Report Options

Group By Section

Group By Primary Teacher

Group By Course

Report Example


Navigate to Reports > Enrollment by Class and Grade. If the school is not setup as a flex school in the School Options page and does not have the "Use Flex Scheduling for Next Year" enabled in scheduling setup, the report will not display in the NAV.

The Enrollment by Class and Grade report is available only in flex schools or where scheduling setup is set for "Use Flex Scheduling for Next Year". This report is designed to give a summary breakdown of students enrolled in sections from MST and SMS tables. The columns will be broken down by grade levels, then gender with a total tally for each column. The report can be filtered for up to 10 grade levels with sort options that include grouping by Section, Primary Teacher or Course. The Section grouping can be sorted by Department and Course or Teacher and Period. This report has filters for various areas related to scheduling tables. This report honors KEEP and SKIP query statements.

Report Options  

The MST and SMS options will display if the school is set for Flexible type in the School Options page (OPT). If the school options page does not have flex scheduling enabled but the Scheduling Setup page is set to "Use Flex Scheduling for Next Year", these toggles will be disabled and only the SMS will be auto-selected. 

Individual Grade levels can be selected by checking or unchecking each grade box. A maximum of 10 grade levels can be selected and printed on the report at one time.

There are 3 grouping options, by section, Primary Teacher or by Course. All sections will display on the report that have students enrolled in the section and will only be listed for the Primary Teacher of the section. Non primary teachers will not display on the report. Also, if there are no (SSE/SSM) Staff assigned to a section that has students enrolled in the section, the section will print on the report with "Unassigned" for the Staff Name.

Group By Section  

When grouping by section, an option to Sort by Department and Course or Sort by Teacher and Period are available. Using the Group by Section option will display the section number, course title, flex period and staff member assigned according to Section Staff (SSE/SSM).

Group By Primary Teacher  

Group by Primary Teacher will list all classes by Primary Teachers and will list the staff name according to the section staff area in MST/SMS. No additional sorting options are available for this group.

Group By Course  

Group by Course will list all classes grouped by Course titles and will display the course title of the section.

The section filter area has a variety of options for selecting sections to print on the report. Two additional options are available when using filters to select the data for the report: Sections w/ Students will limit the section selection area to only display sections that have students enrolled in the class. Only Primary Classes will limit the section selection area to only classes that are identified as Primary Classes if the option has been enabled. For more information on this setting, see Tracking Primary Classes.

Report Example  

An example of the Enrollment by Class and Grade report is shown below where Group by Section and Sort by Teacher and Period are selected.

*  An asterisk in a column will indicate the tally includes non-binary gender student(s).