Select and Load

Match Students

Update Test Tables

Navigate to School Info > Imports and Exports > Import Test Results

The Only Show Current Layouts option limits the list of file layouts to only the most recent one for each assessment.

Uncheck the (Only Show Current Layouts) option to display test layouts from previous years.

Test results can be imported while logged into either district or school. When logged into a school, however, only test records with students in the school the user is logged into will be matched and updated. A message explaining this will display under the Match Students button.

Import Test Results - Match Students message at school level

Select and Load  

On the Import Test Results page select the file layout for the test data that will be imported. When deciding which year file layout to use, select the file layout that was in effect when the data was downloaded. For example, if CAASPP Interim Assessment test results for 2018/19 were downloaded in 5/2020, then the CAASPP Interim Assessment 2019/20 - 2022/23 file layout would be used to import the data because the file was downloaded using the 2019/20 file format.

After the file layout has been selected, click on the Select File(s) to Load button to select the test data file(s). Navigate to the test results file(s), select one or more files and click on the Open button.

Import Test Results - Select Files to Load

NOTE: Most test results will only have one data file, but if there are multiple data files available (as in the case of the 2015-16 CAASPP Interim Assessment files) the Shift key, CTRL key or CTRL-A keyboard command can be used to select many or all files. When loading multiple files, they all need to be selected at the same time.

The files will display under the Select File(s) to Load button.

Import Test Results - Upload files to Temp Data

Click on the Upload file(s) and create temp data button to load the test scores into temporary storage.

Once the data is loaded a list of the students in the test results file will display under Review Loaded Records. For most tests the test Default Date and Testing Administration will also be populated with the earliest non-blank date and testing administration in the test results data file. The Default Date and Testing Administration will be used to populate the testing date and testing administration for test data records that have blanks in these fields. NOTE: We do not recommend updating the Default Date or Testing Administration, especially when importing test records from prior administrations.

The Source and Type fields can be used to further identify how the test records were entered into the system. The Source field has several default values (Local Administration, Records Transfer, Testing Vendor, and Unspecified). Additional values can be added to the Source field dropdown and to the Type dropdown in the Update Code Table (COD) page by filtering for the TST table and SRC or TY fields and entering the desired codes.

NOTE: The Source and Type fields are optional.

Import Test Results - Default Date, Testing Administration, Source, Type options

Temporary Data-Texas

The Clear Temp Data button can be used to reset the Import Test Results page. The test results that were loaded will be deleted from temporary storage and all settings will return back to default.

Users can leave the Import Test Results page for another page in Aeries and return to the Import Test Results page without losing the imported records in temporary storage as long as they remain in the same session (i.e., they do not log out of Aeries). Once the user logs out of Aeries, the test results in the temporary table will be deleted.

The test records that were loaded into the temporary table are displayed under Review Loaded Records. The records are displayed 12 at a time. The student information under the Data From File area comes directly from the student results data file. The Student ID under the Aeries Matched Field column is the Student ID in Aeries that is matched to the test result data.  A summary of the number of records Loaded, Matched and Unmatched is under the list of students. The View Matched Students and View Unmatched Students radio buttons can be used to limit the display of records. Clicking on a Letter button can also be used to limit the display of test records to those where the Last Name begins with that letter.

Import Test Results - Review Loaded Records

The less than, greater than, and page number can be used to display the remainder of the test records loaded into temporary storage.

Match Students  

After the test results are loaded into temporary storage they must be matched to the students. Click on the Match Students button to display the match options.

Import Test Results - Match Students

Test records can be matched to students in the Aeries system using a variety of identifiers (State ID, Student ID, or Name and Birth Date). It is important to know what data is available in the test results file so that the best matching options are selected. For example, the CAASPP Interim Assessment test results do not include the students’ Student ID or Birth Date, so these would not be good Match Options to select.

Import Test Results - Match Options - California

Test records can be matched to students in the Aeries system using a variety of identifiers (Unique ID, Student ID, or Name and Birth Date). It is important to know what data is available in the test results file so that the best matching options are selected. For example, the SAT test results do not include the students’ Unique ID or Birth Date, so these would not be good Match Options to select.

Import Test Results - Match Options - Texas

Options are also available to Verify Birth Date and Verify Name as additional checks to ensure that the test records are matched to the correct student. In the above example the records from the test results will be matched to students in Aeries by the State ID. Once a match on State ID is found the student name in the test record will be checked against the student name in the system as a secondary check to ensure that the test records are matched to the correct student.

Some test results may allow for several methods of matching test records to students. Click in the box to the left of the match option to select additional options. The order that the match options are evaluated can be changed by clicking in the up-down arrow box and dragging the option to the appropriate level. In the below example the Last Name, First Name, Birth Date match option was moved to the top of the list. The test records will be matched against the students in Aeries first by name and birthdate, then the match process will attempt to match the remaining records by State ID.

Import Test Results - Reorder Match Options

Click on the Start Match button to match the test records to the students in Aeries.

Once the match process has completed the list of records will be refreshed with the Student ID that the test record was matched to. Any unmatched records will display a zero (0) in this field. The Matched Records and Unmatched Records counts will also be updated as well as a summary of the number of records and % matched next to the Match Students button.

Import Test Results - Match Results

The Edit button to the left of the test record can be used to manually match test records to students that may not have been matched during the match process or that may have been matched to an incorrect student.

Import Test Results - Edit button

To manually match a test record to a student, click on the Edit icon for the test record. Click on the Search icon to the right of the Student ID. Enter either the student’s last name, first name, student ID, or state ID. Click on Enter or the Search button. A list of students will display. Click on the student record that will be matched to the test record. Click on the Close button.

Import Test Results - Search Button

Click on the Save icon to save the changes.

Import Test Results - Save button

An enhancement has been made to the manual match in the case when the student's Student ID is already known. In this case, click on the Edit icon to update the test record, and then type or paste the Student ID directly into the ID field. Click on the Save icon to save the changes.

Import Test Results - Paste ID to match

The Print Unmatched Students button will run a report which lists the unmatched students along with some identifying information. The CDS code or the school name will be included on the report when it is available. The information on the report comes from the data file.

Import Test Results Unmatched Students Report

NOTE: When importing test records at the school level, the matching process will only match students that have records in the school that the user is logged into.

Update Test Tables  

After all test records have been matched click on the Update Test Tables button to import the test records into Aeries.

An email will be sent after the import has completed. It will list the number of records that were added, updated and deleted, and the table(s) that received the records. If any of the records in the data file have invalid test names they will be listed in the email. These records will need to be corrected and re-imported into Aeries. At the end of the email is a list of the file name(s) that were imported.

Import Test Results - Completion Email