Report Options  

Patterns for Identifying each Option  

Teacher Verification and Signature Line 


The Period Absence Audit Report is meant to find potential period attendance submission errors. It can be used to verify attendance anomalies and will produce a period absence report which can be used for attendance audit verification.

Navigate to Reports > Attendance > Period Absence Audit.

The options menu is extensive and this report can take up to 15 minutes to complete. Limiting the date range and options will produce faster results. Running this report on a weekly basis assists with reasonable management of period attendance data.  

The details in this document is meant to provide a brief summary for the report. For complete details of how this report functions, see Period Absence Audit Report.

Report Options  

The Report Options page may look slightly different in a Flex school. The Print Classes section is not available in flex schools as this report displays all classes for the student.

There are many options for printing this report which are described in our Period Absence Audit Report document. The report has options for identifying anomalies in a student's attendance day. The Limit Period Codes has selections that will filter to find students with attendance meeting a specific pattern to help identify absences that need to be corrected. 

The Sorting Options include sorting by Student, Grade, Counselor or Teacher.

When sorting by Teacher, there are additional options to sort by Date, Period, then Name or Student ID.

Absence Codes will default to be selected as Yes if the code is identified as an Absence according to the Absence table. They can be changed as desired. 

Select the desired settings for the report along with the Start and End dates to be used. It's important to know that this report will take a long time to print and therefore, shorter date ranges is recommended.

In this example, the report was printed with the option Present at Start of Day, then Absent. In Flex schools, all classes will display for the student. However, the student will only appear on the teacher's list with the anomaly. In this example, since we are looking for attendance where the student was marked present at the Start of Day, then absent, the anomaly (the record that is different) belongs to Teacher Ewing and therefore will appear on Ewing's page only.

In another example, the Limit to a Single Period Present is selected. This option will look for a single Present code anywhere in the day in between two absences. Patterns are described below in the next section. In this example, the anomaly will be the Present code and the student will appear on Hardy's list.

Patterns for Identifying each Option  

Each option has a specific pattern that the criteria is looking for when utilizing this report. The following patterns are described below:

The example below is based on a student with periods 1 - 6 for each school day. (123456)

For this example, 'A' represents an Absence code and 'P' represents a Present code.

Present at Start of Day, then Absent = 'PAA456' where the PAA must fall in the first 3 periods with this pattern.

Absent, then Present at End of Day = '123AAP' where the AAP must fall in the last 3 periods with this pattern.

Absent, Then Present, Then Absent = '1APA56'  where this pattern can fall anywhere within the day as long as it follows this pattern.

Present, Then Absent, Then Present = '12PAP6' where this pattern can fall anywhere within the day as long as it follows this pattern.

Limit to a Single Period Present = 'AAPAAA' present can be anywhere within the day as long as there is only one.

Teacher Verification and Signature Line

When sorting the report by teacher, a verification check and signature line can be added to the page that will allow a teacher to indicate if a student was Absent, Present or Tardy. The teacher can sign at the bottom of the page and return the paper to the front office for manual corrections. 

The Print Verification Checks option is only available when sorting by Teacher, and the Print Teacher Signature Line is selected.