The Weekly Attendance Report by Class will generate a list of students either by teacher/section or teacher/period and will indicate each student’s attendance for the week selected. Several options are available when running the report including a teacher signature line at the bottom of the report.

From the Reports navigation tree, search for Weekly Attendance Report by Class.

Select the options applicable to the reporting week.  The Options will vary depending on the type of Scheduling and Attendance:

Flex Scheduling with Daily attendance:

For Regular and Flex Scheduling schools without Primary Class Tracking:

In Schools with Primary Class Tracking there is an additional option available.

Once report options have been selected, click the Run Report button. The report will reflect student attendance for the week.  

If teachers are submitting attendance electronically (through teacher portal) and Electronic Signatures for the District have not been submitted and approved by the CDE, this report must be run each week and signed by teachers.  For information on obtaining Electronic Signatures see:  Electronic Attendance