Students in Alternative Schools (e.g., Continuation Schools) will have their period attendance calculated based on Hourly AttendanceThe Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator in the STAS file will be populated based on the School Options settings for Attendance Reporting and the Education Type fields. 

If Attendance Reporting is Positive and the Education Type is Alternative Ed, all students in the school will extract in the STAS file with the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator as Y.

All students with the Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator flagged with Y will have their period attendance calculated based on hourly attendance. 

New fields in the Attendance History (AHS) table have been added for the Hourly Attendance calculations:

PE         Periods Expected to Attend

PA         Periods Attended

POS      Periods Absent, Out of School Suspension

PIS        Periods Present, In-School Suspension

PAX       Periods Absent, Excused

PAU      Periods Absent, Unexcused

PIC       Periods Complete Independent Study

PIN       Periods Incomplete Independent Study

Below is a table from the CALPADS Data Guide that describes how the period hourly attendance is translated into days. The Attendance History fields have been added to the table.

NOTE: In the table below, the “underlines” in the rows in the Translating Hours into Days column actually represent symbols for division; rows 2–6 in the table below represent explanations involving division and multiplication).

The AHS Fields column represents the Attendance History fields used in the calculation. A legend is available at the bottom of the chart.

Data Element

Translating Hours into Days

AHS Fields***

Expected Attendance Days
The number of days the student is expected to attend, which may be less than five days in a typical five-day week.
Days Attended

Hours Present (attended*)

x Days Expected to Attend

PA / PE * EN

Hours Scheduled to attend**

Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension

Hours Absent due to out-of-school suspension

x Days Expected to Attend


Hours Scheduled to attend**

Days Attended In-school Suspension

Hours Attended while in-school suspension

x Days Expected to Attend


Hours Scheduled to attend**

Days Absent Excused

Hours Absent Excused

x Days Expected to Attend


Hours Scheduled to attend**

Days Absent Unexcused

Hours Absent Unexcused

x Days Expected to Attend


Hours Scheduled to attend**

*For “Hours present (attended)” used in the numerator, include the total hours in actual attendance. Note: the hours entered for the purpose of determining chronic absenteeism are based on actual hours attended and may exceed those used to determine attendance for the purpose of funding. 
**For “Hours scheduled to attend” used in the denominator, LEAs should use the total hours the student is scheduled to attend. Note: the hours entered for this purpose of determining chronic absenteeism may differ from those used to determine attendance for the purpose of ADA funding.
LEGEND OF Attendance History (AHS) Fields:
*** EN = Days Enrolled
PE = Periods Expected to Attend
PA - Periods Attended
PAX = Periods Absent, Excused
POS = Periods Absent, Out-of-School Suspension
PIS = Periods Present, In-School Suspension
PAU = Periods Absent, Unexcused

Below is an example of the hourly calculations for a student. 


Student has enrollment for 1 week (5 days):

Student has a total of 25 periods where they are expected to attend (5 days * 5 periods)

Student has 3 periods marked as absent

Attendance History

Attendance History Query:

  • EN = Days Enrolled
  • PE = Periods Expected to Attend
  • PA = Periods Attended
  • PAU = Periods Absent Unexcused


Below is the calculation from the CALPADS Data Guide:

Days Attended                      PA/PE * EN              22/25 * 5 = 4.4

Days Absent Unexcused      PAU/PE * EN           3/25 * 5 = .60

STAS Record

Below is a sample STAS Record for the example student:
