Navigate to School Info > Imports and Exports > Import Test Results

The Import Test Results page includes the file layout for the NWEA MAP assessment results. 

Select the NWEA MAP - ComboStudentAssessment file layout to import the NWEA MAP assessment results. When deciding which year file layout to use, first select the file layout that was in effect when the data was downloaded. If the data does not import using that file layout, then try using the file layout for the year the assessment was administered. 

Import Test Results - Select file layout

The Import Test Results page has been programmed to import only the ComboStudentAssessment layout. This is a single comma separated file (.csv) that includes both the student demographic information and the assessment results.

Select the file and click on Open. Then continue to load and match the records. 

Import Test Results - Select the data file

The Default Date for the NWEA MAP Results is the oldest date in the data file. The Testing Administration for the Test Results is YYMM where YY is the year and MM is the month of the student's Test Start Date in the data file. The Default Date and default Testing Administration will be used for any records that do not have a Test Start Date in the data file. NOTE: We do not recommend updating the Default Date or Testing Administration, especially when import test records from prior administrations.

Import Test Results - Default Date and Testing Administration

The Student ID is the primary identification in the NWEA MAP Combo Student Assessment data files, but the State ID may also be available. Either of these fields should be the first method used for matching students. The student's name and date of birth are also in the file and can also be used as additional matching criteria.

Import Test Results - Match Options

The Edit button to the left of the test record can be used to manually match test records to students that may not have been matched during the match process or that may have been matched to an incorrect student. Please see the Import Test Results article for detailed instruction on how to do this.

Import Test Results - Manually matching a student 

Click on the Print Unmatched Students button to print a report listing any students that were not able to be matched.

Import Test Results - Unmatched Students Report

The NWEA MAP import will add/update records to the Testing (TST) and Content Standards (CST) tables.

After the import process has completed an email with summary information will be sent to the user that initiated the import. 

Import Test Results - Completion Email

The NWEA MAP test results can be viewed in the Test Details page or in the Test Scores and Content Standards Scores pages. 

The Test Details page displays the NWEA MAP results in a card format by Testing Administration. The subject area, test date, Overall RIT Score, Percent Correct and Percentile are stored in the Testing (TST) records in Aeries.  The Goals RIT scores are stored in the Content Standards (CST) records in Aeries. The Reading assessment may also include a Lexile® level which displays on the Reading card and is also stored in the Testing (TST) records.

Test Details - NWEA Map Test example

The Test Scores (TST) page includes the overall performance information for the assessment.  

Test Scores - NWEA Map scores example

Below is a chart of where the NWEA MAP scores are stored in the Testing (TST) table and how they are identified in the Test Details page:

NWEA MAP Score FieldAeries TST fieldTest Details Identifier
TestRITScoreScale Score  (TST.SS)Overall RIT Score
TestPercentilePercentile (TST.PC)Percentile
PercentCorrectPercent (TST.PR)% Correct
LexileScoreOther (TST.OT)Lexile® measure

Negative values in the Other (TST.OT)  field will display as a BR Lexile® measure on the Test Details page:

Test Scores - Other field contains NWEA Map Lexile

Test Details - NWEA Map Lexile

The Content Standards Scores (CST) page includes the Goal RIT scores for the assessment. The GoalRitScore for each NWEA MAP goal is stored in the Content Standards Score (CST.RS) field.

NOTE: Goal RIT scores are saved for Growth tests, but not for Screening tests.

Content Standards Scores - NWEA Map example

NWEA MAP Test Parts

The NWEA MAP test areas and goals are defined in the Testing Control Table (CTL) and Content Standard Names (CSN) tables. Selecting either of the NWEA Map file layouts in the dropdown on the Import Test Results page will add/update the appropriate codes into each table. Since there are a variety of NWEA test types, measurement scales and goals, Aeries is defining all of the codified values for the NWEA MAP test parts. We do not recommend that districts create their own codes for the NWEA MAP assessments.

NOTE:  Aeries has defined all of the codified values for the NWEA MAP test parts. We do not recommend that districts create their own codes for the NWEA MAP assessments.