The following contains the CALPADS File Specifications for the STAS file and a column on Aeries Information.  Each element of the file will list the Aeries table and field where the data is pulled.

Field #
Public Name
Aeries Information
Record Type Code
A category describing the type of data record being submitted.
Transaction Type Code
A category describing the action the system should take on the data record being submitted.
See section 1.3.3 of the CFS MSWord version for more details on the Replacement Processing method.

Local Record ID
A local use field to provide the system record identifier for a submitted record in any CALPADS file format. This field will flow through CALPADS and be provided back to the LEA to help facilitate locating the original record in their local SIS environment.

Automatically populates with “School CDS_Academic Year_SSID”
Reporting LEA
A unique identifier for the educational service institution responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student's Statewide Student Identifier by way of an enrollment record in the California Longitudinal Achievement Data System (CALPADS).
The 7-digit County District (CD) code must be submitted if the entity is a district or county office.
If the entity is an independently reporting charter school, the School (S) code must be submitted for both the Reporting LEA and the School of Attendance.
School Options, County and District code (LOC.CC and LOC.DC)
School of Attendance
A unique identifier for the school that delivers a majority of educational instruction and services and is where the student attends.
The 7-digit School (S) code must be submitted.
If the entity is an independently reporting charter school, the School (S) code must be submitted for both the School of Attendance and the Reporting LEA.
School Options, School Code or Reporting Home School (LOC.SC or STU.HS CDS)
Academic Year ID
A unique identifier assigned to a specific Academic Year. An Academic Year is the period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction (175 days in California).
1) Format: CCYY-CCYY (ex. 2008-2009)

2) Indicates the school year associated with the file.

The unique identifier for the student assigned to or by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards. This number follows the student from school to school throughout his/her K-12 career. This number follows the student from school to school throughout their association within the California educational system.

Student SSID (STU.CID)
Local Student ID
A unique identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency. This may not necessarily be the same as the identifier assigned to the student at the school level.
1) Updates to this field must be made through the SSID Enrollment file;

2) Field is included to assist with the identification of the student
Student ID (STU.ID)

Field #
Public Name
Aeries Information
13.09Student Legal First NameFiller
Field no longer used. Fill with blank.

Student Legal Last Name
Field no longer used. Fill with blank.
Student Birth Date
Field no longer used. Fill with blank.
Student Gender Code
Field no longer used. Fill with blank.

Field #
Public Name
Aeries Information
Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator
An indicator of whether or not the student is exempt from the CALPADS absence summary data collection because attendance is not collected for that student for any days during the academic year.
Use the exempt indicator if the student is enrolled in an exempt program for a majority of the school year. If a student is enrolled in as exempt program for less than a majority of school year, report attendance summary data for the days the student was not enrolled in the home or hospital setting.
Students in a Non-Public School, School Options School Code (LOC.SC = 0000001) will automatically be tagged as exempt.

CALPADS Other Options for "STU.SP values for STAS Exempt"
Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator
An indicator of whether the student is attending a school for which the calculation for all students is based on hourly attendance (e.g. continuation schools).

If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N
School Options, Attendance Reporting is Positive (LOC.B = 1) and School Options, Education Type is Alternative Ed (LOC.TY = 1)
Expected Attendance Days

Total number of days the individual student was scheduled to attend during the Academic Year from the student’s Enrollment Start Date to the Enrollment Exit Date. Expected attendance days are the number of days a student was scheduled to attend in person, traditional independent study, and course-based independent study, whether or not he or she was actually in attendance based on the Enrollment Start and End date.

For hourly programs, (e.g. continuation) expected attendance days must include all of the schooldays a student was scheduled to attend in the hourly program. This may be less than five days in a typical five-day week.

