Before and during the school year, student schedules are changed. Courses and/or sections can be dropped, new courses or sections can be added, and students can change from one section in a course to another section of the same course.

Note:  to mass change students' schedules, use the Master Schedule page. See the Move, Copy or Drop Students in a Section in the Master Schedule documentation for more information.

To modify a student's schedule, start by finding the student who needs a schedule change. Next, Filter Pages for Classes or navigate to Student Data > Scheduling > Classes.

Click the Edit button to view the student's schedule in Edit Mode.

Change a Section Using the Edit Mode Workspace

In Edit Mode, check the End Date and Start Date. The End Date should be the last school day that the student was enrolled in the old section (the section they are leaving). The Start Date should filled in with the first school day when the student will be enrolled in the new section (the section they are entering). In order for the Course Attendance Reporting (CAR) table to be properly maintained, these dates must be correct.

In this example,the student's last day in the old section is today, so End Date is correctly populated with today's date. Start Date is populated with the tomorrow's date, when they will start in the new section. 

Locate the course in their schedule that contains the section that will be changed. In this example, the student is changing sections of PE 9.

The student is currently enrolled in a 5th period section of PE 9 (signified in the display by the color green), but needs to move into a section in first period. Click on the section that the student is moving into. The new section will turn green. 

Click the Save button:

Changes to course attendance will be written to CAR and the student's schedule will reflect the new section. 

Add a Section Using View MST

Click on Edit Mode. Check the End Date and Start DateClick on the View MST button:

Filter the MST to find the new section. 

Click on the  button to add the section the student's schedule. 

Make any other necessary changes to the student's schedule, and click the Save button. Changes to course attendance will be written to CAR and the student's schedule will reflect the new section(s).

For more information about View MST, see View MST.

Change a Section Using a Specific Section Number

Click Edit Mode. Check the End Date and Start Date. Click theicon next to the section information under the appropriate course:

In the section number pop-up that appears, type the new section number and press Enter on the keyboard:

The section's course will be added to the workspace. The specific section will be green and checked, indicating that the student will be scheduled into that section.

Make any other necessary changes to the student's schedule and click the Save button. Changes to course attendance will be written to CAR and the student's schedule will reflect the new section(s).

Change a Course

In order to change a course, a course will be added and a course will be dropped. So that CAR is accurately maintained, be sure to check the End Date (the last day the student was in the dropped course) and the Start Date (the first day the student will be in the added course). 

To add a course, in Edit Mode, type part or all of a course title or name into the New Class box on the workspace:

Courses matching the input will appear. Click on the appropriate course to add the course's sections to the Edit Mode workspace:

Click the section that the student should be enrolled in. The section will be checked and will turn green to signify that the student will be scheduled into it.  

Locate the course that the student is dropping. Click the  icon to delete the course. A pop-up will prompt confirmation of deleting the course. 

Click OK

Make any other necessary changes to the student's schedule and click the Save button. Changes to course attendance will be written to CAR and the student's schedule will reflect the new course and section.