SSID Identifier Overview (detailed information will follow):
Step 1 - Create SSID Request File (SENR) in Aeries
Step 2 - Upload the Aeries SSID Request File (SENR) in CALPADS
Step 3 - Upload the CALPADS Result SENR .csv file in Aeries and review and process each student
Step 4 - Download the Aeries SENR_SSID file
Step 5 - Upload the Aeries SENR_SSID_UPDATED file into CALPADS
Step 6 - Download the SSID Extract file from CALPADS
Step 7 - Load the CALPADS SSID Extract file into Aeries to update the STU.CID
Overview ↑
NOTE: The following document has been updated to help assist users in matching SSIDs through an SSID Match Tool Process released in Aeries on 03/30/2023.
Navigate to CALPADS Extracts > Identifiers.
The CALPADS SSID Extract with new and replacement SSIDs can be imported into Aeries using the Identifiers tab.
The Identifiers tab is used to create an SSID Request (SENR) file extract for students without SSID numbers in Aeries. The SENR file can then be uploaded to CALPADS on the SSID Match Tool tab. The CALPADS Results file can then be downloaded and brought into Aeries, then matched with potential candidates from Aeries. After students have been matched, a new Aeries SENR Updated file can be downloaded, then brought back to CALPADS importing the matched SSIDs. Once the SENR file is Validated and Posted, an SSID Extract can be created in order to import the newly matched SSIDs back into Aeries.
A workflow chart is available of the new process CALPADS Extracts Identifiers Process Workflow Chart.
NOTE: Before creating files, verify the settings on the Other Options, Code Translations and Schools tab.
NOTE: All CALPADS MIDs (Multiple Identifiers) need to be resolved before starting this process. Not resolving existing MIDs could result in the incorrect SSIDs updated in Aeries.
For more information: CALPADS Multiple Identifier (MID) Resolutions
SSID Identifier Overview (detailed information will follow): ↑
- In Aeries, on the CALPADS Extracts page on the Identifiers tab, click on the Create SSID Request File (SENR) button to create an SENR file for students without SSID numbers in Aeries
The file downloaded will be named as "YYYY__MM_DD_TIME_SENR_SSID"
- In CALPADS, on the Online Maintenance page on the SSID Match Tool tab, upload the Aeries SENR file.
- After the file is Validated, download the .csv file by clicking on the “Result File” button.
- In Aeries, on the CALPADS Extracts page on the Identifiers tab, go to the SSID Match tab and click on the Select SSID Match File button to load the CALPADS results file
Students will display with Aeries data in the first column and the CALPADS Results file data in the subsequent columns
Review each Aeries Student and the candidates displayed
Select an option for each student, No Match, New SSID or Select to match the Aeries Student to the candidate(s) in the CALPADS results file
- After students are processed, click on the Download Full Updated SENR_SSID File.
An option to download a partial list is available by selecting Download Partial Extract button.
The file downloaded will be named as "YYYY_MM_DD_TIME_SENR_SSID_Updated"
- In CALPADS, on the Upload/View Submission page, click on File Upload option and upload the Aeries SENR file to CALPADS
File must be Validated and Posted
- In CALPADS, on the Extracts page, click on the SSID Extract tab to create a file.
Download the CALPADS SSID Extract file
- In Aeries, on the CALPADS Extracts page on the Identifiers tab, click on the Load SSID tab
Click on the Select Load SSID File and select the CALPADS SSID Extract File
Click on the Load Selected File
Click on the Review Load SSIDs file
Click on the Update STU.CID (SSID) button to update the following fields: STU.CID, LAC.EAC, LAC.EAD and CSE.SWD
Step 1 - Create SSID Request File (SENR) in Aeries ↑
Create SSID Request File (SENR File) – Verify that the correct schools are selected on the Schools tab before creating the file. This extract will only include active students without an SSID who have a current year enrollment record in (ENR).
- Log into Aeries
- Go to the CALPADS Extracts >Schools tab and verify that the correct schools are selected
- Go to the CALPADS Extracts >Identifier tab
- Click the mouse on the Create SSID Request File (SENR) to create a file to send to CALPADS of all students without SSIDs. The file will display in the File Download section at the bottom of the page.
A Query KEEP or SKIP can be applied before creating a new SSID file. An example would be TK or Kindergarten students with no other district enrollment records or New Kindergarten EL students (for summer testing).
NOTE: SENR records will only be created for new students with current enrollment. Students with enrollment dates in the future will NOT be in included in the Create SSID Request File (SENR File). All functions related to CALPADS processing during the summer to facilitate testing during the summer have been moved to the Summer ELPAC Testing Tab.
Step 2 - Upload the Aeries SSID Request File (SENR) into CALPADS ↑
- Log into CALPADS
- Go to Online Maintenance on the navigation tree, then click on Student Data or SSID Identifier. Click on the SSID Match Tool tab.
- Click on the Choose File button and upload the Aeries SSID Request File (SENR) "YYYY_MM_DD_TIME_SENR_SSID"
- Click on the Upload button.
