District Level Tables

School Level Tables - **New or Revised for 2021-22 Reporting**

School Level Tables (no change from 2020-21 reporting)

Sections and Tables Not Reported Through Aeries

Navigate to School Options > Imports and Exports > Civil Rights Data Collection  (in the 2021-22 school year database)

Prior to generating the Civil Rights Report we suggest that you review the requirements for the 2021-2022 U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Data Collection Report. The Civil Rights Data Collection Resource Center contains file layouts and data guides to help prepare for the Civil Rights Report.

The Civil Rights Data Collection must be run out of the 2021-22 school year. If a user is logged into a different school year a red message will appear at the top of the page explaining that the Civil Rights reporting needs to be run against the 2021-22 school year. 

At the bottom of the Civil Rights Data Collection page is a header titled Requirements. Clicking on the chevron to the right of the header will open up a list of reminders and resources. Links to the Office of Civil Rights CRDC Home page and Civil Rights Data Collection Resource Center are available.  

CRDC - Requirements Tab - California

CRDC - Requirements Tab - Texas

District Level Tables  

There are several pages that the Civil Rights Data Collection page in Aeries uses that must have records at the District (School 0) Level. These pages are often already populated with data at this level, but they should be reviewed and/or updated prior to processing the Civil Rights Data. 

____  Calendar (DAY) - Navigate to School Info > Calendar 

The Calendar needs to be set up at the District (school 0) level. The first day in the district calendar should be the earliest first day of school out of all of the schools (not including summer schools) and the last day should be the latest last day of school out of all of the schools (not including summer schools).

____ Graduation Requirements (REQ) - Navigate to Grade Reporting > Configurations > Graduation Requirements

All Graduation Requirement codes that are used in the schools must be set up at the District (school 0) level. The Civil Rights Data Collection only uses the Default graduation codes the Grad Tracks do not need to be set up for this purpose. The Default graduation codes must be a comprehensive list of all subject codes used in every school and every Grad Track. The codes and subject areas must be the same for all schools.  For example, if code A is English in one high school, then it is English in all high schools.

____ Courses (CRS) - Navigate to Scheduling Process > Courses

The Advanced Placement and IB courses must be set up with a subject area code (CRS.S1) or a department code (CRS.DC).  AP courses must have a  Course Level (CRS.CL) of 30. IB courses must have a Course Level (CRS.CL) of 37 or 38. Academic courses must not have an 'N' in the Academic Course (CRS.NA) field.

____ Staff Credentials (STC) - ** Removed for 2021-22 Reporting**

The Civil Rights Data Collection is not collecting information on teachers holding credentials for certain courses in the 2021-22 administration. 

School Level Tables - **New or Revised for 2021-22 Reporting**  

____ All tables that disaggregate by student gender now include Male, Female and Nonbinary counts.

____ Preschool - the preschool enrollment counts have been restored and expanded for 2021-22. CRDC defines

       preschool students as students who were ages 3-5 enrolled in preschool programs and/or services. Students age 2 that

       were permitted to enter the preschool program because they turned 3 later in the year are also counted. Expanded

       tables for preschool are EL, IDEA and 504 counts.


____ Enrollment - the enrollment counts have been restored to include students in K-12 and ungraded.

____ Courses - CRDC has added a Data Science class and enrollment counts, these counts are optional for 2021-22.

        Teacher credential tables have been removed for 2021-22. 

____ Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) - AP Other Subjects counts

       have been restored and are optional for 2021-22.

School Level Tables (no change from 2020-21 reporting)  

____ Grade Levels - Navigate to School Info > Configurations > Define Student Grade Levels

All grade levels, especially Pre-K grade levels,  MUST be set up in the Define Student Grade Levels page in order to be used in this report. This page should have been set up at the beginning of the reporting school year and should already be accurate.

____ Student Status (STU.TG) - Navigate to Student Data > Demographics

All No Show students and Pre-enrolled students must be flagged correctly in the Status (STU.TG) field.