Expected Attendance Days do not include non-school days such as holidays, or days for which school was closed and the district, charter school, or county office was granted an Allowance of Attendance Because of Emergency Conditions (J13A) by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction pursuant to EC 41422.
Expected Attendance Days include any days the student was scheduled to attend but the student was not present in the regular classroom due to an in-school or out-of-school suspension.
If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N
From Attendance History, Days Enrolled (AHS.EN) 
This total does not include absences that are tagged as Days Temporarily Not Enrolled (ABS.NE = 1)
Days Attended In-Person
Total number of days the student attended the school. A day attended is defined as any day a student attended for all or part of a school day.
Days Attended do not include days a student is not in the regular classroom for the entire school day due to an out-of-school or in-school suspension. These are collected separately.
If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N
From Attendance History, Days Present (AHS.PR)  
This total does not include absences that are tagged as Days Temporarily Not Enrolled (ABS.NE = 1)
Or  if the student had Secondary Enrollment based on the Code Value Translations for Enrollment Status = 20.
Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension

Total number of days the student was absent from the regular classroom for the entire school day due to an out-of-school suspension pursuant to EC 48911. This does not apply to students while they are in an independent study program.


Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension is only reported for students attending traditional in-person instruction.

If a student is absent for an entire school day for more than one reason, and one of the reasons was due to an out-of-school suspension, then report the student as absent due to out-of-school suspension.
If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N
From Attendance History, Days Suspended (AHS.SU).  
Absent Code Option - Suspended (ABS.SU = 1)
NOTE:  Only Full Day suspensions are reported.  Partial Days suspensions do not have to be reported.
For more information: Absence Codes
Days in Attendance In-School Suspension

Total number of days the student was in attendance but absent from the regular classroom for the entire school day due to either an in-school suspension pursuant to EC 48911.1, or a teacher suspension from a classroom pursuant to EC 48910(c) or a combination of both.


Days Attended In-School Suspension is only reported for students attending traditional in-person instruction.

If student is absent from the regular classroom for an entire school day for more than one reason, including in-school suspension, report the absence due to one of the following reasons in this priority order: (1) out-of-school suspension; (2) unexcused non-suspension; (3) excused non-suspension.
If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N
From Attendance History, Days In-School Suspension (AHS.ISS). 
Absent Code Option Suspended (ABS.SU = 1) and Absent Code Options ADA = Yes (ABS.AD = 1)
NOTE:  Only Full Day suspensions are reported.  Partial Days suspensions do not have to be reported.
For more information: Absence Codes

Days Absent In-Person Excused Non-Suspension
Total number of days the student was absent for the entire school day with a valid excuse, per Education Code sections 48260(c). (This does not include an absence due to an out-of-school or in-school suspension.)

Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension is only reported for students attending traditional in-person instruction

If a student is absent for an entire school day for more than one reason, and one of the reasons was excused non-suspension, report the student as absent due to one of the following reasons in this priority order: (1) out-of-school suspension; (2) unexcused non-suspension; (3) excused non-suspension.
If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N
From Attendance History, Days Absent (AHS.AE)
Days Absent In-Person  Unexcused Non-Suspension
Total number of days the student was absent for the entire school day without a valid excuse. (This does not include students who are absent due to an out-of-school suspension or who attended in-school suspension.)

Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension is only reported for students attending traditional in-person instruction.

If a student is absent for an entire school day for more than one reason, and one of the reasons was unexcused non-suspension, report the student as absent due to one of the following reasons in this priority order: (1) out-of-school suspension; (2) unexcused absence non-suspension.
If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N
From Attendance History, Days Absent Unexcused (AHS.AU)
Non-ADA Generating Independent Study Days
Total number of days the student did not satisfy statutory and regulatory requirements necessary to generate a day attendance for either traditional (Education Code Section 51747.5) or course-based (Education Code Section 51749.5) independent study.

If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N
From Attendance History, Non-ADA Generating Independent Study Days field (AHS.ISI). 
Absent Code Option Independent Study – Incomplete (ABS.IS = I) 
13.22ADA-Generating Independent Study Days
Total number of days the student satisfied statutory and regulatory requirements necessary to generate a day of attendance for either traditional (Education Code Section 51747.5) or course-based (Education Code Section 51749.5) independent study.

If Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator = null
Then Y; Else N

From Attendance History, ADA Generating Independent Study Days field (AHS.ISC). 
Absent Code Option Independent Study – Incomplete (ABS.IS = C) 

13.23Period-by-Period Attendance Method Indicator
An indication of whether or not the student’s attendance is reported using period by period attendance by converting periods of attendance into days of attendance when reporting attendance on the STAS. A “Y” would indicate that student’s attendance is reporting using period by period attendance, an “N” would indicate that it is not.

If Student Absence Data Collection Exemption Indicator = Y, then this field must be null.
From School Options Attendance Type field  (LOC.A = 1)