

Course Requests  




A field has been added called Class Link that allows sections for multiple classes to be linked together when scheduling in Classes or Course Requests. This feature is only available from the New Edit View of the Course Requests page.

Navigate to Scheduling Process > Master Schedule or Scheduling Master Schedule.

On the Master Schedule or Scheduling Master Schedule page, the field is called Class Link. This field can be used with multiple sections with no specific restrictions. The linked sections can be in the same semester or different, there can be any combination of multiple sections, i.e. 2 fall classes linked or 2 spring classes linked, or a fall and a spring class linked.


Master Schedule (MST)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records
Delete Records
Scheduling Master (SMS)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records
Delete Records
Classes (SEC)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records
Delete Records
Course Requests (SSS)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records
Delete Records


The Class Link field (CL) is used to link two sections together such as Fall and Spring sections or two sections in the same term by using the same value in the CL field. The feature is available in both the Classes and Course Requests pages. This will allow users to select one section from within the View SMS or View MST button and Aeries will add all linked sections automatically during the scheduling process. The field can hold a maximum of 6 alpha-numeric characters. The link will occur when matching values exist in multiple sections. 

The following is an example of two sections which contain the same Class Link value. When one of these sections is added during the manual scheduling process, both sections will be added at the same time. There is no limit to the number of classes that can contain the matching Class Link value. Also, these classes can be in different terms or within the same term. They do not have to be the same course titles, teachers, etc. Class Links will be identified based on the matching value in the Class Link field.

NOTE: Certain rules will apply. Enhanced functionality is available when using the 'New Edit View' feature. See Student Course Requests Page (New) documentation.

Course Requests  

A new version of the Course Requests page can be used by clicking on the button labeled 'New Edit View. The page is designed to have the ability to edit all records vs individual records. This button is available for any school scheduling type (Flex and Non-Flex) and when toggled on, it will remain on if switching between schools. More information about the new page can be found on the Student Course Requests Page (New) document. 

If a section is added to the student's Course Requests from the View SMS pop-up, then any linked section(s) (i.e., same Class Link value) will automatically be added at the same time, after the Save button on the Course Requests page is clicked.

  • A linked section will not be added if it is in a term prior to the term of the selected section (i.e., if a Spring section is selected, a linked Fall section will NOT be added. However, if a Fall section is selected, a linked Spring section will be added).
  • The linked section(s) will bypass any validation checks, such as full class, outside grade range, etc. Once the selected section has been added, the linked section(s) will immediately be added.
  • It is possible that limiting to the linked sections will result in more rejects. These will be saved with the 'C' - Conflict value in the reject tag (SSS.RT). The Scheduler will not allow a different section to be scheduled just to get a more complete schedule. The Class Link will take priority.
  • If the student is already pre-scheduled (SSS.RT = '*' or SSS.PL is populated) into a section with a Class Link value, then the Scheduler will enforce the linked sections when scheduling other course requests.
  • If the Scheduler places the student into a section with a Class Link value, then the Scheduler will enforce the linked sections when scheduling subsequent course requests.
  • Alternate Course Requests and Scheduling Exclusions continue to be honored when Class Links exist.


  • The student must have a Course Request record (SSS) for every course, including multiple of the same course, if needed. The Scheduler will not create new SSS records to enforce linked sections.
    • Example: Sec 101 - Crs A101 - CL 1  |  Sec 102 - Crs A102 - CL 1
    • If the student is scheduled into section 101, then the student can only be scheduled into section 102 if they have a course request for Crs A102. The Scheduler will not force them into that section with no existing Course Request.


If a section is added to the student's Classes from the View MST window, then any linked section (i.e., same Class Link value) will automatically be added at the same time, after the Save button on the Course Requests page is clicked.

  • A linked section will not be added if it is in a term prior to the term of the selected section (i.e., if a Spring section is selected, a linked Fall section will NOT be added. However, if a Fall section is selected, a linked Spring section will be added).
  • The linked section(s) will bypass any validation checks, such as full class, outside grade range, etc. Once the selected section has been added, the linked section(s) will immediately be added.
  • If a section with a Class Link is being dropped, and the student has another section in SEC with the same Class Link value and for the same or a later term that is not already being dropped, then a pop-up will display asking the user whether they also want to drop the linked section(s). Clicking Yes will delete the linked sections with the same or later terms. Clicking No will leave those sections alone.
  • In all scenarios, Course Attendance (CAR) will be updated appropriately with the sections that are added and dropped, whether they were user-selected or processed automatically based on Class Link.


The Scheduling process has been updated to enforce the Class Link values. Any scheduler which includes (Schedule All Students, SMS Board, Course Requests "Reschedule" button, Scheduling Optimizer) all will enforce the scheduling process to analyze the Class Link values and schedule students according to the matching Class Link values in SMS.

When the Reschedule button is used on the Classes page, the scheduler will enforce Class Link values in MST.CL

  • Valid Class Link values are non-blank and not equal to "0".
  • If the Scheduler places the student into a section with a Class Link value, then the Scheduler will enforce the linked sections when scheduling subsequent classes.
  • If a student is locked (lock icon in Edit mode) into a section with a Class Link value, then the Scheduler will enforce the linked sections when scheduling other classes.
  • It is possible that limiting to the linked sections will result in more conflicts. The Scheduler will not allow a different section to be scheduled just to get a more complete schedule. The Class Link will take priority.


  • The student must have a Class record for every course, including multiple of the same course, if needed. The Scheduler will not create new Class records to enforce linked sections.
    • Note: A class record refers to a row in Edit mode on the Classes page. This includes existing SEC records, in addition to rows that the user adds prior to clicking Reschedule.
    • Example: Sec 101 - Crs A101 - CL 1  |  Sec 102 - Crs A102 - CL 1
    • If the student is scheduled into section 101, then the student can only be scheduled into section 102 if they have a class record for Crs A102. The Scheduler will not force them into that section with no existing Class record.