After the Standards Based Grade setup is completed the grade entry can be performed through Standards Based Grade Input, Standards Based Grades by Teacher, or Teacher Portal.
During every grade reporting cycle, on the day before the Grading Window opens, the Standard Based Grade table must be initialized for the appropriate mark. This process can be run at the District level for schools with the same configurations of Scheduling, and Attendance Types on School Options. Instructions on how to run this process from the school level can be found in the Standard Based Grade Reporting - - Creating and Updating Grades documentation.
From the District, navigate to Standard Based Grades > Functions > Initialize New Grading Cycle.
Security ↑
Table | Permission | Description |
Standards Based Grades (SBG) | Read Insert Update Delete | User must have Read, Insert, Update, and Delete to view the page and run the process. |
Configurations ↑
In addition to the permissions listed above in Security, the user will need access to the District. It is not necessary to have access to the individual schools to run this process from the District.
Steps ↑
Follow these steps to complete the Initialization:
- On the Use Setting From School selection menu, choose the school that will be used for the default settings in the options.
- Select the appropriate Type of Report Card to initialize, either Progress or Standards Based Grades.
- Select the appropriate Reporting Period from the Initialize Which Mark option. When a Mark is selected, the Starting and Ending Dates will be displayed. These dates are for the term selected, as set up in Standard Based Options on the Terms tab. The dates are stored in the Terms (TRM) table of the school chosen in the first step. These dates can be modified. Information on Standard Based Options - Terms.
NOTE: Be very careful when choosing the schools to initialize. Only select schools that have similar Terms, Scheduling Types and Tracks. Setting up School Groups will assist in assuring proper schools are selected when running this process. For example, Elementary vs Master Schedule vs Flex are not allowed. Different Attendance Types such as Daily vs Period or Negative vs Positive are not allowed.