____ Student Ethnicity (STU.ETH) - Navigate to Student Data > Demographics

Verify the Ethnicity (STU.ETH) field is tagged correctly indicating whether a student is or is not Hispanic.

____ Student Race (STU.RC1 - STU.RC5) - Navigate to Student Data > Demographics

Verify all Race (STU.RC1 - STU.RC5) fields are set up according to the state ethnicity codes and that students are tagged with their correct race.

____ Limited English Proficient (STU.LF) - Navigate to Student Data > Demographics

____ Language Assessment (LAC) - Navigate to Student Data > Programs > Language Assessment

Verify students' Language Fluency (STU.LF) is correct. The Language Assessment data must be complete and correct. The Start Date (LAC.SD), Redesignation Date (LAC.RD1) and Services Received (LAC.SR) are used to determine English Learner and EL Students in Programs counts. Please see Civil Rights Calculations ENRL - Enrollment for more information on how the records are analyzed.

____ Special Education (CSE) - Navigate to Student Data > Programs > Special Education

The Special Education data must be complete and correct. For Special Education students verify all Disability Codes are set up correctly for the reporting year and that the enter date is correct. Students will be included in the Special Education counts if they have a Disability Code (CSE.DI), the Enter Date (CSE.ED) is on or before the Special Ed Reporting Date, and the Exit Date (CSE.XD) is empty or on or after the Special Ed Reporting Date. Please see Civil Rights Calculations ENRL - Enrollment for more information on how the records are analyzed.

____ 504 Plans (FOF or PGM) - Navigate to Student Data > Programs > 504 Plans or;

       Navigate to Student Data > Programs > Special Programs.

504 Plan records may be stored in the 504 Plans (FOF) table or in the Special Programs (PGM) table. In either case the start and end dates (FOF.SD / FOF.ED or PGM. ESD / PGM.EED) of these records will be used to determine if the student was enrolled in the program for the reporting year. Please see Civil Rights Calculations ENRL - Enrollment for more information on how the records are analyzed.

____ GATE (GTE or PGM) - Navigate to Student Data > Programs > GATE or; 

       Navigate to Student Data > Programs > Special Programs

GATE records may be stored in the GATE (GTE) table or in the Special Programs (PGM) table. In either case the start and end dates (GTE.ESD / GTE.EED or PGM. ESD / PGM.EED) of these records will be used to determine if the student was enrolled in the program for the reporting year. Please see Civil Rights Calculations PENR - Program Enrollment (Gifted and Talented) for more information on how the records are analyzed.

____ Enrollment (ENR) - Navigate to Student Data > Enrollment History

Verify that all students’ Enrollment (ENR) records are up-to-date for the reporting year.

____ Testing Pass Status (TPS) - Navigate to View All Reports > Graduation Requirements

The Testing Pass Status (TPS) table is used to determine the count of students that passed Algebra I. The TPS table must be up-to-date to produce accurate totals. If you find that the counts are low you can run the Graduation Requirements report at the School level for each secondary school to update the Algebra I pass status fields (TPS.ALG and TPS.AGR). NOTE:  For schools with no Graduation Requirements table (REQ), often this will be middle schools or K-8 schools, running the Graduation Requirements report will display a message that "No information is available to print". This is correct, the graduation requirements are not set up at the school, but the TPS.ALG and TPS.AGR fields will still update for students that have met the Algebra I requirements. Please see Algebra I Requirements for more information on how to set up the Algebra I requirements.

____ Virtual Schools Information

Virtual schools will not need to have the NCES codes populated on the Civil Rights > Schools tab, however, all students in the virtual school do need to have the Reporting Home School (STU.HS) populated and Enrollment History Reporting School (ENR.HS) populated.

