The Summary of Students report uses the following functionality to produce data results for options that include Next ____

Key Points on Sort Options with Next Grade:

The "Sort By" options that include Next Grade (such as "Program and Next Grade", "Next Grade", "Next Program and Next Grade", etc.) change the report output by displaying student counts based on their expected grade placement for the next academic year. These options are particularly useful for planning purposes, as they allow users to see how students will be grouped in the future, rather than their current placements. 

Impact on Queries used by the report:

When a Next Grade option is selected, the report queries are modified in several ways to accommodate the different sorting requirements:

  • Select Clause: The query selects fields such as Student ID (STU.ID), current School (STU.SC), Next School (STU.NS), current Grade (STU.GR), Next Grade (STU.NG), and Program (STU.SP) information. The presence of the Next Grade options adds fields related to the student's future placements, such as STU.NG (Next Grade) and potentially STU.NSP (Next Program).
  • Where Clause: The query includes conditions to filter students whose "Next Grade" falls within a specific grade boundary or whose "Next School" meets certain criteria. 
  • Order By Clause: The data is sorted by the fields related to the next academic year. For example, when "Next Grade" is selected, the SQL query orders the results by STU.NG (Next Grade) followed by the student name or other relevant fields, ensuring that the report groups and displays students according to their future grade levels. 
  • Group By Clause (if applicable): Depending on the selected options, the data might also be grouped by fields such as Next Grade, Next School, or Program to consolidate students under these future-oriented categories. 

How This Changes the Report Output:

The report will display counts of students sorted by their Next Grade level or the combination of their Next Grade and other attributes (like the Next School or Program).

At the district level, the report may combine data from multiple schools to provide a comprehensive overview, depending on whether "Print by School" is selected. 

For each student, details like their current School, Next Grade, and potentially the Next School are included, reflecting the expected placement in the next academic year.