Create/Update Standards Based Grade Reporting Table for one Student

Standards Based Grade Input

Standards Based Grades by Teacher

Teacher Portal Input

Print Standards Based Missing Mark Listing Report

Update Attendance Totals

After the Standards Based Grade setup is completed the grade entry can be performed through Standards Based Grade Input, Standards Based Grades by Teacher, or Teacher Portal.

Create the Standards Based Grade Reporting Table

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Functions > Initialize New Grading Cycle

Prior to entering grades the Standards Based Grade Reporting Table must be created. 

Standards Based Grades > Functions > Initialize New Grading Cycle

Click on the Progress or Standards Based Grades radio buttons to identify which type of report card you will be initializing. Click on the marking period to initialize in the Initialize Which Mark option. The starting and ending dates for the term will automatically display depending on the mark that was selected. Adjust the dates to reflect the progress reporting period within the term when initializing progress reports.  If tracks have been set up they will display. Click on the correct Track(s). Click on the Initialize New Standards Based Grading Cycle button. A message will display confirming that you wish to proceed. Click on the OK button and a message will display that the process may take some time to complete and an email will be sent out when it has completed.

NOTE: Once the Standards Based Grades (SBG) table has been created, changes should not be made to the Standards or Report Card Setup. Once grades have been submitted changes should only be made in the Standard Based Report Card Templates. The template should be copied into the Standards Based Setup only during the summer or at the beginning of the new school year before the Standards Based Grade table has been initialized. Changes made during the school year could invalidate previous marks that have been submitted.

NOTE: If the Progress Report Card Type is not defined in the Code (COD) table, the the Progress radio button will be greyed out and cannot be selected. 

To designate a Report Card Type as a Progress report card, the Code (COD) table Amount value for the STU.RC code record needs to be set to 3. Only one code value should be designated as a Progress report card type.

Create/Update Standards Based Grades For Selected Students  

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Functions > Create/Update SBG For Selected Students

After the grade reporting table has been created, changes can occur that will affect the grade table. For example, a new student can be added to the school database, which will not be included in the grade reporting table. To update the grade reporting table for one or several students, click on Create/Update SBG for Selected Students.  The below selection box will display. The Using Type, Using Mark, Start Date and End Date fields indicate which report card type and mark is currently initialized.  Enter the student’s name or ID in the Search box and search for the student.  Multiple students can be selected.

Standards Based Grades > Functions > Create/Update SBG for Selected Students

Click on the student and then click on the Update SBG Selected Students button. A message will display confirming that you wish to proceed. Click on the OK button to continue.

Standards Based Grade Input  

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Standards Based Input

Marks Tab

The Standards Based Input form is used by office staff to manually enter marks, comments and assign a student a Report Card Type code if applicable.

The Standards Based Grades and Progress radio buttons in the Marks tab are used to toggle between the Standards Based Report card standards and the Progress Report Card standards.

All Categories and Standard Descriptions previously set up will display under the Subject column.  The dropdowns will provide the valid marks available for each standard. Free Text marks and Inline Comment marks do not have dropdowns and values can be entered directly into those fields. 

Locate the student. To enter or update a mark select a Valid mark from the dropdown. 

Standards Based Input - Progress report card example

Standards that are the Free Text mark type will allow up to 5 characters to be entered into the mark field. The data entered in the Free Text field is not validated.

Comment Tab

To add an overall Comment for the student, click on the Comment tab.  Click on the Add New Record link. Select the Term. Select PRG from the Report Card Type dropdown if this comment is for the Progress Report Card, otherwise select the default (blank) Report Card Type for the comment to be printed on the Standards Based Grades Report Card. When the option to Use Advanced Comment Formatting is selected in the Standards Based Options > General Options tab, the comments will be updated in a web-based text editor.

Click on the Save icon to save the comment.

NOTE:  Only one comment can be entered per term, report card type, and year. Due to space limitations the entire comment may NOT print on the report card.