____ No Show Students (STU.TG) - Navigate to School Info > Configurations > No Show Setup

The No Show Setup is used by the Civil Rights Data Collection process to determine which student records can be skipped during processing. This page should have been set up at the beginning of the reporting school year and should already be accurate.

____ Master Schedule (MST.U1 - MST.U8) - Navigate to Scheduling Process > Master Schedule

The Civil Rights Data Collection counts student enrollment in the Courses & Classes tables based on the Fall Reporting Date (on or near October 1). However, they do allow for schools that use "block scheduling" which allows for a full-year course to be taken in a single semester to also count the students enrolled in the second semester full-year classes based on the Spring Reporting Date (on or near March 1).

For schools that do "block scheduling" where full year courses are taken in a single term one of the Master Schedule User fields (MST.U1 - MST.U8) will need to be updated with a code of your choosing to identify the single term full year classes.  Decide on the Master Schedule User field that will be used. The User field and the code value should be the same for every school that uses "block scheduling".

Navigate to School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table and add a code to the Master Schedule User field that will be used to identify the block schedule classes. In the below example the code of B has been added to the  MST.U5 drop down to aid in identifying the block schedule classes in the schools that offer them. 

Navigate to Scheduling Process > Master Schedule.

In each of the schools that offer block scheduling identify the classes that allow for the full year course to be taken in the Fall term and the Spring term. In the below example the B code is selected in the User 5 field of a class that offers full year course completion in the Spring term.

____ Retentions (RET) - Navigate to Student Data > Guidance > Retentions

The Civil Rights Data Process will not be using the Next Grade (STU.NG) field to determine retentions any longer. The Retentions (RET) table will be the source of this data. All students that were retained in the reporting year should have a Retentions (RET) record with a Date (RET.DT)  within the reporting year and a Code (RET.CD) indicating they were retained.

____ Student Discipline, Offenses, Disciplined for Harassment and Bullying, and Harassment and Bullying

This portion of the Civil Right Reporting will be limited to a few tables and fields and will pre-populate with state reporting translations (XRF) where applicable. Please review the data elements listed below along with your district's data to ensure that the proper code values are selected for each element and that the students' records also use these codes.

Student Discipline counts:

Corporal Punishment - Dispositions (DSP.DS

Expulsion - Dispositions (DSP.DS).  Use state translations (XRF) as defaults.

Suspension In School - Dispositions (DSP.DS).  Use state translations (XRF) as defaults.

Suspension Out of School - Dispositions (DSP.DS).  Use state translations (XRF) as defaults.

School Related Arrest - Dispositions (DSP.DS).  Use state translations (XRF) as defaults.

Transferred to Alternative School for Disciplinary Reasons - Attendance (ATT.RS).  Use state translations (XRF) as defaults.

Referred to Law Enforcement - Assertive Discipline Law Enforcement Notified (ADS.LNF).  Uses default values Y, N orblank.

Received Ed Services during Disposition - Assertive Discipline Instructional Support (ADS.ISI). Uses default values  Y, N or blank

Offenses Codes:

Rape - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Sexual Assault (other than rape) - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Robbery - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Physical Attack or Fight - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Threats of Physical Attack - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Possession of a Firearm or Explosive Device - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Shooting - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Homicide - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Weapon Type - Assertive Discipline Weapon Type (ADS.WT)

NOTE: To ensure that all pre-defined codes are updated, it may be necessary to edit the record, checking for accuracy and saving the record again. This could trigger pre-defined codes to display such as Weapon codes.

For example:

Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying (Perpetrator) counts:

Disciplined for Harassment - Disability - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Disciplined for Harassment - Race - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

Disciplined for Harassment - Sex - Assertive Discipline Code (ADS.CD)

NOTE: If the Harassment Assertive Discipline Code(s) are not separated by type of harassment, then a secondary field in Assertive Discipline (ADS), such as the Possible Motivation (ADS.PM) or a User field (ADS.U#) will need to be populated with codes for Disability, Race and Sex to collect the counts for each type of harassment discipline occurrence.

