

Managing Agreements

Work Product Evaluation Teacher View

Mass Add Work Product Options


Navigate to Student > Programs > Independent Study Management.

The Independent Study Management page is designed to allow users the ability to manage Agreement information such as upload Signatures, digitally sign Agreements, and add or edit Work Product Evaluation records. The page can be accessed from a school or district.

This page is available to Admin, Teachers and users, and can be used to quickly sign all Agreements with a Pending Signature Status. A Supervising teacher, as well as the Teacher of Record for Independent Study courses, can add Work Product Evaluation records and document a Student's progress all from within this page. This page honors KEEP/SKIP queries.

Filters and Options are available for the following:

  • Pending Signature(s) - This option will display Agreements that still have Signatures pending.
  • Where I am a Signatory - This option will display Agreements where the currently logged in user is a Signatory for the agreement.
  • Status - Filter for any agreement status:  Draft, Pending, Cancelled Prior to Activation, Activated or Revoked.
  • Sections - Filter Agreements by Section.
  • Dates 
    • Planned Start Date - Display agreements who have a Planned Start Date on or after this date.
    • Planned End Date - Display agreements who have a Planned End Date on or before this date.
    • Actual Start Date - Display agreements who have an Actual Start Date on or after this date.
    • Actual End Date - Display agreements who have an Actual End Date on or before this date.


Independent Study Management -


View Independent Study Management page. View Agreement Documents and Signatures, Digitally Sign Documents.

Send a Reminder email button available with Update permission to ISA.

Adding agreements, editing agreements or deleting agreements are only done on the Independent Study Agreements page.
Signature Details Button (ISG)Read



No button permission

No button permission

Update Signatories and manually upload documents (must have Read, Insert and Update to be able to add and edit signatures; Read and Update will only allow editing Signatories, Insert is required to view the Add New Signatory option from Signatures window)

Delete Signatory records and documents.
Evaluation Periods Button (ISW)Read



Inherits from ISA

Add WPE Records

View WPE tab, Edit WPE Records

Delete Records 
WPE Teacher ViewUpdateIn order to access this page and make changes to work product evaluation records, the teacher portal group must be given Update permission to ISW.

The teacher group must also have Read to ISA or the new tab will not display.


The Independent Study Management page contains information from the Independent Study Agreements, Signatories and Work Product Evaluations.

Independent Study Agreements (ISA)ID = Student ID
NM = Student Name
ST = Status of Agreement
PSD,PED = Planned Dates
ASD,AED = Actual Dates
The page will display a list of students who have any type of agreements. Filters can be applied to narrow down the list of agreements.
Work Product Evaluations
Evaluation Periods buttonA popup window will display when selecting the Evaluation Periods button. This button will open the Work Product Evaluations tab from IS Agreements.
Signatories (ISG)Signatories buttonA popup window will display when selecting the Signatories button. This button will open the Signatories tab from IS Agreements.
WPE Teacher View
The tab will display for any teacher portal group with update permissions to ISW. Teachers can modify work product evaluation records in mass.

Managing Agreements  

The page is designed to provide a list of students with agreements. Filters are available that help to limit the list of students on the page to manage information such as uploading or digitally signing agreements or adding and maintaining work product evaluation records.


Pending Signatures is a filter that will limit the list of students to only display those with a pending signature. 

Select filter Pending Signature(s), then select the "Apply Filters" button. The list of students will be limited to any student that still has signatures pending. Users and Staff can use this to quickly filter through each student, updating the manual signatures that are still pending for each student list. 

If the user or teacher is the signatory and their signature is pending, then an additional button labeled Sign Here will display allowing the user to digitally sign the student's agreement. This button will only display if the District Settings has been turned on for Allow Digital Signatures. See District Settings for more information. 

The filter "Where I am a Signatory" will filter for students who have the currently logged in user as a signatory on the agreement. 


The Status filter allows the user to view specific agreements with a specific status. For example, select Pending, then select Apply Filters to display all agreements that have a pending status according to the ISA.ST field. 

The Sections filter can be used when logged into a school and is not available when logged into the District. Select the drop-down list to filter for students in a specific class section. This is helpful where the user needs to monitor the agreements for students enrolled in a certain class.

After selecting a section from the drop-down, click the Apply Filters button. The list will display for any student with an agreement that has the section selected in their classes.

The Dates option allows the user to limit agreements to display for a specific date range according to their Planned Dates and Actual Dates of the Independent Study Agreement. Enter the desired criteria for the agreements to be listed on the page. For example, enter 11/01/2021 in the Planned Start Date to display all agreements who have a Planned Start Date on or after 11/01/2021 according to the Agreements page.

  • Dates: 
    • Planned Start Date (ISA.PSD) - Display agreements who have a Planned Start Date on or after this date.
    • Planned End Date (ISA.PED) - Display agreements who have a Planned End Date on or before this date.
    • Actual Start Date (ISA.ASD) - Display agreements who have an Actual Start Date on or after this date.
    • Actual End Date (ISA.AED) - Display agreements who have an Actual End Date on or before this date.

Apply as many filters as needed to the page in order to customize the list to fit user needs.

For detailed information on Agreements, see Independent Study Agreements documentation.

