
Navigate to Attendance Accounting > Attendance Percentage Comparison

This page is for Texas compliance use only.

The page provides a list of dates within a specified date range where the official attendance rate in the current year is 10% or more below the school's Prior Year ADA, as specified on the School Information page. 

At the district level, the information is displayed for all selected schools that meet this condition. 


Absence Codes (ABS)ReadView results
Attendance Data (ATT)ReadView results for regular schools (non-flexible attendance schools)
Class Attendance (CAT)ReadView results for flexible attendance schools


  1. The Schools Included section is only available for district-level users and lists only schools where the Prior Year ADA field is populated on the School Information  page.

    A message notifies you that the field must be populated and provides a link to the School Information page.

    • By default, schools are listed by school number. Select Sort Schools by Name to sort them alphabetically.

      • Indicate the schools to include by clicking the Select All Schools button or selecting individual schools.
      • If needed, the Clear All button clears any selected schools allowing you to select specific schools.

    • If school groups are set up on School Info > Configurations > School Groups, you can select a group of schools.

    • Click Show Selected to view a message listing the selected school numbers. Click OK.

  2. Under Filters and Options:

    The section is collapsed by default. Expand the section to modify filters and options.

    • Date Range - The default dates are the first day of school and the last attendance day before the date the report is being run. Modify as needed.

    • ADA Percentage Point Drop - The default percentage is 10%, which is the minimum requirement for a Low Attendance Waiver. Modify as needed.

    • Prior Year ADA - For school-level users, the value is displayed as populated on the School Information page. If not populated for the school, the message "Prior Year ADA of Undefined" is displayed, and a link to the School Information page is provided.

  3. Click Generate Comparison. The information is displayed in the Results grid by date.

    You must also click Generate Comparison to refresh the Results grid when changing schools, date range, or ADA Percentage Point Drop.

  4. Under Results:

    • School - The column is only displayed for district-level users. Only the school numbers are listed in the column; however the school name is printed you print the report using the Print Chart button.

    • Total Membership - The column displays the count of all students with an attendance enrollment record for the particular date, excluding students with ADA Eligibility Codes 0 or 9 (i.e., students not generating attendance for funding purposes).

    • Total Present - The total number of students on the specified date where ATT.PR <> 0 or 9 (ADA Eligibility Code) and ATT.CD (Absence Code) is either blank ('Present') or an absence code set as Count for ADA on Update Absence Codes (ABS.CD, ABS.AD = 1)

    • Total Absent - The total number of students on the specified date where ATT.PR <> 0 or 9 (ADA Eligibility Code) and ATT.CD (Absence Code) is populated with an absence code not set as Count for ADA on Update Absence Codes (ABS.CD, ABS.AD = 0)

    • Operational Minutes - Calculated for the specified date based on minutes calculations for Flex or Non-Flex as used on the Calendar page. 

    • Percent Present - Total Present / Total Membership.

    • % Points Under - The column displays the number of percentage points the school's rate is below the Prior Year ADA on the particular date.

  5. Click Print Chart to print the report.

    At the district-level, the School column is included.