Standards Based Grades by Teacher  

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Standards Based by Teacher

Can also be found by navigating to Teacher Emulation > Standards Based Grades by Teacher

The Standards Based Grades By Teacher page can be utilized by designated school staff to select a teacher and display the students in their class. The grades and comments can then be updated. Please see the Standards Based Grade Tables and Security article for more information on permissions needed by office staff to enter/update grades.

The Standards Based Grades and Progress radio buttons at the top of the page allow the user to view either the Standards Based Grades report card standards or the Progress report card standards for the student. The dropdowns are available based on which report card type was initialized and the Portal Options grade window.

Standards Based by Teacher - selecting a teacher

Flex Scheduling, Section Staff and Primary Class Tracking schools will have a Teacher dropdown and Section dropdown.

Teacher Portal Input  

Navigate to School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options

In order for teachers to input Standards Based or Progress marks the administrator needs to populate the Open SBG Grading Windows dates in Portal Options. These dates control when teachers have access to Standards Based Grades. 

The M1 - M4 Progress grade windows can remain empty if the school is not providing Standards Based Progress Report Cards.

Portal Options - Grades tab

Aeries Security also needs to be granted for Standards Based Grades for the Portal Group of Teachers. Please see the Standards Based Grade Tables and Security article for more information on permissions needed by teachers to enter/update grades. 

The following page will display to teachers when logged into the Teacher Portal. The Standards Based Grades and Progress radio buttons can be used to display either the Standards Based standards or the Progress Report standards. The mark dropdowns are available based on which report card type was initialized and the Portal Options grade window. In the below example the Progress standards, Term 3 was initialized and the Portal Options M3 Progress Grades window is open. The teacher is able to enter the Progress M3 marks.

Teacher Portal - Standards Based Grades page - M3 Progress is initialized

When the teacher clicks on the Standards Based Grades radio button she can view the prior Standards Based Grades for the student, but cannot edit this information because the Portal Options Grade Window is not open for this report card type and terms.

Teacher Portal - Standards Based Grades page - M3 Progress is initialized, viewing prior term Standards Based Grades

Standards that are the Free Text mark type will display as an open box with no dropdown. Teachers will be able to enter up to 5 characters into the mark field. The Free Text data is not validated.

Standards Based Grades - Free Text mark type

When the option to Use Advanced Comment Formatting is selected in the General Options tab, the standards that are the Comments mark type will be updated in a web-based text editor.

Standards Based Grades - Comments mark type

Teachers can also import the Gradebook grades into the Standards Based Report Cards. The Grade Reporting - Load from Gradebook article goes into greater detail on how to do this.

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards

The Standards Based Missing Mark Listing report will print a detailed listing of all students that do not contain a mark for all categories or standards. To exclude standards from this report enter an in the Count on Missing Mark Report? field on the Standards form.

Standards - Count on Missing Mark Report  option

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Reports > Standards Based Missing Mark Listing

To run this report, click on Reports under Standards Based Grades in the navigation. Then click on the Standards Based Missing Mark Listing. The following selection box will display. Select the options for the report and click on the Run Report button.

Standards Based Grades - Missing Mark Listing options

The following is an example of the Print Standards Based Missing Mark Report. The check marks below the M1, M2, M3 and M4 columns are for the marking periods that are missing a mark. Typically the report is run for only the current marking period which helps evaluate standards that are set to only be part of one marking period. 

Standards Based Grades - Missing Mark Listing report

Teachers have an option to View Missing Marks on the Standards Based Grades page. When they select this button a new page will come up which lists all of their students with only the standards that do not have a mark entered. This is very helpful for the teachers when determining if any grades are missing. They can then enter the grades directly on this new page.

Teacher Portal - Standards Based Grades page - View Missing Marks button

Update Attendance Totals  

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Functions > Update SBG Attendance Totals

If the Attendance options are selected in the Standards Based Options, the Update SBG Attendance Totals function MUST be run to calculate the attendance totals prior to generating the report cards.

Select the Type of Report Card, Term to Update, modify the Start Date and End Date if necessary, and click on the Update SBG Attendance Totals button. When complete an email notification will be sent and the updated attendance totals will print on the report cards.

NOTE:  If more than one mark will print on the report card each Term MUST be updated.