NOTE: The Independent Study Management page can be accessed from District or School. 

Things to know: When accessing this page from district, if a user has READ ONLY Access to district, the page will be read only. Also, to utilize the Section Filter, user must be logged into the School. Sections are not available in District. This page honors KEEP/SKIP queries.

Work Product Evaluation Teacher View  

The WPE Teacher View page is designed to allow teachers the ability to modify their Work Product Evaluation records for multiple students all at one time within a single page. The page only displays for UGN accounts that have either Teacher or Substitute Teacher type group accounts. The new tab will display from within the Independent Study Management page. In order for an admin account to see this new page, administrators must emulate the teacher using the Users/Security page.

When a teacher is logged in, the Class Option will list a drop-down of all classes that the teacher is associated with. A WPE Period drop-down will display with all work product evaluation period ranges that are associated to students in the teacher's classes and will display all agreement WPE ranges according to the student's Independent Study Agreement records.

After selecting a class and a WPE Period range, the list of students will automatically display for students who have WPE records in their agreement. As the teacher toggles between these classes or WPE Periods, the student list will display with the appropriate students within their class. Only students who have work product evaluation records attached to their agreement will display. 

Mass Add Work Product Options  

Work Product Evaluation records can be updated for multiple students at one time by selecting the proper data options for the selected students in the list. 

Each category has an option to Include? When this option is selected, the category will be included when the Mass Apply Selections is clicked. Each category is independent of each other. Select or de-select the categories that are to be included or not be included when selecting Mass Apply Selections.

  • Hours - Enter the number of hours in the dropdown box to mass add to all selected students in the list. An option to Include or Increment is available for this category. When selecting to Increment, and Mass Apply Selections is clicked, the existing number in the student's record for Hours will increment by the number value entered in the box. If the Increment option is not selected but the Include option is selected, then the number entered will be the new number for the hours field for the student's work product evaluation records replacing the existing hours.
  • Days - Enter the number of days in the dropdown box to mass add to all selected students in the list. An option to Include or Increment is available for this category. When selecting to Increment, and Mass Apply Selections is clicked, the existing number in the student's record for Days will increment by the number value entered in the box. If the Increment is not selected but the Include option is selected, then the number entered will be the new number for the days field for the student's work product evaluation records replacing the existing days. 
  • Satisfactory Progress - Select either Yes or No to mass apply the selected drop-down to all selected students in the list.
  • Notes - Populate the comment box with a note. All selected students in the list will receive this note.

The Hours and Days categories have an Increment option available.

In order to not include changing a field, the Include? checkbox must be deselected.

The following is an example of how to use the Mass Add Work Product Options:

Please note, each of these categories can be bypassed by unselecting the Include? option.

1. Select the Class Option and WPE Period to view a list of students with work product evaluation records in a specific class.

2. Select Include? and enter the number of Hours and/or Days for the student's WPE records. 

   a. If Increment is also selected, enter the number of Hours to increment; i.e. enter 5 to add 5 hours to the existing number of hours in the selected student's period range. The following example will change the hours from 71 to 76 after incrementing the number by 5. Same rules apply for the Days category.

   b. If Increment? is not selected, enter the number of Hours and/or Days for the Student's WPE records. I.E., enter 5 for Hours and 1 for days to mass assign 5 hours to every selected student and 1 day to every selected student. When using this option, the data will be replaced by the value in the hours/days data fields.

3. For Satisfactory Progress, select Include? to include mass changing this category. Either select Yes or No.

4. For Notes, select Include? and enter any comment to be applied to all records in the list.

5. Once all options are defined, select Skip for any students that you wish to skip during the Mass Apply Selections process. By skipping students, the values will not get populated into the skipped student's WPE records. The Skip button can be found to the left of the student's ID. (This option can be selected before or after clicking the Mass Apply Selections button and will skip this student either way.)

6. Once all categories are defined, select the Mass Apply Selections button. This will populate the fields for each selected student for any category marked with Include? Each area that shows a change will be highlighted in blue. The total number of changes included on the page will show under Pending Updates on the blue header above the student list.

7. If any changes need to be made to the student records, they can be changed individually by selecting new information as needed. For example, mass apply every student to have a Yes under Satisfactory Progress. Then, go to the individual record and change one or two students to No as needed.

8. The last step after applying all the changes to the students in the list is to save the changes. This can be done by selecting the SAVE button. After SAVE is selected, a message will display confirming the change. Once OK is selected, the page will refresh to display the most up-to-date information for the student's records. 

An option to Cancel the SAVE process is available and if selected, the teacher will be taken back to the screen where they can continue with the process.

A RESET button is available and should be used with caution. When changes have been mass applied but the SAVE button has not been selected yet, selecting the RESET button will restore the data to the original information prior to starting the process. 

If changes have been applied but the data has not been SAVED, and the teacher attempts to navigate to another class or another work product evaluation record, a warning message will appear. When selecting OK, the teacher will be directed to the new class selection or WPE period range and all changes will be lost. When selecting Cancel, the user will be taken back to the page where they can continue the process and SAVE the data.

NOTE: It is important to select SAVE after mass applying information and customizing the data for all selected students.