
The Parent Guardian 1 Highest Education Level Code must be populated in the most recent SINF overlapping Census Day if the SENR record for the student on Census Day has the same Reporting LEA, and Enrollment Status code is 10, 20, or 30.

Reason for Error

It is important to populate the highest education level for each parent prior to Census Date (1st Wednesday in October). A full SINF extract should be generated initially at the start of each school year, reporting both parents/guardians as well as the highest education level for each parent. 

As changes occur, updates to the SINF are tracked in the CALPADS Log Details page (LGD). When the SINF extract is generated with changes, these records will extract using the Effective Date according to the LGD table. Because of this, it is important to ensure that all highest Ed levels are populated in Aeries Contacts prior to Census Date or fatal error SINF0453F1 will occur.

Suggested Resolution  

Verify the parent/guardian is tagged accurately in the Contacts (CON) table and has the highest education level populated in CON.ELV. If a student's SINF record has not been reported yet to CALPADS, check to see if there is a CON.ELV record change in the CALPADS Log Details page that has a date after census day. Deleting this record will help to clear up the error if the issue is due to the effective date being after Census Day. The SINF will then use the enrollment start date instead of the LGD date. The date can also be modified to a date prior to Census Day.

NOTE RE: CON.ELV - Other fields will be considered when determining the Effective Date in SINF. If other records exist in CALPADS Log Details (LGD), review whether the Effective Date is accurate for all records. More information in SINF FAQs documentation.

Parents/Guardians should be setup according to our documentation. See District Settings and Managing Contacts for more information.