There have been many recent changes to CALPADS processing and extracts and several fields have been renamed and repurposed. Here is an attempt to provide some clarifications of common misconceptions.
The Post-Secondary Transition Status Indicator has been renamed by CALPADS as the Adult-Age Students w/Transition Status Indicator and is located on the Special Education page. It was renamed because it was getting confused with the Post-Secondary Survey for CTE/CPA students.
Post-Secondary Survey (PSTS)
There was a single field on the Secondary Student Data page that was used in the past to collect the result from the survey that was done six months after school completion for CTE Completers and CA Partnership Academy students and 12 months after school completion for Special Education students. The survey results were send from the SIS in Fall 2 for prior year CTE/CPA school completers and during EOY for prior year Special Education completers.
Due to changes by CALPADS to allow more than one survey result per student, that single field was retired and replaced by a new tab for the Post-Secondary Survey table (PSS). Also, now that the Special Education Vendors systems are tied directly to CALPADS, the Post-Secondary Survey results for prior year Special Education completers will come directly from that system. Therefore, only the Post-Secondary Survey results for CTE/CPA students need to be entered on the PSS table. That will extract during Fall 2 into the PSTS extract.
Adult-Age Student w/Disability - Transition Status Indicator
This field is located on the Special Education page, and is used to indicate that a Special Education student has completed 12th grade and is continuing on in school to receive services for their IEP. Because of changes in CALPADS, these students may have a grade level higher than 12 assigned to them in Aeries, but that higher grade level needs to be translated to 12th grade in the Code Translations tab on the CALPADS Extracts page. In the SENR file, that indicator is sent along with the grade level to indicate that this student is receiving Transition Services. It used to be called Post-Secondary Status Indicator, but since it was causing much confusion with Post-Secondary Survey, it was renamed. For more information on settings for this option, see Calpads Extracts - Other Options tab.
Work-Based Learning Records (WBLR)
Before this extract was created, there were certain Work-Based Learning certificates and experiences that were reported for prior year Special Education students as part of the SENR file. Those fields were removed and the new WBLR extract was created to not only capture this information, but even more types of experiences by all students. Last year, they tried to have the Special Education Vendors report the Work-Based Learning for their students (i.e. Transition Class-Based Work Experience) but it was not successful because it was not linked to an IEP. Therefore, those records for Special Education students will be reported from Aeries also and included with records for ALL students. All data entry for these records are populated on the Internships page, and multiple records can be sent for 9-12 grade students that were either started or ended in the current year. Customers should work with their Special Education Directors to determine who will be responsible for the data entry of these records for Special Education students into the ISP table.