Harassment or Bullying (Victim) counts:

Harassed or Bullied - Victims Type (VIC.TY)

Basis of Disability - Victims Disability (VIC.BD)

Basis of Race, Color, National Origin - Victims Race (VIC.BR)

Basis of Religion - Victims Religion (VIC.BB)

Basis of Sex - Victims Sex (VIC.BS)

Gender Identity - Victims table - field not defined at this time. Optional for 2021-22

Basis of Sexual Orientation - Victims Sexual Orientation (VIC.BO)

Type of Religion - Victims Religion Type (VIC.RT) - pre-defined by CRDC.

Victims School (VIC.SCL) must be populated with the school of incident.

Restraint and Seclusion counts:

Mechanical Restraint - Behavioral Emergency Code (BER.CD). Uses default value MR.

Physical Restraint - Behavioral Emergency Code (BER.CD). Uses default value PR.

Seclusion - Behavioral Emergency Code (BER.CD). Uses default value SE.

Behavioral Emergency School (BER.SCL) must be populated with the school of incident.

All data in the reporting year's database MUST be correct and the Civil Rights results must be verified prior to uploading the results to the Office of Civil Rights.

Sections and Tables Not Reported Through Aeries  

The Civil Rights Data Collection page in Aeries is designed to assist you with collecting data for the 2021-22 U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Data Collection. This report provides information about the enrollment of, and the educational services provided to, students in public schools by race/ethnicity, sex, and disability. Please note some of the information required by the Office of Civil Rights cannot be calculated by Aeries and must be filled in by hand for each school site. 

This is a list of areas that Aeries does not support:

  • CRDC LEA Form - the entire form is not supported by Aeries
  • CRDC School Form - SCHR - School Characteristics tables:
    • SCHR-1 - Fully Virtual School Indicator 
    • SCHR-2 - Justice Facility Indicator
    • SCHR-4 - Ungraded Detail
    • SCHR-5 - School Characteristics
    • SCHR-6 - Magnet School Detail
    • SCHR-7 - Alternative School Detail
  • CRDC School Form - DIND - COVID-related Directional Indicators - the entire section is not supported by Aeries
  • CRDC School Form - PENR - Program Enrollment tables:
    • PENR-3 - Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Program Indicator
    • PENR-4 - Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Programs
    • PENR-5 - Credit Recovery Program Indicator
    • PENR-6 - Credit Recovery Program Student Participation
  • CRDC School Form - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment tables:
    • APIB-5 - Advanced Placement (AP) Course Self-Selection
  • CRDC School Form - STAF - School & School Support Staff - the entire section is not supported by Aeries
  • CRDC School Form - SECR - School Security Staff - the entire section is not supported by Aeries
  • CRDC School Form - ATHL - Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics - the entire section is not supported by Aeries
  • CRDC School Form - OFFN - Offenses tables:
    • **NOTE: Offenses counted in Aeries will only include those committed by students. The CRDC School Form indicates that offenses committed by non-students should also be counted. If any offenses occurred by non-students then the counts on the CRDC site will need to be hand-updated after the counts from Aeries have been uploaded.
    • OFFN-5 - Offenses - Rape and Sexual Assault  - only supporting incidents committed by a student**
    • OFFN-6 - Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Resignation or Retirement)
    • OFFN-7 - Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Responsible) 
    • OFFN-8 - Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Not Responsible)
    • OFFN- 9 - Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Pending)
    • OFFN-10 - Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Duty Reassignment)
  • CRDC School Form - HIBS - Harassment or Bullying
    • HIBS-2 - Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - Gender Identity  (New, optional for 2021-22)
  • CRDC School Form - JUST - Justice Facilities - the entire section is not supported by Aeries
  • CRDC School Form - INET - Internet Access and Devices - then entire section is not supported by Aeries

NOTE: The Civil Rights Data Collection MUST be generated in the 2021-2022 school year.