- If rejected, research errors and reprocess
- After the file is Validated, download the .csv file by clicking on the Result File button
- Download the .csv Results file to a location on your hard-drive
Step 3 - Upload the CALPADS Result SENR .csv file in Aeries and review and process each student ↑
- In Aeries, go to the CALPADS Extracts > Identifier tab, SSID Match tab and click on the Select SSID Match File button
- Select the CALPADS Result .csv file and click on the Upload button
- The SSID Match page will display with the Aeries student information in the first column and the CALPADS candidate information from the Results file in the subsequent columns, sorted by the highest Match Percentage.
- If there is a student without a candidate in CALPADS, only the Aeries student information column will display:
The following Options and Filters are available:
Display Unmatched Records Only - will only display students who have not been matched yet
Show Parent/Guardian
Show Addresses
Show Language Information
Each student in the file should be reviewed and the following options should be selected:
No Match - Select when no candidates are appropriate matches and a new SSID is not needed. No action will be taken for this student.
New SSID - Select when no candidates are appropriate matches and a new SSID is needed.
Select - If candidate is a match to the Aeries student, click on the Select button. This will be the SSID that will be updated for the Aeries student.
Previous Student and a Next Student buttons are available to move to the previous or next student in the Results file.
A Download Partial Extract button is available to create an SENR file of the matched students before all the students have been confirmed. This file can be uploaded to CALPADS in order to assign the matched SSIDs.
NOTE: It is recommended to start the process over with Step 1 if using the Download Partial Extract and it has been uploaded to CALPADS.
The Load Match Session button can be used to continue the process when leaving the CALPADS EXTRACT page.
If there is no file being processed or the SSID process is complete, the Load Match Session button will be greyed out.
If a file does not successfully upload, the file name will display in red as shown below. An Alert popup will display with an error message. When uploading the Results file, the file name must not be modified or the file may not be found. This file is matched to one originally created during the process when creating the SSID extract.
Step 4 - Download the Aeries SENR_SSID_Updated.txt file for CALPADS Submission ↑
- When all candidates in the file are confirmed, a new section will display at the top of the SSID Match tab. A button to Download Full Updated SENR_SSID File is available.
- Download the SENR_SSID_UPDATED.txt file to a location on your hard-drive
Step 5 - Upload the Aeries SENR_SSID_UPDATED.txt file into CALPADS ↑
- Log into CALPADS
- Go to Upload/View Submission > File Upload option
- On the File Type dropdown, click on the SSID Enrollment-SENR option and upload the Aeries SENR_SSID_UPDATED.txt file
- Process and wait until file is fully Posted
Step 6 - Download the SSID Extract file from CALPADS ↑
- Log into CALPADS
- Go to the Extracts > SSID Extract
The following page will display
Select Date Range by Enrollment Date
- Select all schools by moving all schools to the right
- Start Date and End Date: 7/1/YYYY of current school year to current date
- Select the Most Recent Enrollment option
- Enter a file name in the ExtractFileName field
- Click on the Request File button
- Download the CALPADS SSID Extract file to a location on your hard-drive
NOTE: The CALPADS SSID Extract is now downloaded by a date range that is based on the Enrollment Start Date and not based on job ID. Therefore, the date range should be for the current school year. The CALPADS SSID Extract includes SSIDs that already exist so the file will be large.
All CALPADS MIDs (Multiple Identifiers) need to be resolved before starting this process. Not resolving existing MIDs could result in the incorrect SSIDs updated in Aeries.
For more information: CALPADS Multiple Identifier (MID) Resolutions
Step 7 - Load the CALPADS SSID Extract file into Aeries to update the STU.CID ↑
- Go to Aeries > CALPADS Extracts > Identifiers tab > Load SSID tab
- Click on the Select Load SSID File button and upload the CALPADS SSID Extract file. This button is used to locate the file downloaded from CALPADS to import the new SSIDs. After selecting the file, the file name will display below the button.
- Click on the Load Selected File button
- Click on the Review Load SSIDs File to view the data in the file
- Click on the Update STU.CID (SSID), LAC.EAC, LAC.EAD, CSE.SWD button. This button updates the STU.CID field with the SSIDs from the loaded data. The Load SSID process will also populate the ELAS information from the file into the LAC fields (LAC.EAC and LAC.EAD) and populates the Students with Disabilities Indicator field (CSE.SWD) on the Special Education table if SWD=Y.
NOTE: Because the CALPADS SSID Extract includes SSIDs that already exist in Aeries, it is not recommended to use the Overwrite Existing SSIDs option.
Once the Update STU.CID (SSID) button is selected, the SSID Request File will be removed from the File Download list.
An email will be sent when the update is complete, identifying all the tables that were affected.
After a file has been submitted and processed, the file will be logged in the CALPADS History page as shown below.
SSID Replacement Files ↑
The SSID Replacement file allows the importing of CALPADS SSID Replacement file into Aeries. Importing an SSID Replacement File from CALPADS will overwrite any Old State ID with the New State Stu ID identified in the file. The old SSID will be moved into the Old Sate ID (STU.OSI) field. The new SSID will get populated into the State Stu ID field (STU.CID).
The process is the same as above. An email will be sent that will summarize the changes.
See Replacement SSID document from CALPADS for more information.
NOTE: Since users will no longer receive a warning from CALPADS when a retired SSID submitted in the SENR has been replaced with the replacement SSID, users should regularly download the SSID Replacement extract from CALPADS and run through Aeries Replacement file process to determine which SSIDs within Aeries have been retired.