The Average Daily Attendance Summary report provides the Average Daily Attendance calculations for a specific range of dates. This report is available both at the District and School levels, and can be broken down by several categories. All absences are counted for this report (Unverified, Verified, Excused and Unexcused). Any student who was active at any time during the date range will be included.

For Texas districts, the ADA Eligibility Codes that do not count towards membership (0 and 9) are automatically bypassed.

Filter Reports by average or navigate to Attendance > Average Daily Attendance Summary. 

Average Daily Attendance Summary Report selector

The Average Daily Attendance Summary page includes a Summary Date Range filter, and allows the selection of specific Schools to be included. The calculations can be further broken down by Grade, Program and Track (if enabled).

Average Daily Attendance Summary Options - District page - California

Average Daily Attendance Summary Options - District page - Texas

Page Options:

  • School filter (District Level): choose the school(s) for the report data.
    • School Groups are available - if enabled (See School Groups for more information)
    • Selected schools will be highlighted in dark gray
    • The Sort Schools by Name checkbox makes the list sort by name, instead of by School Code
    • Buttons allow you to Select All Schools, Clear All of the choices in the list, or Show Selected (displays a pop up of the School Codes for selected schools)
  • Summary Date Range filter: Choose a range of dates for the summary.
  • Include checkboxes: allows the data to be grouped by Attendance Program, Grade, and/or Track (if enabled).

NOTE: In order to run the report from the District, a district Calendar must be created.

An example of a Average Daily Attendance Summary report printed at the school level with the option to Include Grades is selected and shown below:

Sample ADA Summary Report - School level with Grades - Texas

An example of a Average Daily Attendance Summary report printed at the school level with the option to Include Programs is selected and shown below:

An example of a Average Daily Attendance Summary report printed at the district level with no options selected is shown below:

When printing from the district and sorting by Program or Grade levels, each school will print separately and will have a page break for each Grade level and Program.