Navigate to School Info > Imports and Exports > Civil Rights Data Collection > Results tab
The CRDC data can be only be processed at the District level. When logged into the School level a message will display in place of the Process button informing you that processing can only be completed at the district level.
Click on the Process Civil Rights Data button to run the calculations for the Civil Rights report. A pop-up message will display confirming that you wish to process the Civil Rights data. Click on the OK button to continue. A yellow processing message will appear indicating that the Civil Rights data is being processed. Hovering near the lower right of the Processing message will display a notification that an email will be sent when the processing has completed and that it is safe to leave the Results page while you wait for the email. Processing for smaller districts usually takes a few minutes. Larger districts with an enrollment of 30,000 or more students will take longer to process. In our tests processing took 15-20 minutes for enrollment counts of 30,000-37,000 students.
While the data is processing the Process Civil Rights Data button will not be available to any user. This is to ensure that duplicate key records will not be created due to running the process a second time before it completes. In its' place will be messages indicating at what point the processing is at. Refreshing the screen will display the most recent message.
After the data has processed, the results can be reviewed while the extract file is being created. For very large districts it could take several hours to create the extract file.
Once the extract file has been created the screen will refresh and the Process Civil Rights Data button will again be available. The screen will also display the date and time the Civil Rights Data was last processed. A completion email will be sent to the user that initiated the processing. Review the email to see if any errors occurred during processing.
Reviewing Results
After the Civil Rights Data has been processed the results will display in a table format similar to what is shown in the CRDC documentation. The tables will also be labeled with the same table ID, table name, and in the same order as the CRDC documentation.
Use the scrollbar to the right of the list of tables to scroll through the results. At the District level the results will include counts of students from all of the selected schools. At the School level the counts will only include the students from that particular school. Please see the Security and Tables for Civil Rights Data Collection article for more information about security settings for the Civil Rights results.
Most of the results are clickable links that will display the list of students included in the counts. In the below example clicking on the 10 students that fall within the Female American Indian/Alaskan Native race will display a Report Details screen which lists the students included in the count with their permanent ID, Name, CRDC reporting school, Gender, Grade, Ethnicity/Race indicators, and program indicators.
The Report Details screen displays the CRDC table ID and the subgroup that was selected above the list of students. The Reporting School column is the school where the student is counted. Typically this is the school they are enrolled in, but in cases where the student has a reporting home school (STU.HS) it will be the home school. A '1' in the ethnicity, race and program columns indicates that the student is included in counts for that subgroup. In the below example two students are also included in the IDEA program count.
The three dots to the right of the columns provide additional sort and column options.
The pages at the bottom left of the list can be used to navigate through long lists of students.
The Export List to Excel button will download the list to an Excel document that can be further evaluated or sent to colleagues for approval.
The Keep Students button will perform a KEEP of the students in the list. A message will display indicating how many students were kept. Click on the OK button. After closing the list results you can view other records (such as enrollment or program information) specific to these students, or queries can be run that will only include these students.
Completion Email
Once the Civil Rights Data has been processed and the extract has been created a completion email is sent to the user that initiated the process. The completion email will notify the user that the process has completed and will list any Civil Rights tables that produced an error along with the specific error and a user-friendly message with more information about the error.
In the below example the code for Corporal Punishment was not set up on the Cert Teacher & Codes > Student Discipline tab so the two tables using this code could not be processed. Since the district in this example does not use corporal punishment there is no data to process and no action needs to be done to correct the errors.