The Monthly Attendance Summary Analysis report provides various filtering and grouping options for the data in Monthly Attendance Summary reports. Only months that have already been run in the Monthly Attendance Summary will have data available for analysis by this report, which is available at the District level. See the Monthly Attendance Summary Report - ADA Reporting documentation for more information about the Monthly Attendance Summary.

Filter Reports by monthly or navigate to Attendance > Monthly Attendance Summary Analysis. 

The Monthly Attendance Summary Analysis page includes an Attendance Month filter, a Low Grade/High Grade filter, Combine and Exclude Programs filters, a School filter, and a Group By filter. 

Page Options:

  • Attendance Monthfilter: choose an attendance month
    • Only Attendance Months already run in the Monthly Attendance Summary report will provide data for the Monthly Attendance Summary Analysis
    • Any Attendance Months that have not been run in the Monthly Attendance Summary will produce a pop up error message:

  • Grade filter: choose a Low Grade and High Grade for the report data
  • Schoolfilter: choose the school(s) for the report data
    • Selected schools will be highlighted in dark gray
    • The Sort Schools by Name checkbox makes the list sort by name, instead of by School Code
    • Buttons allow you to Select All Schools, Clear All of the choices in the list, or Show Selected (displays a pop up of the School Codes for selected schools)
  • Group By filter: allows the data to be grouped by Attendance Program, Grade Group, Grade, School, and/or Teacher
    • Grouping by Grade Group will require that the appropriate inclusive grades for the Grade Groups (K-3, 4-6, 7-8, and 9-12) are selected from the Low Grade/High Gradefilters 
      • If the district includes PS and/or TK grades, those grades should be included for the K-3 Grade Group
    • Grouping by Teacheris only available for Elementary level schools
      • If multiple schools are selected, then Group by School should be selected above Group By Teacher in order for accurate data to be provided on the report
    • If selected, the Long Title checkbox prints the name or description, instead of the code, for the Group Byselections on the report
      • For example, school names instead of School Codes
    • If selected, the Page Breakcheckbox makes the report page break after each selection from the filter
      • For example, if Group By: Program is selected, the Page Break checkbox can be checked in order to print one program per page
  • Combine Programs filter: choose any Attendance Programs whose totals should be included with the Regular Programtotals
    • Multiple programs can be selected
    • A Clear Selections button is at the bottom of the list
  • Exclude Programs filter: choose any Attendance Programwhose totals should not appear on the report
    • Multiple programs can be selected
    • A Clear Selections button is at the bottom of the list
  • The Include Signature Line checkbox allows a signature line plus comment to be added to each page of the report

Please note:  The Monthly Attendance Analysis report exports into excel as displayed so districts can use the data for P1/P2 reporting.  An example of a Monthly Attendance Summary Analysis report is shown below: