The following entities are included in the Cohort domain:

Entity: Cohort (In Development)

Entity: StaffCohortAssociation (In Development)

Entity: StudentCohortAssociation (In Development)

Level 1 Errors - Cohort

These entities are only required for private PK schools.

TEA Ed-Fi codes are hard-coded in Aeries and do not need to be mapped.

* An asterisk in the Label & Aeries Table.Field column indicates a code set where local codes can be used. Any local codes used by the district must be mapped to TEA Ed-Fi codes on School Info > Imports and Exports > Ed-Fi Code Mappings.

Entity: Cohort (In Development)

Element ID
(Code Table)
Data Element NameAeries PageLabel & 
Aeries Table.Field
ReferenceEducationOrganizationSee Education Organization domain > School entity (SchoolID element)
E1173CohortIdentifierTo be determined 
E1174CohortDescriptionTo be determined

Entity: StaffCohortAssociation (In Development)

(multiple allowed)

Element ID
(Code Table)
Data Element NameAeries PageLabel & 
Aeries Table.Field
ReferenceStaffTo be determined 
Reference CohortSee Student Cohort domain > Cohort entity
E3010BeginDateTo be determined

Entity: StudentCohortAssociation (In Development)

(multiple allowed)

Element ID
(Code Table)
Data Element NameAeries PageLabel & 
Aeries Table.Field
ReferenceStudentSee Student Identification and Demographics domain > Student entity
Reference CohortSee Student Cohort domain > Cohort entity
E3010BeginDateTo be determined

Level 1 Errors - Cohort

See Also: Ed-Fi - Troubleshooting Errors.