All Day Attendance Management 

Calendar Options 



Navigate to the School Info > Calendar page. 

The Calendar table is used to create the school calendar for the year and is set up from the Calendar page. This Calendar is used to identify the school days throughout the year. The Calendar must be created for each month and is used in conjunction with the Class Calendar when the school type is flex. For a complete description of creating/managing calendars, see Create a Calendar documentation.

All Day Attendance Management  

In Flex Schools, the Calendar will display with slightly different options depending on the setting in the All Day Attendance Management in School Options.

For schools using Attendance Time in All Day Attendance Management, the Calendar will display with the date, a drop-down to flag non-student days or holidays, and the drop-down for custom bell schedules such as a minimum day or an assembly day. A bell icon will be available to store the custom Primary or Secondary ADA times, if populated.

For schools using Manual time in All Day Attendance Management, the Calendar will display with the date, a drop-down to flag non-student days or holidays, and the drop-down for custom bell schedules such as a minimum day or an assembly day. 

Calendar Options  

The first drop-down is used to flag holidays or identify non-student days. Type or use the dropdown to enter the symbols in the Holiday field for the days that school is not in session. 

The second drop-down is used to identify if the day has a custom bell schedule assigned, i.e. a Minimum Day or an Assembly Day.

Click the Save button for each month when finished. 

The bell icon is only available when the Attendance Time is used in All Day Attendance Management on School Options page. When selected, a window will open with options to add a modified Primary or Secondary ADA Time for a specific day. Select the time picker and enter a time to be used as a custom Primary or Secondary ADA Time instead of the time on the School Options page. The system will use this time instead as the ADA time if it is populated. See All Day Attendance Management Time for more information.


Calendar (DAY)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records
Delete Records
Attendance Reporting Tracks (ART)ReadQuery ART Table

NOTE: Once the Calendar is created, it can be pushed to other schools by using the Push and Pull Setup Tables page.