Does a District need to obtain SSIDs for Pre-Kindergarten Students (Infants 0-35 months, Preschoolers 36 months to 5 years old ) or Private School Students who are pending a Special Education assessment?  

When should Enrollment Status Code of 50 Non-ADA Enrollment be used?  


Beginning with the 2019–20 Fall 1 submission, districts will be able to submit enrollments using a new Student Program (STU.SP) Enrollment Status Code of 50 Non-ADA Enrollment. This enrollment status code is specifically for use when reporting enrollments for students who are required to be tracked for state reporting, but for whom the district receives no apportionment. 

The following are examples of the use of this enrollment status:

  • Infant (0-35 months) students receiving services on an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
  • Students with disabilities enrolled in private schools (not nonpublic nonsectarian certified schools) on Individualized Service Plans (ISP).
  • Students who are paying tuition to attend a California public school, e.g., foreign exchange students or students whose primary residence is in Mexico.

Enrollment Status Code 50 Non-ADA Enrollment should not be used for students in Transitional Kindergarten programs who are not yet five years old.

NOTE:  If student has a non-ADA Enrollment Status Code (50), Student Exit Reason must be null, E170 (NonPrimaryEnrlExit), N470 (No Show), or E150 (Mid-year update). Only mid-year updates are automatically populated in SENR when 440 program change is used.

For more information, see CALPADS Flash #161

How do you Skip Pre-Enrolled student records in CALPADS Extracts?  


When creating CALPADS extracts, districts have the option to skip pre-enrolled students from being included in any extracts. This does not affect the SSID request process.  

If the checkbox is selected for * - Pre-Enrolled for next year (STU.TG = *) in the STU.TG values to skip column, all pre-enrolled students will be excluded from CALPADS extracts.  

If the option is not selected, pre-enrolled students will still be excluded unless they have ENR records for the current school year. If pre-enrolled students have enrollment records, the enrollment records will be included in the extract.

Navigate to CALPADS Extracts > Other Options > STU.TG values to skip, then select the * - Pre-Enrolled for next year check box. Click Save button at the bottom of the page.

What student Grade Levels need to be translated on the Code Value Translations tab located in CALPADS Extracts?  

The extract from Aeries will automatically translate Grade Level 0 to KN.  It will also add the leading zero for Grade Levels 1 through 9.  

The Code Value Translations tab located in CALPADS Extracts needs to be updated for: 

  • Transitional Kindergarten (-1 = KN) for 2022-2023 school year
  • Transitional Kindergarten (-1 = TK) beginning in 2023-24
  • Preschool
  • Grade Levels higher than 13  

Never use Grade Level (STU.GR) 13 in Aeries.

Which exit code should be used when exiting a student from a Secondary/Concurrent Enrollment (Enrollment Status = 20)?  

Choose any code that is preferred when withdrawing a secondary enrollment within Aeries.  For example, if you want to track within the record that the student transferred to another California school, choose the T160 exit code.  Aeries will convert the code to E170, as required by CALPADS, when the record is submitted.

CALPADS Exit E170 Code (Secondary Enrollment Exit) Information:  

The E170 exit code will be automatically populated for all Secondary Enrollment students with exit codes. Any exit code populated in the ATT- Attendance or ENR – Enrollment tables will be converted to the E170 in the SENR extract for students who have an Enrollment Status of (20) Secondary Enrollment or (50) non-ADA Enrollment. The E170 code will not be populated in the ATT or ENR table, only in the SENR extract. The E170 will not be automatically populated for any other enrollment status codes.

NOTE: The Secondary Enrollment code must be translated in the CALPADS Extracts file as 20-Secondary Enrollment.

What do I need to do for SENR updates during Extended CAASPP/ELPAC Testing?  

Due to COVID, schools have the opportunity to expand their testing window until the end of July 2021, for administering both the CAASPP SBAC test and the ELPAC tests via the TOMS system. However than poses some challenges in managing student enrollments, since CALPADS sends a nightly enrollment update to TOMS. On June 30th, TOMS will suspend the nightly sync between the systems, however until then it is important that student enrollment records remain OPEN in CALPADS until June 30th. Please see this article for more information: Extended CAASPP/ELPAC Testing for 20-21 

What do I need to do when enrolling brand-new students within the last two weeks of school in order to test them for IELPAC or CAASPP?  

If you are enrolling students who are new to your district within the last two weeks of school, be sure to DISABLE the option to Auto-close Enrollment (E155 & E156) 14 Days Before the End of the School Year located on CALPADS Extracts > Other Options. This option is on by default, and unchecking the option will suppress the E155 exit code & Enrollment End Dates from being included in the SENR file to obtain SSID Identifiers.