Navigate to School Info > Imports and Exports > Import Test Results

Select the i-Ready Diagnostic Results - SY:2020/21 - 2023/24 file layout to import the i-Ready assessment results.

Import Test Results - i-Ready Diagnostic Results file layout selection

When the i-Ready Diagnostic Results file layout is selected, the system will add/update the appropriate codes for the test areas and parts into the Testing Control (CTL) and Content Standards (CSN) tables. Since there are a variety of test parts Aeries is defining all of them. We do not recommend that districts create their own codes for the i-Ready assessments.

The Import Test Results page has been programmed to import only the Diagnostic Results layout. This is a single comma separated file (.csv) for English results and a single file for Math results. The data files contain student demographic information and the assessment results. Each i-Ready data file should be imported separately. For information on how to create the i-Ready Diagnostic Results export files please see Downloading i-Ready Results.

Select the file and click on Open. Then continue to load and match the records.

Import Test Results - Select File to Load

NOTE:  iReady Reading and Math data files should be imported separately. Do not import both files at the same time.

The Default Date for the i-Ready Diagnostic Results is the oldest date in the data file. The Testing Administration for the test results is YYMM where YY is the year and MM is the month of the student's test Start Date in the data file. The Default Date and default Testing Administration will be used for any records that do not have a test Start Date in the data file. NOTE: We do not recommend updating the Default Date or Testing Administration, especially when import test records from prior administrations.

Import Test Results - Default Date and Testing Administration

The Student ID is the primary identification in the i-Ready Diagnostic Results data file, but the Student Name is also available. Please note that the i-Ready Diagnostic Results data file does not include Student Birth Date, so the options that include Birth Date should not be selected. 

Import Test Results - Match Options

The Edit button to the left of the test record can be used to manually match test records to students that may not have been matched during the match process or that may have been matched to an incorrect student. Please see the  Import Test Results article for detailed instructions on how to do this.

Click on the Print Unmatched Students button to print a report listing any students that were not able to be matched.

Import Test Results - Print Unmatched Students Report

After the import process has completed an email with summary information will be sent to the user that initiated the import.

Import Test Results - Completion Email

The i-Ready Diagnostic Results data file is a cumulative data file. During the course of the year each download from the vendor will include the entire year of data. The Import Test Results process will only import the most recent test scores which are flagged with a Y in the Most Recent Diagnostic YTD column of the data file. The import process will add/update records to the Test Scores (TST) and Content Standard Scores (CST) tables.

The Test Scores (TST) page includes the overall performance information for the assessment.

Test Scores - i-Ready data example

The Content Standards Scores (CST) page includes the Domain Scale Score and Domain Placement for the assessment.

Content Standards Scores - i-Ready data example

Below is a chart of where the i-Ready Diagnostic Results scores are stored in the Test Scores (TST) and Content Standards Scores (CST) table.

i-Ready Score FieldAeries FieldTest Details IdentifierNotes
Most Recent Diagnostic YTD (Y/N)N/A
Only records with a 'Y' in this field will be processed.
Start DateDate Taken (TST.TD), (CST.TD)
Test Admin (TST.TA), (CST.TA)

Test Details - Test Date and Testing AdminThe Start Date is used to determine the Testing Administration (YYMM) of the record
Overall Scale ScoreScale Score (TST.SS)Test Details - Overall Scale Score
Overall Relative PlacementPerformance Level (TST.PL)Test Details - Overall Relative Placement

A codified value for the Overall Relative Placement field:

TST.PL = 1 - Mid or Above Grade Level
TST.PL = 2 - Early On Grade Level
TST.PL = 3 - 1 Grade Level Below
TST.PL = 4 - 2 Grade Levels Below
TST.PL = 5 - 3 or More Grade Levels Below

Lexile MeasureLexile (TST.LX)Test Details - LexileA negative number in TST.LX indicates a BR level.
Quantile MeasureQuantile (TST.QT)Test Details - Quantile
A negative number in TST.QT indicates an EM level.
Domain PartPart (CST.PT)Test Details - Domain PartsThe i-Ready ELA assessment includes 7 domain column sets and the i-Ready Math assessment includes 4 domain column sets. Each domain has a test part in the Content Standards (CST) table:


CST.PT = 1 - Phonological Awareness
CST.PT = 2 - Phonics
CST.PT = 3 - High-Frequency Words
CST.PT = 4 - Vocabulary
CST.PT = 5 - Comprehension: Literature
CST.PT = 6 - Comprehension: Informational Text
CST.PT = 7 - Comprehension: Overall  (NOTE: New part as of 2023-24 data file layouts)


CST.PT = 1 - Number and Operations
CST.PT = 2 - Algebra and Algebraic Thinking
CST.PT = 3 - Measurement and Data
CST.PT = 4 - Geometry

Domain Scale Score Scale Score (CST.SS)Test Details - Domain Scale Score
Domain PlacementPlacement (CST.PL)Test Details - No scale score exampleCST.PL is a text field that contains the value of the Domain Placement.
The Domain Placement will be displayed on the Test Details page in place of the Domain Scale Score when the Scale Score is 0.
Domain Relative PlacementRelative Placement (CST.RPL)Test Details - Domain Relative Placement

A codified value for the Domain Relative Placement field:

TST.PL = 1 - Mid or Above Grade Level
TST.PL = 2 - Early On Grade Level
TST.PL = 3 - 1 Grade Level Below
TST.PL = 4 - 2 Grade Levels Below
TST.PL = 5 - 3 or More Grade Levels Below