The SELA Import is a process in Aeries to import student's existing CALPADS Student Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) information. The SELA Import process will import the English Language Acquisition Date (LAC.EAD) and English Language Acquisition Code (LAC.EAC) from CALPADS into Aeries on the Language Assessment (LAC) page.  These fields are available as read only informational fields in the school and district and can only be updated with the Import SELA process. 

An Information icon is available that will display more information:

Note: The SELA Import should be run at the beginning of the school year before uploading the first SELA file for the year to CALPADS and periodically throughout the year. This will ensure that all students in your database have the most recent CALPADS Student Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) information.

Below is the Language screen:

Please see the document link below for detailed information:

CALPADS SELA Import Process