454 (C309) | ClassroomPosition | Master Schedule, OR | Position MST.TP1 |
Master Schedule - Section Staff Members | Position SSE.TP | ||
Most recent record | |||
E0170 | NumberofStudentsinClass | Master Schedule | Total MST.TS |
Staff > Job Assignments | Number of Students STJ.NOS | ||
If no course section association exists then STJ.NOS | |||
E1057 | MonthlyMinutes | Master Schedule | Monthly Minutes MST.MMN |
Staff | MST.MMN | ||
MST.MMN is populated when district clicks Calculate Monthly Minutes on Master Schedule. Omitted if 0. See Texas- Calculate Monthly Minutes. | |||
E1604 E1605 E1606 E1607 | NumberDaysTaughtWeek1 NumberDaysTaughtWeek2 NumberDaysTaughtWeek3 NumberDaysTaughtWeek4 | Courses | PE CRS.PE = 1 (selected) |
Master Schedule | MST | ||
School Options | BEL | ||
Calendar | BEL, DAY | ||
Calculated for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1 | |||
E1608 E1609 E1610 E1611 | NumberMinutesTaughtWeek1 NumberMinutesTaughtWeek2 NumberMinutesTaughtWeek3 NumberMinutesTaughtWeek4 | Courses | PE CRS.PD = 1 (selected) |
Master Schedule | MST | ||
School Options | BEL | ||
Calendar | BEL, DAY | ||
Calculated for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1 | |||
E1015 | SharedServiceArrangementStaff | Not extracted from Aeries | |
E1763 | AdditionalDaysProgramTeacher | Not Developed |
Entity: StudentSectionAssociation ↑
Element ID (Code Table) | Data Element Name | Aeries Page | Label & Aeries Table.Field |
Reference | Student | See Student Identification and Demographics domain > Student entity | |
Reference | Section | See Teaching and Learning domain > Section entity | |
E3010 | BeginDate | Course Attendance | Start Date CAR.DS |
E3020 | EndDate | Course Attendance | Stop Date CAR.DE |
The date after the last instructional date the student was assigned to the section is extracted. | |||
E1440 | HomeroomIndicator | Courses > Other | Service ID CRS.SVC |
Course Attendance | sequence number - not displayed CAR.SQ | ||
(ECDS-KG) true if CRS.SVC= 01020000 (ECDS-PK) true if CRS.SVC = 01010000
| |||
E1068 | CourseCompletionIndicator | Transcripts | Mark HIS.MK |
1 if HIS.MK contains a grade (whether passing or not); otherwise 0 NOTE: Grade X does not count toward course completion. |
Level 1 Errors - Teaching and Learning ↑
See Also: Ed-Fi - Troubleshooting Errors.
TSDS Error | Recommendation |
{message: “The value supplied for the related 'course' resource does not exist.”} | Verify that course was loaded to ODS in the Course entity. If the course referenced for this error is an inactive course and/or section, then ensure all CAR and HIS records for the current school year related to that course are deleted. |
400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Unable to resolve value 'uri:/' to an existing 'GradeLevelDescriptor' resource.”} | Verify that grade level has leading 0. |
409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'session' resource does not exist.”} | Verify that session was loaded to ODS. |
400 BAD_REQUEST {message: “Validation of 'Section' failed. Validation of 'AggregateExtensions' failed. Validation of 'SectionSets (TX)' failed. SectionSet[0]: The field CTEHours must be between 1 and 3.”} | Verify that CTE Hours is between 1 and 3. |
400 BAD_REQUEST A natural key conflict occurred when attempting to update a new resource with a duplicate key. | This is caused by multiple resources with the same key in the same file. Exactly one of these resources was updated. |
400 BAD_REQUEST Validation of ‘StaffSectionAssociation’ failed. ClassroomPositionDescriptorID is required. | The Classroom Postion’s are hardcoded so there is no descriptor mapping for this code set. This record has a missing or blank classroom position on the Master Schedule in the Section Staff Members section. Select a valid Position for the Staff Role |
409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'courseOffering' resource does not exist.”} | Verify that a course exists for the section in course offerings. |
403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and one or more of the following properties of the resource item: 'SchoolId', 'StaffUniqueId'.} | Verify that staff member was loaded to ODS. |
409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'section' resource does not exist.”} | Verify that section was loaded to ODS. |
409 CONFLICT {message: “Access to the resource item could not be authorized because the 'Staff' was not found.”} | Verify that staff member was loaded to ODS. |
409 CONFLICT {message: “The value supplied for the related 'section' resource does not exist.”} | Verify that section was loaded to ODS. |
403 FORBIDDEN {message: “Authorization denied. No relationships have been established between the caller's education organization id claim (194902) and one or more of the following properties of the resource item: 'SchoolId', 'StudentUniqueId'.”} | Verify that student is associated with school. |
"There are no Results’ and 0 records uploaded" (when syncing the course entity) | If you do not use any local course codes, this is the expected result. The TEA preloads the Course Entity information into each LEA's individual operational data store (IODS) on a yearly basis. Only state course codes are loaded by the TEA. |